Search results for “voice director ad”
54 results found in 3 categories.
36 news
U.S. Aid Freeze Puts Millions at Risk: VOICE Director Maria Groenewald Speaks to Italian News Agency DIRE
NewVOICE Director Maria Groenewald interviewed by the Italian news agency Dire -
The Future of Humanitarian Aid Under Threat: VOICE Director and VOICE President Interview on Défis Humanitaire
NewVOICE President and VOICE Director featured on Défis Humanitaire, discuss about the funding gap and the attacks on humanitarian principles. -
COP29: VOICE members on the spotlight
At COP29 in Baku, VOICE members are actively engaging to ensure that humanitarian perspectives are highlighted, contributing through statements, policy briefs, and events focused on building climate resilience and addressing the impacts of climate-related disasters. -
The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis? – Event wrap-up
The Mediterranean crossing remains the most perilous route, recording at least 3,129 deaths and disappearances in 2023. This pressing question was at the heart of VOICE's Event in June, which brought together experts to discuss this critical issue and the indispensable role of Search and Rescue (SAR) NGOs. -
VOICE General Assembly 2024
On 20 June, we held the VOICE General Assembly 2024, bringing together the Board of Directors and members of the VOICE network. -
European Humanitarian Forum 2024: VOICE Key Highlights
Following the European Humanitarian Forum 2024 in March, VOICE has gathered some reflections and published an article on the main topics discussed at the two-day event. -
VOICE at the European Humanitarian Forum 2024
This article gives an overview of the European Humanitarian Forum 2024, including VOICE members' participation in the high-level panels and Humanitarian Talks. -
“Neglected crises: from commitments to actions”- Round table in Madrid
A brief summary of the discussions held during the round table “Neglected crises: from commitments to actions”, co-organised by VOICE & La Coordinadora on 25 September in Madrid. -
Fighting hunger: a women-led response - Event key highlights
This article delves into the highlights of the event 'Fighting hunger: a women-led response' organised by VOICE on 21 June to debate about the role of women in the fight against hunger worldwide. -
VOICE General Assembly 2023 - Key highlights
This article gathers all the important moments of the VOICE General Assembly 2023, including the incorporation of new member organisations and Board members. -
Engaging with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU
This article summarises the priorities of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and also the general priorities of the trio composed of Spain, Belgium, and Hungary regarding humanitarian aid. -
VOICE Annual Report 2022
The VOICE Annual Report 2022 has been published. It provides an overview of the network’s activities and achievements over the past year. -
VOICE at the European Humanitarian Forum 2023
In this article, we give an overview of all the high-level panels and Humanitarian Talks in which the VOICE network and its NGO members will participate. -
Interview with Andreas Papaconstantinou, DG ECHO, VOICE out loud 34
In this interview, Andreas Papaconstantinou, the Director-General of Neighbourhood and Middle East at DG ECHO, gave an overview of the current position of the EU and DG ECHO regarding the current humanitarian situation. -
VOICE out loud 34 - Fighting against hunger: a humanitarian lens
The new edition of the VOICE out loud delves into the global hunger crisis and how humanitarian NGOs are taking action. -
Humanitarian principles under threat? The Brussels launch of the State of the Humanitarian System Report 2022 and VOICE 30 years’ anniversary
VOICE, in collaboration with ALNAP, hosted the Brussels launch of the ALNAP State of The Humanitarian System (SOHS) report 2022 on 17 November with the aim of triggering reflections on the current situation of the humanitarian system. -
VOICE General Assembly 2022: Highlights of the day
On 22 June VOICE held its annual General Assembly (GA) in person after two years of virtual meetings. -
The First European Humanitarian Forum – VOICE’s reflections
A summary of the network work during the European Humanitarian Forum 2022 -
VOICE Director, Maria Groenewald, interviewed by Défis Humanitaires
Maria Groenewald was interviewed by Défis Humanitaires on several topics such as the European Humanitarian Forum, Humanitarian principles and International Humanitarian Law. -
The VOICE out loud number 32 is out!
The new VOICE out loud is out. This issue explores how VOICE members and EU Member States are interpreting the triple nexus -
VOICE has a new Director: Maria Groenewald
VOICE new Director -
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – ‘Code red for humanity’
On August 9th, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Sixth Assessment Report - "Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis". Find out more about this landmark report and VOICE members' reaction to it. -
Preserving humanitarian space: Action Against Hunger at the UN Security Council
On July 16th, Action Against Hunger was invited to deliver a speech at the United Nations Security Council meeting on the “Protection of civilians in armed conflict: Preserving humanitarian space”. This article summarizes the key messages of the joint declaration signed by 18 NGOs and delivered by Lucile Grosjean, Deputy Director of Advocacy at Action Against Hunger. -
VOICE out loud 30: Humanitarian action in the era of climate change!
Discover the new issue of the VOICE out loud where our members explore the effects of climate change on humanitarian needs and how NGOs are dealing with this. -
World humanitarian day : #RealLifeHeroes
This day was designated in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 22 people, including the chief humanitarian in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly formalized the day as World Humanitarian Day. This year the campaign will celebrate the #RealLifeHeroes, the humanitarian workers continuing to save and protect lives despite conflict, insecurity, lack of access, and risks linked to COVID-19. -
VOICE General Assembly 2020: Highlights
Highlights from the VOICE 2020 General Assembly -
New Sphere Handbook: Launch event in Brussels
Brussels event for the launch of the new Sphere Handbook: One of the most widely known and internationally recognized tools for the delivery of the quality humanitarian response. -
Lively NGO engagement on the Grand Bargain: from Beirut to Paris via Brussels!
A short summary of VOICE's latest activities related to the Grand Bargain -
Dominic Crowley is the new president of VOICE!
Please find here a small bio of the new president of VOICE. -
The humanitarian-development nexus and the humanitarian principles: Complementary approaches?
VOICE with the support of Danish Church Aid organise an event on the humanitarian development nexus, its challenges and its opportunities. -
Ten years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: a point of reference in a challenging world
Event to celebrate the 10 years of the EU Humanitarian aid Consensus -
EDD17- Grand Bargain event summary note
VOICE was present at the European Development Days 2017 with a session on the Grand Bargain with Action contre La Faim, Caritas Europa and World Vision.
The debate mainly focused on the Grand Bargain process and highlighted its potential for the humanitarian community.
Here you can find the summary note of the event -
Raising concerns about the EU's new Resilience Communication
The VOICE network has been very active in trying to shape the development of a new EU resilience policy. The network’s expertise is being widely recognised. Read more here. -
WHS, the Grand Bargain, Aleppo and Ukraine: what should the EU’s humanitarian priorities be in 2017?
On 7 March, 50 humanitarian actors from European and Nordic countries met in Stockholm to exchange on key priorities in follow-up to the World Humanitarian Summit, the Grand Bargain on Humanitarian financing and how those are reflected in operations. Read more here -
Challenge to NGOs being financed from the EU Budget: VOICE at Workshop in the European Parliament
VOICE and other NGOs participated in a workshop in the European Parliament on a new report from the Parliament's Budget Control Committee that places NGOs' financing from the EU Budget under scrutiny. -
VOICE Director briefs EU member states on the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS)
On 29 September, VOICE Director Kathrin Schick was invited by the Slovak EU Presidency to brief the Council working group on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) meeting to brief member states (MS) on NGOs views on the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS).
12 activities
VOICE Event "Decolonising Humanitarian Action: Shifting Power, Voices, and Resources"
Mundo Madou Av. des Arts 7/8 BrusselsPublic event -
VOICE Event ‘The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?’
Mundo Madou BrusselsPublic event -
VOICE EVENT - Artificial Intelligence: disruption or opportunity for humanitarian aid?
Mundo Madou Av. des Arts 7/8 BruxellesPublic event -
2023 Global Hunger Index - Launch in Brussels
Room Spinelli 1E1, European Parliament BrusselsPublic event -
Complexity in the Present and Future of International Cooperation - XII COOPI meeting
Palazzo delle Stelline Corso Magenta 61 MilanOrganised by membersPublic event -
VOICE EVENT - Fighting hunger: a women-led response
Mundo Madou Av. des Arts 7/8, 1210 BrusselsPublic event -
Hearing at the Committee on Budgets - EU external action and crisis response: is the EU budget fit for purpose?
European Parliament BrusselsPublic event -
Brussels launch of the ALNAP SOHS report 2022 and VOICE's 30th Anniversary Celebration
Comet Meetings - Louise Place Stéphanie 20, 1050, Bruxelles BrusselsPublic event -
VOICE Webinar - The Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders
OnlinePublic event -
VOICE VENRO European Roundtable
BerlinPublic event -
Upscaling ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (eco-DRR) investments to reduce disaster risks
Albert Borschette Congress Center Rue Froissart 36 BrusselsPublic event -
VOICE event: Data collection and social media - innovation or challenge for humanitarian aid?
L 42 rue de la Loi 42, 1000. BrusselsPublic event