Olivier Vandecasteele, campaign for the release of the humanitarian worker

Olivier Vandecasteele, the Belgian humanitarian aid worker, is detained in Iran and has been recently condemned to a cumulative total of 40 years of prison and flagellation.
Following the recent events, a group of humanitarian workers in coordination with Olivier’s family has organised media and advocacy activities for his release. In particular, an op-ed has been drafted and co-signed by 37 NGOs and networks, including the VOICE President, Dominic Crowley, calling on the political leaders of the European Union to work for his release. The Op-ed has been published on 19 January (Olivier’s birthday) in several news outlets, including Le Soir, EU Observer, Liberation and la Repubblica. On 22 January, a gathering in Brussels took place and more than 1200 people joined, asking for the release of Olivier. Other gatherings took place in several Belgian cities throughout last month and in Paris last week.
Amnesty International has also launched a petition, that so far has received more than 170.000 signatures (French and Dutch petition combined signature count). The petition is still ongoing: https://www.amnesty.be/veux-agir/agir-ligne/petitions/olivier-vandecasteele
To maintain high attention and continue asking for the release of Olivier, feel free to sign and share the petition and follow the Twitter account: @FreeOlivierVDC.