VOICE out loud 32- Working in the Triple Nexus- A Reflection from Sweden

According to Lakarmissionen the operationalisation of the Triple Nexus approach needs constant learning by both implementing organisations and donors. The organisation shares in this article some key recommendations on how to operationalise this approach from a Swedish perspective. The article captures main responses on good practices, while strengthening the work around Triple Nexus. They key recommendations are as follows:
- Complementarity is key in considering collaborations;
- There is a need to ensure good analyses that capture and tackle underlying risks and vulnerabilities;
- CSOs are seeking for clarity on funding mechanisms that would strengthen their work with the “small p” with an understanding from donors that their approach to the Triple Nexus is valid and worth investing in extensively;
- Both donors and major international organisations need to recognise the important role of “smaller” CSOs and put in place systems that will ensure that these are not victimised by the confusion in the terminology and the lack of clarity in funding mechanisms