NGOs joint statement on Yemen's hospital attack which killed 40 civilians including children
Joint statement condemns the major attacks that hit a fish market and the entrance to Yemen's largest hospital, Al Thawra, in Hodeidah on 2 August, which reportedly killed over 40 civilians, including children. -
VOICE 2017 Activity Report is out!
The 2017 VOICE Activity Report provides you with an overview of the network’s activities and achievements of the past year. -
MFF 2021-2027 and 2019 EU budget: VOICE Statement with key recommendations!
On May 2, the European Commission(EC) released its Proposal for a Regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 and Communication ‘A Modern Budget for a Union that Protects, Empowers and Defends’ with its annex, followed on June 14 by a set of proposed regulations for external instruments. On May 23, the EC also presented its proposal for the EU budget 2019. The next MFF will not only determine the role the EU can play as a leading humanitarian aid donor, but will also shape the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the aid that humanitarian partners are able to deliver.
In reaction to these proposals, the VOICE network shares the following remarks and recommendations with the EU Member States and the European Parliament. -
Dominic Crowley is the new president of VOICE!
Please find here a small bio of the new president of VOICE. -
VOICE welcomes two new members: La Chaîne de l'Espoir and Save the Children Norway!
Small presentation of VOICE new members, La Chaîne de l'Espoir and Save the Children Norway -
"” the new website to foster NGOs' engagement is now online!
The new website dedicated to the Grand Bargain is now online. Check the news to know more about the Grand Bargain or to share your initiative -
VOICE 2018 Policy Resolution on the nexus is out
VOICE General Assembly adopted the Policy resolution 2018 "Ensuring people’s needs are at the heart of the nexus approach: a humanitarian NGO perspective" -
Responding to Violence against Humanitarian Action on the Policy Level: download and share the toolkit
Focusing on the aftermath of serious incidents of violence against humanitarian action, this toolkit seeks to provide a range of options and guidance regarding sharing information, speaking out, and challenging impunity in response to attacks. -
What is the role of NGOs in Cash transfer programmes? Read VOICE event report
The report of the event organised by VOICE in the framework of the Grand Bargain Project. -
The impact of counterterrorism on principled humanitarian action. A month of discussion!
An expert on the topic, Emma O’Leary, Policy Adviser at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Geneva, will be available to reply to questions and dilemmas on the impact of counterterrorism on principled humanitarian action (PHA) on the Community of Practice on PHA. -
Financial innovation in humanitarian setting : How the humanitarian sector can be supported differently ?
The 2nd humanitarian innovation lunch focusing on Financial Innovation -
VOICE statement on individual misconduct in humanitarian response and collective learning
VOICE statement on individual misconduct in humanitarian response. -
The number of people in need is increasing, so should the EU long-term budget for humanitarian aid!
Our new position paper on the Multi Annual Financial Framework is out asking for more and predictable funding for humanitarian aid. -
Successful VOICE engagement on EC Financial Regulation revision
VOICE’s advocacy efforts on the negotiation of the EU Financial Regulation was successful with key achievements regarding simplification and compliance. -
Grand Bargain project website: Call for proposal
VOICE is launching a call for proposal for the development of a website on the Grand Bargain -
10 main achievements of the Consensus implementation from an NGO perspective.
VOICE President addressed the ECHO Partners' Conference 2017 - Read the speech
Speech delivered by the President of the VOICE network at the ECHO Partners' Conference - 1st December 2017 -
The role of the private sector in the humanitarian response. Complete the survey!
A survey to have a better overview of the [private sector role in the humanitarian response -
INGO Joint statement on closure of Yemen’s air, sea and land ports
Fifteen humanitarian agencies expressed their concern today over the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition’s decision to temporarily close all entry points to Yemen. -
The humanitarian-development nexus and the humanitarian principles: Complementary approaches?
VOICE with the support of Danish Church Aid organise an event on the humanitarian development nexus, its challenges and its opportunities. -
Ten years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: a point of reference in a challenging world
Event to celebrate the 10 years of the EU Humanitarian aid Consensus -
Update on VOICE Consortia workshop on 30 June 2017
Thanks to all the participants of the fruitful consortia workshop that took place in June.
The workshop provided space for NGOs to exchange their main concerns and good practices on working in Consortia under ECHO funding. -
World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is celebrated on August 19 to raise awareness for people affected by humanitarian crises and pay tribute to aid workers who are constantly striving and risking their lives to help them. -
EDD17- Grand Bargain event summary note
VOICE was present at the European Development Days 2017 with a session on the Grand Bargain with Action contre La Faim, Caritas Europa and World Vision.
The debate mainly focused on the Grand Bargain process and highlighted its potential for the humanitarian community.
Here you can find the summary note of the event -
Disaster Risk Reduction in EU Member States policies: the latest VOICE study
This study compares Disaster Risk Reduction policies and practices in humanitarian assitance and development cooperation between 8 member states; presenting recommendations for further developing their policy work. -
Moving forward with the agenda for humanity VOICE out loud n.25
This new edition of VOICE out loud celebrates our 25th birthday focusing on moving forward and implementing the Agenda for Humanity. With reflections from the field in Nepal and in Central African Republic and contribution from our members in Sweden, Spain, UK, Belgium, this edition continues to celebrate the diversity of our network and its members's field experience and expertise. -
Recommendations on partnership between NGOs, the EU and Member States
The 2017 VOICE General Assembly resolution focusses on partnership between NGOs, the EU institutions and Member States. -
Interview with VOICE President Nicolas Borsinger for the 60th anniversary of the EU Rome Treaties
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties founding the European Community, on March 25th, Italy held a ceremony with Heads of State and Government. Rai TV prepared a series of video clips with short interviews that were presented during the event. VOICE president Nicolas Borsinger was asked to present a civil society perspective on the role of the EU in humanitarian aid.
WHS, the Grand Bargain, Aleppo and Ukraine: what should the EU’s humanitarian priorities be in 2017?
On 7 March, 50 humanitarian actors from European and Nordic countries met in Stockholm to exchange on key priorities in follow-up to the World Humanitarian Summit, the Grand Bargain on Humanitarian financing and how those are reflected in operations. Read more here -
Raising concerns about the EU's new Resilience Communication
The VOICE network has been very active in trying to shape the development of a new EU resilience policy. The network’s expertise is being widely recognised. Read more here. -
Challenge to NGOs being financed from the EU Budget: VOICE at Workshop in the European Parliament
VOICE and other NGOs participated in a workshop in the European Parliament on a new report from the Parliament's Budget Control Committee that places NGOs' financing from the EU Budget under scrutiny. -
New VOICE Out Loud magazine: How humanitarian NGOs work with the private sector
The latest edition of the VOICE out loud magazine brings together NGOs' perspectives from working in partnership with the private sector. VOICE members Handicap International, Welthungerhilfe, HelpAge, Mercy Corps UK, Polish Humanitarian Action and Plan UK contributed to this edition, which also has an article by Civil Society Europe and an interview with Isabelle Brachet from Action Aid EU. -
VOICE event on donor counter-terrorism measures and principled humanitarian action
On 30 November 2016, VOICE hosted an event on donor counter-terrorism measures and principled humanitarian action in Brussels that was attended by over 100 participants from civil society and government, including EU institutions. -
VOICE co-hosts regional roundtable on working differently to end need
VOICE, together with Slovak NGO platform MVRO and the support of the Slovak Presidency and European Commission, hosted a regional roundtable in Bratislava on 14 November, on "working differently to end need". -
VOICE Director briefs EU member states on the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS)
On 29 September, VOICE Director Kathrin Schick was invited by the Slovak EU Presidency to brief the Council working group on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) meeting to brief member states (MS) on NGOs views on the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). -
VOICE advises Parliament Committee on implementation of the Sendai action plan
VOICE Programme Co-ordinator Magali Mourlon was invited to join a meeting of the Development Committee of the European Parliament to share views and recommendations on the implementation of the Sendai Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction. -
VOICE featured in news article on ECHO funding
VOICE Director Kathrin Schick was interviewed for an article by IRIN News on the impartiality of ECHO funding in light of the refugee crisis. -
VOICE input into European Parliament report on NGO financing from EU Budget
VOICE participated in a joint meeting between Elly Schlein MEP and NGOs. Ms Schlein is preparing the DEVE opinion for the Committee on Budgetary Control on the report Budgetary control of financing of NGOs from the EU budget. The NGOs took the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions to the opinion. -
World Humanitarian Summit follow-up: "We must all act now" joint statement and VOICE event
VOICE joins other NGO networks in a post-Summit call to action and holds event on follow-up to the World Humanitarian Summit. -
VOICE Out Loud 23: Humanitarian NGOs and the European 'refugee crisis'
VOICE (Voluntary Organisations In Cooperation in Emergencies) is proud to present to you the new VOICE out loud, volume 23: Humanitarian NGOs and the European refugee crisis. -
Humanitarian NGOs call for a better EU response to refugees and migrants: VOICE 2016 Policy Resolution
We are pleased to share with you the 2016 VOICE policy resolution, "Humanitarian NGOs call for a better EU response to refugees and migrants", as adopted by the General Assembly of VOICE members. -
VOICE welcomes three new members to the family
Following the 2016 General Assembly, VOICE is delighted to welcome three new organisations amongst its members: Lutheran World Federation, Polish Humanitarian Action and Terre des Hommes Switzerland. -
VOICE President's statement to World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul
On 23-24 May the World Humanitarian Summit took place in Istanbul. The VOICE President made a statement to the Plenary. -
Exchange with DG ECHO on VOICE study findings and recommendations
VOICE and ECHO held an exchange on the issue of simplification of the administrative burden for humanitarian NGOs. The discussion was guided by VOICE's main findings and recommendations from its study "Exploring EU humanitarian donors funding and conditions for working with NGOs". -
ICVA released its Final Report of the Less Paper More Aid initiative
VOICE is really pleased to share the Final Report of the Less Paper More Aid initiative led by ICVA. VOICE has been a member of the Task Force working on the study. The findings are closely linked to those of the VOICE Study on humanitarian donors funding and conditions on working with NGOs, and give further emphasis to our recommendation on harmonising proposal and reporting format. -
Priorities for the EU on the first anniversary of Sendai
VOICE DRR Working Group would like to share its policy recommendations to the EC's Staff Working Paper after the adoption of Sendai. -
New VOICE report on humanitarian donors' work with NGOs
VOICE presents its new report, "Exploring EU Humanitarian donors' funding and conditions for working with NGOs, Building evidence for Simplification".