Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
How can vulnerable populations in Niger have access to basic social services and humanitarian assistance in the post-July 26, 2023, political context? - Joint statement
31 August 2023Members' publicationsThis advocacy brief, signed by several VOICE members, suggests three steps that members of the international community should take to preserve Nigerien people’s access to basic social services and humanitarian assistance. -
Humanitarian Access Overview (July 2023) - ACAPS
31 August 2023The ACAPS’ Humanitarian Access Overview provides a snapshot of the most challenging contexts for humanitarian access globally. -
European Humanitarian Forum 2023: Proceedings
30 August 2023The European Commission and Sweden, in its capacity as President of the Council of the European Union, published the ‘proceedings’ of the second edition of the European Humanitarian Forum (EHF) on 20 and 21 March 2023 in Brussels. -
International Medical Corps and the Threat of Climate Change: Our Response and a Call to Action
24 August 2023Members' publicationsClimate change poses a real, significant and unprecedented threat to the health and well-being of communities. This white paper outlines how International Medical Corps is responding.
Terms of Reference for a Consultant to facilitate advocacy workshop/training, People in Need
18 August 2023Members' publicationsOur member People in Need is looking for a consultant to develop an Advocacy Workshop -
Advancing the protection of humanitarian and health workers
18 August 2023Members' publicationsThis report, co-produced by HI, ACF, and MdM focuses on priorities identified by the NGO community and puts forward recommendations to make collective progress on protecting aid and health workers. -
Aid Worker Security Report 2023 - Humanitarian Outcomes
08 August 2023This report presents the latest verified statistics on aid worker violence from Humanitarian Outcomes' Aid Worker Security Database. This preview gives updated numbers and trends through 2022. -
Niger: NGOs warn further instability and sanctions could exacerbate humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable including women and children
08 August 2023Members' publicationsIn this joint statement, several VOICE members unite in the plea for unhindered aid delivery & access in Niger, urging all stakeholders to do their utmost to minimize human suffering and to ensure that assistance can reach those in need. -
02 August 2023Members' publicationsThis report published by the International Rescue Committee focuses on the impacts of anticipatory cash transfers on climate resilience in Northeast Nigeria. -
Persons with disabilities and climate change in Nepal: Humanitarian impacts and pathways for inclusive climate action - HI
28 July 2023Members' publicationsThis report by HI is a contribution to the growing evidence base documenting the disproportionate impacts of climate change on persons with disabilities and calling for disability-inclusive climate action at all levels of governance. -
Sudan: One Hundred Days of War - NRC
24 July 2023Members' publicationsThis report reflects on the first 100 days of the war in Sudan in a blend of first-hand observations from the ground, survivors’ testimonies, and a literature review. -
Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework: Civil Society’s analysis of the European Commission’s proposal
20 July 2023Joint CSO reaction to the EC's proposal to revise the MFF 2021-2027. -
Plusieurs ONG demandent la mise en place d’un fonds pour financer l’aide humanitaire: interview de Pierre Micheletti (ACF France) [FR]
20 July 2023Interview with Pierre Micheletti, president of Action against Hunger France. -
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 - FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO
13 July 2023This report provides an update on global progress towards the targets of ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition and estimates on the number of people who are unable to afford a healthy diet. -
The Sudan Crisis, Conflict and Food Insecurity - Insecurity Insight
12 July 2023The report by Insecurity Insight analyses the current situation in Sudan and how conflict has a negative impact on food security. -
VOICE at Work 4 - Spotlight on EU Humanitarian Aid
11 July 2023VOICE at workTable of contents:
-European Humanitarian Forum 2023: VOICE reflections
-Engaging with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU
-Multiannual Financial Framework revision
-VOICE Policy Resolution 2023 - World hunger is rising sharply: let’s stop it NOW!
-Fighting hunger: a women-led response - Event highlights
-VOICE General Assembly 2023 - Key highlights
-VOICE out loud 35 - Localisation: Exploring a multifaceted agenda
-Meet VOICE's new members
-Humming Word: A humanitarian term explained
-VOICE Members' publications
-Other relevant Humanitarian Aid publications
-Events and webinars -
Interview with Jan Egeland - Eminent Person of The Grand Bargain and Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council
11 July 2023VOICE out loudIn this interview, Jan Egeland, Eminent Person of The Grand Bargain and Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, provides an overview of the current state of the localisation agenda, the harmonisation process, quality funding, and other aspects related to the Grand Bargain. -
Latin America: Women in the fight against hunger - Action Against Hunger
11 July 2023Members' publicationsThis report focuses on the situation of women in Latin America through the length of ACF's key areas of programming in the region, which reaffirms the importance of working with and for women as a priority.
Reconnecting hope: TSF on the importance of communication for people in crises - Télécoms Sans Frontières
06 July 2023VOICE out loudIn this article, TSF examines how they intervene in sudden crises, restoring communication in an interconnected world. -
Reinforcing capacity sharing and mutual learning between local and international humanitarian actors – Trócaire
04 July 2023VOICE out loudIn this article, Trócaire delves into the challenges and principles of capacity sharing at the time that shares a practical example of how they put it into practice with local actors in Guatemala. -
Terms of reference- VOICE new Strategy
30 June 2023Terms of reference- VOICE new Strategy -
The Grand Bargain in 2022: Key achievements
30 June 2023This infographic presents the main achievements and gaps of the Grand Bargain in 2022. -
Neutrality in the humanitarian response in Ukraine - PIN
29 June 2023VOICE out loudThe article by People in Need on the VOICE Out Loud 35 gives a great overview of the links between localisation and the principle of neutrality when local actors intervene in certain contexts. -
Global Peace Index 2023
29 June 2023The 17th edition of the annual Global Peace Index (GPI), the world’s leading measure of peacefulness, reveals the average level of global peacefulness deteriorated for the ninth consecutive year, with 84 countries recording an improvement and 79 a deterioration. -
How to share risks and give more power to local actors? – Oxfam
27 June 2023VOICE out loudIn this article of the VOICE Out Loud 35, Oxfam analyses the risks and the ways in which donors can adapt to give more power to local actors.