

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 76 to 100 of 984 items.

  • 2024 Water Funding Gap Report - ACF

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding

    Action Against Hunger's 2024 Water Funding Gap report finds that globally, only 36% of appeals for water- and sanitation-related funding were met in 2023, leaving a 64% gap.
  • Vacancy: VOICE Junior Advocacy Assistant

    VOICE is looking for a Junior Advocacy Assistant to provide general support to VOICE’s advocacy and partnership-related activities.
  • Policy Brief - Sudan’s Hunger Catastrophe: Ending the Silence - Mercy Corps

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    The policy brief from Mercy Corps offers insights into the deteriorating food insecurity situation in Sudan and challenges faced by the humanitarian response, as well as recommendations to the international community.
  • Locally led and owned humanitarian action in fragile and forgotten contexts

    Members' publications

    Tags: European Humanitarian Forum

    Local perspectives on how to close the funding gap through equitable participation and innovative funding mechanisms as well as anticipatory action.
  • Forgotten crises #IntoFocus

    Members' publications

    Tags: Neglected crises

    'Forgotten crises #IntoFocus' is an initiative by several VOICE members and sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office aiming at shedding light on neglected humanitarian crises worldwide.
  • Bombardements en zones peuplées : un nouveau paroxysme atteint à Gaza - Jean-Pierre Delomier (HI) [FR]

    Members' publications

    Tags: Conflict

    Après cinq mois d'escalade de violences à Gaza, le point sur la situation et le témoignage déchirant de Jean-Pierre Delomier, Directeur adjoint des opérations internationales de HI, revenu récemment de Rafah.
  • Price Shocks: Economic gains masking a growing hunger and malnutrition crisis - World Vision

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    In this report, World Vision deepens the investigation into existing barriers, such as conflict and violence, climate extremes, and lasting economic ripples from COVID-19 that prevent food price improvements and food access to certain parts of the globe.
  • VOICE Statement - Revision of the EU’s long-term budget: a step backwards for EU humanitarian funding

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Funding, MFF

    This statement reacts to the outcome of the revision of the EU's multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, which came to an end in February 2024.
  • Ukraine: 42 civilian casualties every day in two years of war - Joint Statement

    Members' publications

    Tags: Conflict

    This joint statement, signed by several VOICE members, calls for all attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure to cease immediately, particularly in dense urban areas, as they may amount to grave violations of international humanitarian law.
  • Humanitarian Partnership Watch Group: 2023 in review

    HP Watch Group

    Tags: NGOs, ECHO, Humanitarian Partnership

    This document summarises the activities of the Humanitarian Partnership (HP) Watch Group and our collective contributions to shaping the partnership landscape between DG ECHO and NGO-certified partners in 2023.
  • Destruction and Displacement in Ukraine: The Cost to Civilians Two Years On - NRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: Conflict

    This report is based on a study conducted to better understand the war's impact on people inside Ukraine. The report also includes some responses from refugees from Ukraine in Poland and Moldova.
  • Joint Statement on Conflict-Induced Hunger in Gaza

    Members' publications

    Tags: Conflict, Hunger

    The joint statement, signed by several VOICE members, calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and a significant increase in humanitarian assistance to prevent famine in Gaza, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2417 and International Humanitarian Law.
  • Concept Note - Partners' Segment session: “Equitable Partnerships: towards a fairer sharing of compliance-related risks"

    HP Watch Group

    Tags: NGOs, ECHO, Localisation, Humanitarian Partnership

    The concept note of the risk-sharing session at the DG ECHO Partners’ Segment on 20 March 2024, entitled “Equitable Partnerships: towards a fairer sharing of compliance-related risks", co-organised by Charter4Change, the Red Cross EU and VOICE.
  • Artificial Intelligence: disruption or opportunity for humanitarian aid? - VOICE Key highlights

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The VOICE event ‘Artificial Intelligence: Disruption or Opportunity for Humanitarian Aid?’ brought together experts to delve into the transformative potential of AI in humanitarian action.
  • DG ECHO Organigramme - Updated 01/02/2024

    Tags: ECHO

    Access here the new DG ECHO Organigramme as of 01/02/2024
  • Turn on the Light: Why tackling energy-related challenges in the nexus of water and food in Syria cannot wait - Oxfam

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    This discussion paper offers a contribution to the broader discourse on the WEF nexus in government-controlled parts of Syria. It looks at what approaches could be used to understand and address the linkages between water, energy and food that could be most beneficial to the people of Syria.
  • Interview with a female Afghan aid worker from one of the VOICE member organisations

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Gender

    In the interview of the VOICE Out Loud 36, a female Afghan aid worker delves into the multifaceted humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, with a focus on gender-related issues.
  • Nowhere to escape in Gaza. The war turned the humanitarian crisis into a catastrophe – WeWorld

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Conflict

    The article by WeWorld on the VOICE Out Loud 36 provides a harrowing account of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza following the conflict escalation on 7 October.
  • 2024 Hunger Funding Gap Report - ACF

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Hunger

    The global hunger funding gap has hit 65% for countries with the most urgent needs. This report, by ACF, analyses the current funding shortages and their impact on hunger.
  • Wrong at all levels: Civil Society Response to the December 15 MFF Negotiating Box

    Reaction to the provisional agreement of the European Council on the revision of the EU's long-term budget from December 2023.
  • VOICE Key highlights - Fighting hunger: a women-led response – VOICE

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Gender

    The VOICE panel discussion held at the event in June 2023 stressed the importance of gender-sensitive responses in humanitarian aid, advocating for women's central role in designing and implementing these strategies.
  • Unprecedented acute hunger affects millions of people in Cameroon

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    Amidst escalating conflicts, natural disasters, and the aftermath of COVID-19, Cameroon faces a worsening humanitarian crisis, with a significant portion of its population grappling with acute food insecurity, exacerbated by security challenges and resource strains in various regions.
  • Fostering strength and inclusion: The Significance of the Gender Lens in Displacement Settings – Relief International

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Gender

    In its article, Relief International underscores the imperative of adopting a gender-sensitive approach in displacement settings, focusing on the acute vulnerabilities of women and girls.
  • Building climate resilience for all: Towards inclusive recovery - Mercy Corps

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Climate, Gender

    The article from Mercy Corps in the VOL 36 highlights the need for inclusive and multidimensional recovery strategies in the face of the climate crisis, emphasising the crucial role of involving women and girls.
  • Breaking the Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2023 - CARE International

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The "Breaking the Silence" report from CARE International identifies and brings attention to ten forgotten humanitarian crises in 2023.