Brussels launch of the ALNAP SOHS report 2022 and VOICE's 30th Anniversary Celebration

VOICE, in collaboration with ALNAP, is hosting the Brussels launch of the ALNAP State of The Humanitarian System (SOHS) report 2022 with a public panel debate from 6 to 8 followed by a networking moment to celebrate VOICE 30th anniversary until 9.30 pm.
“45% of aid practitioners responding to the SOHS ALNAP report 2022 survey said that respect for humanitarian space had declined”
The humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence have been at the very core of humanitarian aid, shaping its identity for decades. Today, they are once again under threat as attacks on aid workers, the politicisation of aid, and access restrictions have made it harder for humanitarian organisations to uphold these principles.
What are the challenges NGOs face in respecting humanitarian principles and what is the role of donors in the delivery of principled aid? Starting with the findings of the recently published 2022 State of the Humanitarian System report, the panel debate will look at the evolving humanitarian landscape exploring solutions on how humanitarian actors can adapt to a fast-changing world. More information will follow in due course.
Please register here no later than 2 November.
Welcome: Maria Groenewald, VOICE Director
- Introductory speech from Heidy Rombouts, Director General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, Belgium MFA
Keynote speaker: Sophia Swithern, ALNAP consultant, will provide a short introduction on the main findings of the report and the specific evidence related to humanitarian principles and the shrinking of humanitarian space
Panel speakers:
- Knut Doermann, Head of Delegation to the EU, NATO and the Kingdom of Belgium, International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC
- Andrea Koulaimah, Director of Directorate D of the Directorate-General of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), dealing with Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific
- Mary Okumu, Senior Director/Head of Technical Unit, ForAfrika
- Andreas Ring, Global Programme Director, Danish Refugee Council
Moderator: Maria Groenewald, VOICE Director
Wrap-up: Michael Mosselmans, VOICE Board member and Head of Humanitarian Division at Christian Aid