
Search results for “european humanitarian forum 2022”

21 results found in 4 categories.

2 publications

  • VOICE Reflections on the European Humanitarian Forum 2022

    Tags: IHL, Climate, NGOs, ECHO

    VOICE reaction after the first European Humanitarian Forum, in relation to:
    • Humanitarian principles and International Humanitarian Law
    • EU sanctions and counterterrorism measures
    • Grand Bargain 2.0 commitments
    • Climate resilience and greening of humanitarian aid
    • Diversity and participatory approach
  • VOICE statement ahead of the European Humanitarian Forum 2022

    Tags: IHL, Climate, Grand Bargain, Nexus

    In the statement, VOICE calls on the EU and its MS to use the European Humanitarian Forum as an opportunity to:
    • Recommit and further strengthen their commitment to principled humanitarian aid
    • Review and adjust the approach of the EU towards counterterrorism and restrictive measures
    • Strengthen collective efforts to achieve the Grand Bargain (GB) 2.0 commitments
    • Confirm commitments to the effective implementation of humanitarian protection and IHL
    • Set up clear and measurable commitments to build climate resilience and adjust financial support and policies on greening humanitarian aid
    • Review progress on and recommit to the inclusion of gender considerations into humanitarian action and policies.

12 news