VOICE Webinar - The Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders

The question of efficiency in the humanitarian sector has been at the center of attention of the humanitarian community for a few years now. In June 2020, the Grand Bargain, designed to improve the efficient delivery of humanitarian assistance, has entered its fifth year of implementation. As the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated humanitarian needs, as much as it might lead to a decrease of resources, the importance of striving for a more efficient humanitarian system appears even more important now. In this context, the initial objective of the Grand Bargain, and particularly its fourth work stream – reducing duplication and management costs – is more than ever relevant.
Ahead of the wider discussion on the future of the Grand Bargain initiative, the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force wishes to revive the conversation about efficiency in the humanitarian sector at EU level. This webinar will provide an opportunity for members of the Task Force to present their position and exchange views with representatives of EU Members States and the European Commission.
- Mariëlle Van Miltenburg, Head of Humanitarian Aid, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Nora Loozen, Head of Humanitarian Aid, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Caitlin Tulloch, Associate Director, Best Use of Resources, International Rescue Committee
- Nour AlSaaideh, Director of Protection and Community Engagement, CARE Jordan
- Gerard Van Driessche, Policy Officer, International and Interinstitutional Relations, Legal Framework, ECHO
- Maxence Giraud, Logistics Director, Handicap International
Please find here the position paper of the Grand Bragain Task Force ‘An NGO perspective on the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector’.
Click here if you wish to register for the event !