VOICE General Assembly 2020: Highlights

On 13 May VOICE held its annual General Assembly, for the first time in a virtual way. Many members connected to our virtual platform during the 4-hour online gathering and they voted in favor for the membership of four new VOICE member organisations, for new VOICE board members, and they adopted the VOICE Policy Resolution ‘Post COVID-19: EU humanitarian aid in the next Multiannual Financial Framework’.
VOICE is really proud to welcome four new members to our network: Fida from Finland, War Child from the Netherlands, Goal from Ireland, and IRC Germany. This brings the total number of VOICE members to 88.
Furthermore, we want to congratulate the new Board member Edouard Rodier for his election and Vincent Stehli and Michael Mosselmans who were re-elected for their second mandate on the VOICE Board of Directors.
Lastly, the policy resolution ‘Post COVID-19: EU humanitarian aid in the next Multiannual Financial Framework’ has been adopted during the virtual GA. It will support us in influencing the outcome of the next EU long-term budget for 2021-2027. In a situation where, on top of the already dire humanitarian need, additional crises and needs are arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that the EU takes into account our recommendations to support crisis-affected people worldwide.