The impact of counterterrorism on principled humanitarian action. A month of discussion!

Starting on Monday, 4 June, Norwegian Refugee Council will host a one-month long facilitated discussion on the impact of counterterrorism on principled humanitarian action (PHA) on the Community of Practice on PHA. An expert on the topic, Emma O’Leary, Policy Adviser at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Geneva, will be available to reply to questions and dilemmas, and will also share some insights from a recent research that NRC conducted in Iraq, Nigeria and Somalia to collect fresh evidence of how measures obstruct humanitarian action.
The Community of Practice (CoP) on Principled Humanitarian Action is an online platform where humanitarian practitioners can ask questions or exchange views and practices on principled humanitarian action, access and risk management. The platform provides a secure forum where humanitarian practitioners can present ideas and engage through dialogue.
You are invited to join the Community of Practice and share your experience. Have counterterrorism clauses in donor agreements cause delays to your work? Or perhaps prevented you from accessing an area, where designated terrorist groups are present? You are also welcome to ask Emma for advice on any dilemmas you might have. The facilitated discussion will continue throughout the month of June. In the platform will be facilitating discussions on other topics after the summer, including the Humanitarian-Development Nexus.