

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 1 to 25 of 984 items.

  • Food Wars: Conflict, Hunger, and Globalization, 2023

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    Most wars of the late 20th and early 21st centuries have been “food wars”: food and hunger were used as weapons, food and food-related water and energy infrastructure were damaged intentionally or incidentally, and food insecurity persisted as a legacy of conflict destructiveness. Frequently, food insecurity, in turn, is a trigger or underlying cause of conflict.
  • 2024 Global Hunger Index

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    This is the nineteenth annual publication of the Global Hunger Index (GHI), a report jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe.
  • VOICE Key highlights: The Mediterranean Sea: a Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, Humanitarian

    The key highlights report from VOICE's event "The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?" calls for urgent international action, recognition of the humanitarian nature of the crisis, support for Search and Rescue NGOs, and stronger collaboration to address the escalating death toll in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Lebanon crisis: escalation of hostilities - WeWorld Flash update

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian

    For the second consecutive week, Israeli airstrikes have continued to target densely populated areas across Lebanon, driving waves of displacement and further exacerbating the needs of affected and displaced populations.
  • Why not local? INGO statement on the urgent need to accelerate progress and accountability towards local leadership of humanitarian action - Joint Statement

    Members' publications

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    This joint statement calls on the international community – notably donor governments, INGOs and UN agencies – to urgently accelerate efforts to promote and demonstrate equitable partnership with diverse local civil society organizations in humanitarian action.
  • Shifting Power in Aid: How Christian Aid is contributing to locally led development

    Members' publications

    Tags: Localisation

    This report highlights key actions and achievements by Christian Aid in 2023/24 in shifting power to their partners.
  • VOICE Statement - Gaza one year on, the loss of life must end

    Tags: Humanitarian, Conflict

    In this statement, VOICE urgently calls on the European Union (EU) and its Member States to take decisive diplomatic actions to protect civilians and humanitarian workers, guarantee unimpeded humanitarian access, and ensure adherence to IHL in the Gaza conflict.
  • DG ECHO Organigramme - Updated 01/08/2024

    Tags: ECHO

    Access here the new DG ECHO Organigramme as of 01/08/2024.
  • Joint press release: Israel’s siege now blocks 83% of food aid reaching Gaza, new data reveals

    Members' publications

    Tags: Access, Humanitarian

    Joint press release co-signed by several VOICE members: 15 aid organisations demand international pressure for an immediate ceasefire, arms embargo, and end to Israel’s systematic aid obstruction
  • Open letter: Ensuring a vibrant civic space in the European Union – civil society’s expectations for the next five years

    Tags: EU

    The open letter “Ensuring a vibrant civic space in the European Union” is an initiative by Civil Society Europe (CSE) that calls on the EU institutions to prioritise actions that foster a vibrant civic space, uphold democracy, and safeguard fundamental rights over the next five years.
  • Policy Brief: Hungry for Justice - 20 Years of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food Overshadowed by Increasing Hunger Crises - WHH

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    Just six years before the SDG target date, governments must once again make the Right to Food a top priority and act decisively to achieve SDG2 after all.
  • Habitat for Humanity, EU Manifesto 2024-2029- Strategies for Affordable Housing and Thriving Communities

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Habitat for Humanity Manifesto on priorities of the European Union, ‘Strategies for Affordable Housing and Thriving Communities’.
  • Record humanitarian worker death toll — what can EU do? Caritas EU on EU Observer

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    2024 is on track to be the deadliest year for humanitarian workers on record, particularly for those based in their own countries. Already 192 humanitarian workers have been killed in 2024, 119 of whom were local staff, and the year is far from over yet.
  • VOICE President on World Humanitarian Day: #ActForHumanity

    Tags: NGOs, IHL, Humanitarian

    VOICE President, Pauline Chetkuti, calls on the EU and Member States to respect IHL and do more to safeguard and protect aid workers especially those on the front lines, local and national actors. #actforhumanity
  • Case Study: Climate Crisis and Internal Displacement in Sumel District, Iraq - CARE International

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate

    By examining the specific case of Sumel District, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between climate change and displacement, offering insights into the experiences of affected communities and outlining strategies for resilience and adaptation.
  • Grand Bargain Localization Commitments (Poland Case Study) June 2024

    Members' publications

    Tags: Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    This report evaluates the involvement of international humanitarian actors in response to the challenges related to this forced migration movement, as compared against the Grand Bargain Localization Commitments.
  • The EU must not turn its back on the world's most fragile countries - IRC on EU Observer

    Members' publications

    Tags: EU, Humanitarian

    Since the last European elections in 2019, the world has changed dramatically. The number of people in humanitarian need has more than doubled to nearly 300mn, and displacement has soared by almost 40 percent to 110mn.
  • Children and war: EU must turn good intentions into action - Plan International EU, Save The Children EU, World Vision EU on Observer

    Members' publications

    Tags: Conflict

    Last year was one of the worst on record, with the UN’s latest annual report on children and armed conflict revealing that the number experiencing grave violations rose by a shocking 21 percent, with a 35 percent rise in the killing and maiming.
  • Podcast: Rolling up our sleeves with Pauline Chetcuti - Embodying change: Transforming power, culture and well-being in aid organisations

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    In this episode of Embodying Change, host Melissa Pitotti welcomes Pauline Chetcuti, the newly elected president of VOICE. Pauline shares her journey from international law to humanitarian advocacy, discussing the importance of saying no, the power of collective action, and the challenges of decolonizing and transforming humanitarian work.
  • VOICE Humanitarian Partnership Watch Group members' list (2022-2027)

    HP Watch Group

    Tags: Humanitarian Partnership

    The composition of the Humanitarian Partnership (HP) Watch Group for the 2022-2027 period. Updated in July 2024.
  • The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024

    Tags: Food security

    Six years from 2030, hunger and food insecurity trends are not yet moving in the right direction to end hunger and food insecurity by 2030. The indicators of progress towards global nutrition targets similarly show that the world is not on track to eliminate all forms of malnutrition.
  • VOICE at Work 7 - Spotlight on EU Humanitarian Aid

    VOICE at work

    Tags: EU, NGOs

    Table of contents:
    Open Letter for President von der Leyen: VOICE calls for a strengthened EU leadership on humanitarian efforts
    VOICE Policy Resolution 2024 - Take a stand: Pledge for Humanitarian Action!
    VOICE President meets with Commissioner Lenarčič
    Where is DG INTPA's approach to fragile contexts?
    EU Humanitarian Budget 2025: VOICE continues its advocacy
    Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU
    European Humanitarian Forum 2024: VOICE Key Highlights
    New VOICE President: Pauline Chetcuti
    Former VOICE President Dominic Crowley: Reflections on the last six years
    VOICE General Assembly 2024
    New VOICE Strategic Plan 2024-2029
    The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis? – Event wrap-up
    VOICE Out Loud 37 "Anticipatory Action: Shaping the Future of Humanitarian Response"
    World Humanitarian Day 2024: #ActForHumanity
    Meet VOICE's new members
    Humming Word: A humanitarian term explained
    VOICE Members' publications
    Other relevant Humanitarian Aid publications
    Events and webinars
  • Work Programme of the Hungarian Presidency for COHAFA - 2024

    Resilience-Nexus Working Group

    Tags: Humanitarian, Localisation, Education, Food security, Anticipatory action

    The Work Programme of the Hungarian Presidency for COHAFA Working Party, 1 July - 31 December 2024.
  • VOICE open letter to President Von der Leyen

    Tags: EU, NGOs, Humanitarian Partnership

    VOICE open letter to the re-elected EU President Ursula Von der Leyen, calling on the strengthened support for EU humanitarian aid.
  • Gaza Humanitarian Snapshot - 15 July 2024

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Humanitarian NGOs in Gaza report that Israel’s obstruction of aid, combined with ongoing attacks and a complete siege since October 2023, have severely hindered the effective delivery of essential supplies to the population, exacerbated by recent ground incursions and bombings.