Moving forward with the agenda for humanity VOICE out loud n.25

As VOICE celebrates its 25th birthday, and we mark the first anniversary of the World Humanitarian Summit, VOICE has invited members and others to contribute on some of the key themes shaping humanitarian action.
With contributions from members in Sweden, France, Spain, UK, Belgium as well as reflections from Nepal, the Central African Republic and the peacebuilding community, this edition of the VOICE out loud continues to celebrate the diversity of the network as well as its members’ field experience and expertise.
This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid, the 10th anniversary of the Principles of Partnership and with the European Commission launching an evaluation of the performance of its own humanitiarian assistance, this edition can hopefully contribute to the reflections on those processes and milestones.
Read and download VOICE out loud n.25 here