Brussels III Syria Crisis Conference "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" 12-14 March 2019

The third Brussels conference on "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", organised by the EU and the UN, is taking place on 12-14 March. The conference aims to address the most critical humanitarian and resilience issues affecting Syrians and communities hosting Syrian refugees, both nationally and regionally. Special attention is placed on hearing the perspectives of Syrian women.
The conference has the scope of reaffirming the international community’s political and financial support for Syria's neighbours and it is considered as the main 2019 pledging event for Syria and the region.
The first two days of the conference are devoted to the “Days of Dialogue”, where hundreds of representatives of Syrian, regional, and international non-governmental and civil society organisations will meet to have an exchange with the international community.
During the last day of the conference, EU Foreign Ministers and participants from more than 85 countries regional organisations at ministerial level will meet to discuss key aspects of the Syria crisis.
Many VOICE members are engaged in the conference and some also organised side events. For instance Humanity and Inclusion organised a side event on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Syrian Humanitarian Response; Caritas released a Position Paper; Oxfam and Danish Refugee Council wrote a joint report entitled “Aid in Limbo: Why Syrians deserve support to rebuild their lives”.
Moreover, on 14 March 15 aid agencies, including many VOICE members, called for a sustained follow-up to ensure political and funding support translates into meaningful improvements for all Syrians. Click here to read the joint NGOs reaction.