More funds to communities in need: Increased Humanitarian aid budget line in the EU annual budget 2023

In 2022, 303 million people are expected to need humanitarian assistance and protection (GHO 2022). The number is likely to grow until the end of the year due to the conflict in Ukraine and its worldwide effects on food security. As the gap between the needs and the funds is dramatically growing, securing a robust EU budget for 2023 is one of the network’s main advocacy goals. As the EU Budget 2023 procedure is accelerating, with the European Commission about to share the Draft Budget for next year, VOICE is working in collaboration with its members and other like-minded organisations to bring forward the following asks.
VOICE advocacy messages for the EU Annual Budget 2023:
Significantly increase humanitarian aid budget line (HUMA), to meaningfully address the unprecedented level of humanitarian needs in light of the Ukrainian conflict and its global economic repercussions, notably in terms of food security worldwide.
Ensure predictability and continued commitment to people in need by guaranteeing that payment appropriations are at least at the same level than commitment appropriations.
Ensure funds from the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) can be mobilised for humanitarian crises outside the EU throughout the whole financial year.