VOICE Out loud 32- The Danish Approach to Nexus

Does the Danish Model to operationalise the Nexus offers a unique approach? Danish Refugee Council and DanChurchAid try to reply to this question analysing the different elements of the Nexus and how they are taken into account by the Danish MFA and Danish NGOs.
The article underlines the importance of strengthening local leadership and investing in quality funding as key facilitators of the HDP-nexus as underlined by the new Danish cooperation policy The World We Share.
However, according to the OECD DAC peer review, the Danish government’s nexus approach needs to better implement the peace component of the HDP nexus. Danish policy so far has been nearly exclusively on stabilisation, top-down and securitised approaches with the risk of blurring of lines between humanitarian aid and security policy.
Two case studies are presented in this article. The first one is on Sudan and the second case study is on Somalia.