Funding Imbalances: How uneven prioritisation and insufficient funding affect humanitarian aid - VOICE key highlights
This article summarises the key highlights from the event "Funding Imbalances: How uneven prioritisation and insufficient funding affect humanitarian aid" organised by VOICE on 21 June 2022. -
COP27: wins and losses from VOICE members’ perspective
This article highlights VOICE's main takeaways from the recent COP27 hosted by Egypt. -
Humanitarian principles under threat? The Brussels launch of the State of the Humanitarian System Report 2022 and VOICE 30 years’ anniversary
VOICE, in collaboration with ALNAP, hosted the Brussels launch of the ALNAP State of The Humanitarian System (SOHS) report 2022 on 17 November with the aim of triggering reflections on the current situation of the humanitarian system. -
When War Comes Home - Photo Exhibition - People in Need Czech Republic
This photo exhibition aims to bring the stories of Ukrainian people and describe how their lives have changed since Russia invaded their homes, and highlight that these are real people with their own faces, and families, who could be any of us or our relatives and friends here. -
Moving forward the localisation agenda of EU humanitarian aid
In March 2021, the EC Communication on Humanitarian Action, a major EU policy document for the sector, announced that DG ECHO commits to provide greater support to local humanitarian actors. -
Increase the humanitarian aid budget line: our advocacy at EU level continues
VOICE Messages on the EU Budget 2023 procedure: Increase the humanitarian aid budget line to € 2.5 billion to meaningfully address the unprecedented level of humanitarian needs worldwide, aggravated by the 2022 Ukraine conflict and its global economic repercussions, notably in terms of food insecurity worldwide.
Ensure funds from the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) are additional to the current humanitarian aid budget line and can be mobilised for humanitarian crises outside the EU throughout the whole financial year. -
New humanitarian trends and challenges in delivering humanitarian aid in light of the conflict in Ukraine: Round table in Prague
With the aim of triggering reflections on the global and regional humanitarian context in the EU and worldwide from the perspective of donors and NGOs, VOICE and FoRS, the Czech national platform of humanitarian and development CSOs jointly organised a round table in Prague on 8 September during the Czech Presidency of the EU Council. -
World Humanitarian Day- Honours the Humanitarians #Ittakesavillage
For this World Humanitarian Day 2022, the UN and its partners’ intent is to show the importance, effectiveness, and positive impact of humanitarian work. -
VOICE & DG ECHO survey on the European Humanitarian Forum 2023 : Share your perspective!
The next European Humanitarian Forum will (most likely) take place on 20-21 March 2023. Ahead of the event, and to foster a collective reflection around the Forum's agenda, VOICE is running a survey to gather humanitarian NGO's perspective around the Forum's priority themes.
Deadline to participate: 26 August 2022.
DG ECHO’s consultation on Localisation is out!
On 29 June, DG ECHO launched its long-awaited consultation on localisation. -
VOICE Policy resolution: An Urgent call to protect principled humanitarian aid
VOICE Policy resolution calls on the EU and its Member States to consistently uphold principled humanitarian aid worldwide -
VOICE event on funding imbalances in humanitarian aid
The VOICE event aimed to shed a light on insufficient funding for humanitarian crises, on the reasons why some crises attract higher levels of funding and if media coverage plays a role in these unbalances. -
VOICE General Assembly 2022: Highlights of the day
On 22 June VOICE held its annual General Assembly (GA) in person after two years of virtual meetings. -
VOICE out loud 33: Enabling Principled Humanitarian aid
This edition of the VOL considers the challenges humanitarian workers face in the delivery of humanitarian aid and how they seek to overcome them! -
Humanitarian Partnership Updates
At the beginning of this year, the VOICE Secretariat launched the Humanitarian Partnership (HP) Watch Group renewal process (former FPA Watch Group) -
The First European Humanitarian Forum – VOICE’s reflections
A summary of the network work during the European Humanitarian Forum 2022 -
Climate resilience: We need to act now!
To raise awareness on the need for the European Union (EU) and its Member States (MS) to step up efforts to address the climate crisis and its effects, VOICE launched a Position Paper outlining the key role of humanitarian NGOs in addressing climate change and environmental degradation and setting clear recommendations for the EU and its MS on how to enhance climate resilience. -
More funds to communities in need: Increased Humanitarian aid budget line in the EU annual budget 2023
As the EU Budget 2023 procedure is accelerating, with the European Commission about to share the Draft Budget for next year, VOICE is working in collaboration with its members and other like-minded organisations to bring forward the following asks. -
Caritas Europa's Webinar on Europe's response to refugees from Ukraine
Caritas Europa to host a webinar on "Europe’s response to refugees from Ukraine" on 23 June at 14:00. -
VOICE Director, Maria Groenewald, interviewed by Défis Humanitaires
Maria Groenewald was interviewed by Défis Humanitaires on several topics such as the European Humanitarian Forum, Humanitarian principles and International Humanitarian Law. -
VOICE out loud 32- Finland and the Humanitarian - Development- Peace- Nexus
A summary of the Finn Church Aid article featured on the VOICE out 32- Finland and the Humanitarian - Development - Peace - Nexus -
VOICE Annual Report 2021
The network's achievements and activities in 2021 -
VOICE Reflections on the European Humanitarian Forum 2022
While the European Humanitarian Forum was a great starting point to accelerate policy discussions at a European level about humanitarian aid, VOICE would like to recommend future forums to further identify commitments by the different stakeholders. -
VOICE out loud 32- Working in the Triple Nexus- A Reflection from Sweden
A summary of the article, Working in the Triple Nexus- A Reflection from Sweden featured on the VOICE out loud 32 "The EU Member States' implementation of the humanitarian -development -peace nexus". -
Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis: VOICE Members' response
VOICE Members are working to assist the most vulnerable affected by the Ukrainian crisis. Find here a collection of publications, statements, news from our members. -
VOICE Statement ahead of the European Humanitarian Forum
VOICE statement calls on the EU and MS to use the Forum to discuss the pressing humanitarian needs and identify solutions -
European Humanitarian Forum: Updated Program
EHF updated program. -
VOICE out loud 32- Coordinated, multi- annual, flexible, and programmatic funding : A Perspective from Germany
A summary of the The Malteser International article featured on the VOICE out loud 32 "The EU Member States’ implementation of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus”. -
VOICE Out loud 32- The Danish Approach to Nexus
Danish Refugee Council and DanChurchAid analyse the different elements of the Nexus and how they are taken into account by the Danish MFA and Danish NGOs. -
VOICE out loud 32- Operationalisation of the triple nexus: the Italian initiative
A summary of the We World article featured on the VOICE out loud 32 "The EU Member States’ implementation of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus”. -
Call for interest: The HP Watch Group renewal process has been launched!
The composition of the Humanitarian Partnership Watch Group (HP WG), an important DG ECHO-NGOs interface, is going to be renewed in 2022. All DG ECHO NGO partners are invited to express their interest in joining the group by 8 March 2022. -
The VOICE out loud number 32 is out!
The new VOICE out loud is out. This issue explores how VOICE members and EU Member States are interpreting the triple nexus -
European Humanitarian Forum POSTPONED
The European Humanitarian Forum has been postponed to a later date in 2022. -
Research on Increasing Transparency on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the Aid Sector
CHS Alliance and the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response report on Increasing transparency on sexual Exploitation and abuse in the Aid Sector. The Importance of a Harmonized Approach to SEA Data Collection and Reporting. -
The Women Peace and Security Index: A new lens on forced displacement
A new briefing from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Georgetown University’s Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS) -
Registration for the European Humanitarian Forum is open!
Registration for the European Humanitarian Forum is open until January 14th. -
DG ECHO’s certified partners: Periodic Assessment launched!
The administrative part of the periodic assessment will be open from 1 December 2021 to 31 December 2021. -
Famine action letter
With 45 million people on the brink of famine, 20 NGOs from around the world are calling on world leaders to take urgent action. -
EHF Preparatory Webinar on Climate: Registration open!
The European Humanitarian Forum’s Preparatory Webinar on Climate is open for registrations! -
Concern Nutrition for Growth Summit side-event (webinar)
Concern to host a webinar on Health Systems Strengthening, Nutrition, and Quality Funding as a side-event at the Nutrition for Growth Summit. -
VOICE has a new Director: Maria Groenewald
VOICE new Director -
WeWorld - Invitation to the #ClimateOfChange event
WeWorld event will stage a dramatic representation of the climate crises taking place in different corners of the world, posing as whole populations brought to their knees by floods, melting Arctic permafrost, desertification and fires. -
New webpage - Climate crisis, VOICE members in action
The page offers a selection of publications issued by VOICE members on the interactions between climate change and humanitarian action. Dive in! -
EU Public Consultation - Review of the Blocking Statute: Any impact on humanitarian aid?
The Commission launched a public consultation which will be running until 4 November to collect different type of stakeholders' perspective on the reform of the Blocking Statute. NGOs are thus invited to share their views on it and on the effects of extra-territorial sanctions on their humanitarian activities through a questionnaire. -
ALNAP Survey ahead of the “State of the Humanitarian System” study
ALNAP is collecting humanitarian practitioners’ views and experiences to feed its landmark study “the State of the Humanitarian System” 5th edition. The survey is open until October and is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. -
UNHCR Regional Consultations with NGOs in Europe
The UNHCR Regional Bureau for Europe is organising the 2021 Regional Consultations with non-governmental organisations (NGOs). -
NEW Quick Guide: Towards Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action
The Quick Guide: Towards Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action, summarises existing international standards for inclusion and focuses specifically on the practical tools that help programme coordinators put disability inclusion into practice. -
European Humanitarian Forum (24 - 26 January 2022): Save the date
The European Humanitarian Forum (EHF), foreseen by the EC Communication on Humanitarian Action, will take place from 24 to 26 January 2022, in Brussels. -
VOICE on the current situation in Afghanistan
VOICE stands in solidarity with the people in the country, especially women and girls, and demands that the delivery of principled humanitarian aid should continue unhampered and access to all communities in need should be maintained.
World Humanitarian Day: Join #TheHumanRace to fight the climate crisis
World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is celebrated every year on 19 August to honour the life-saving role aid workers have in supporting crisis affected people and to shed a light on the humanitarian crisis all over the world. This year the campaign will focus on the climate crisis and on the disruption it creates on the most vulnerable