World Humanitarian Day 2018: Join the #NotATarget campaign!

Every day people are increasingly trapped in conflicts that are not of their own making but the world is not doing enough to put a stop to their suffering.
The World Humanitarian Day (WHD) is celebrated each year on August 19 to raise awareness of people affected by humanitarian crises and pay tribute to aid workers who are constantly striving and risking their lives to help them.
Building on the success of last year’s #NotATarget campaign, which saw more than 2 million people engaged online, the U.N. and its partners will maintain the focus on the importance to protect innocent civilians, children, sexual violence victims’, health and aid workers caught in conflict and demanding world leaders to protect them.
This year the first-ever “living petition” will be launched, through a Facebook selfie that will project people’s faces, names, and locations onto a sculpture that will be placed in front of the UN building, demanding global action.
Please follow us on twitter at @ngovoiceEu, join the #NotATarget campaign, share and sign the living petition at WordHumanitarianDay.Org demanding world leaders to take action and ask your followers to sign as well !