Call for interest: The HP Watch Group renewal process has been launched!

Since 1999, the VOICE Secretariat is facilitating the Humanitarian Partnership Watch Group (former FPA Watch Group). The group, bringing together a substantial number of DG ECHO partners, plays a key role representing NGOs’ interest and is a unique DG ECHO-NGOs interface for linking operational issues to donor policies and procedures. Please click here to know more about the HP Watch Group.
In order to remain representative, the Watch Group’s composition must be renewed periodically. Hence, we are happy to announce that VOICE is launching the Watch Group renewal process. All DG ECHO certified NGO partners have been invited to share their interest in becoming/remaining a member of the Watch Group. Please note that this information and the relevant documentation have been shared with all DG ECHO NGO partners via the email addresses registered by certified organisations on APPEL. The deadline to return the expression of interest document is 8 March 2022.
In case you would need any further information, please do not hesitate to reach out via email to Marion Granger, Junior Advocacy Officer at