It’s time to break the global hunger paradigm - Concern Worldwide on the VOICE out loud 34

How can we break the ever-growing hunger pattern?
The article by Concern Worldwide explains how conflict is the main driver of food insecurity and the vital importance of political will in addressing both. In fact, conflict and hunger are the perfect combination to accentuate inequalities and dangers, affecting especially women and children, and causing long-term setbacks that would make recovery even more complex.
When a hunger crisis reaches its most severe level, it becomes a famine. Opposed to the assumption that famine is a natural phenomenon, Concern Worldwide emphasizes that famines are person-made, political, and, consequently, preventable.
According to the organisation, to contain the global hunger crisis it is vital to address its root causes and calls on governments to start acting and tackle the issues that give rise to hunger and conflict, taking bold steps to bring conflict to an end, and with it food insecurity.
Click here to read the article
Click here to read the whole VOICE out loud issue: “Fighting against hunger: a humanitarian lens”