Hungry for a better future: political willingness can change climate-induced hunger and malnutrition – Action Against Hunger Germany on the VOICE out loud 34

Climate change, together with growing global inequalities and increasing violent conflicts, is one of the main causes of the rising levels of hunger and malnutrition.
To help those most at risk of hunger, Action Against Hunger Germany explains in the VOICE out loud article, that EU member states and other industrialised countries, which are the most responsible for a heating planet, must drastically reduce their emissions to keep climate change from escalating and should transform their COP27 commitments into actions. At the same time, humanitarian donors should better equip humanitarian assistance to strengthen early warning and anticipatory humanitarian action in order to save lives.
Another key action that could be done to improve food resilience is for humanitarian actors to develop and implement, together with the affected populations, specific solutions, adaptation measures, and multi-sectorial humanitarian responses. The nexus approach is another crucial instrument to make agroecology and food systems more sustainable, secure, and resilient.
Click here to read the article
Click here to read the whole VOICE out loud issue: “Fighting against hunger: a humanitarian lens”