Disaster Risk Reduction in EU Member States policies: the latest VOICE study
The practice of reducing disaster risks (DRR), through the analysis and the management of the factors causing the disasters and disaster loss, have been increasingly recognized as essential for reducing loss of lives worldwide.
The EU Consensus on Humanitarian Aid states that “The EU is committed to promoting disaster risk reduction and disaster preparedness in developing countries through coherent and coordinated action at local, national and regional level”.
This study analyses how Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden deal with DRR in their policies and programming, and makes the following recommendations:
- EU Member States should make more effort to make DRR a visible, strategic and integral part of development and humanitarian policies and programming.
- EU Member States should increase the funding available for DRR under both humanitarian and development budget lines.
- EU Member States should implement their commitment to a multi-stakeholder approach to DRR via engaging in regular dialogue with NGOs and other DRR stakeholders.