

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 176 to 200 of 1004 items.

  • VOICE Policy Resolution 2023 - World hunger is rising sharply: let’s stop it NOW!

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: Hunger

    In the Policy Resolution 2023, VOICE calls on the EU and its Member States (MS) to stop the steep rise of world hunger by:
    - Preventing, preparing for, and acting quickly to respond to food and nutrition insecurity
    - Ensuring multi-sectoral and inclusive approaches to address the global food crisis and transform the global food system
  • Spotlight Food Security - EU-CORD

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    This edition of the Spotlight of EU-CORD focuses on the current food security challenges and how EU-CORD members respond to lessen the impact.
  • Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2023 - Development Initiatives

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2023 assesses the international financing response to crisis. Development Initiatives finds that more needs went unmet in 2022 than ever before.
  • Invisible and Forgotten: Displaced children hungrier and at more risk than ever - World Vision

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian, Hunger

    This report from World Vision looks at the current situation of displacement, as more people are on the move than ever before – more than twice as many as 10 years ago – with nearly half of them (41%) under the age of 18.
  • Watchlist Insight: Climate and Humanitarian Crisis in the Central Sahel - IRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate, Humanitarian

    This report examines how the populations of these regions face widespread poverty, are particularly dependent on sectors vulnerable to climate change and are more likely to be exposed to armed conflict.
  • Building an enabling environment for local actors in humanitarian response: the crucial role of donors – EU CORD

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Localisation

    In this article, EU CORD delves into the donor’s role in enabling local actors in humanitarian response, which will eventually benefit the whole humanitarian system and, ultimately, people in need.
  • Gender in Emergencies: Results of a Multi-sectoral Rapid Gender Analysis in Haiti - Plan International

    Members' publications

    Tags: Gender

    This rapid gender analysis was carried out by Plan International in the communes of Fort-Liberté, Ferrier and Capotille to understand the impact of the multi-sector emergency, especially food insecurity, on girls and young women in the northeast department of Haiti.
  • Broke or broken? A necessary discussion about the humanitarian funding gap- Egmont Institute Briefing

    This Egmont Brief proposes to further explore the main options currently proposed to fill the humanitarian aid funding gap: budgetary targets, global pooled funds, and a better engagement with the private sector. It concludes by suggesting a number of actionable items that would allow the European Union to mobilize a wider international financing base.
  • Recognising Resilience women's leadership in Northwest Syria's earthquake response and beyond

    Members' publications
    This report provides a comprehensive analysis of women’s leadership in Northwest Syria after the earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023. Though the epicentre was located in Southwestern Turkiye, the earthquake caused widespread damage in both that region and Northern Syria. It also explores the broader implications of their leadership for the ongoing Syrian peace processes and its broader implications for Syrian peace processes. It highlights the pivotal role played by women in the response effort and explores their potential to shape equitable, inclusive and sustainable approaches to post-earthquake reconstruction and postconflict recovery across Syria more broadly.
  • Localisation: where are we at and how did we get here? – Christian Aid

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Localisation

    In this article, Christian Aid delves into the significant efforts from the humanitarian community focused on channelling more power to local actors and the challenges ahead on the road to localisation.
  • Knowing Better, Responding Worse: How Mistakes from 2008 Led to the Food Crisis of Today - CARE

    Members' publications

    Tags: Hunger

    A study released by CARE reported that 112.2 million more people around the world were driven to hunger after 2020, compared to the previous major global food crisis (2008-2009).
  • VOICE out loud 35 - Localisation: Exploring a multifaceted agenda

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, Localisation

    The magazine's new edition examines how the humanitarian system, including INGOs, local and national actors, and donors, can ensure equitable partnerships and participation to keep moving the localisation agenda forward. At the same time, some VOICE members also explore several challenges ahead such as the need for broader risk sharing or the importance of mutual learning between local and international organisations, among others.
  • The impact of food and nutritional crisis on children in Burkina Faso and Niger - Save the Children

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Hunger

    The report by Save the Children is based on a survey of 630 people in the most hunger-affected areas of Niger and Burkina Faso in West Africa as the world faces its most severe food crisis this century.
  • The world's most neglected displacement crises in 2022 - NRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    This report by NRC highlights the ten most neglected displacement crises in the world. The purpose is to focus on the plight of people whose suffering rarely makes international headlines, who receive little or no assistance, and who never become the centre of attention for international diplomacy efforts.
  • Two years on: Afghans still lack pathways to safety in the EU - IRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs

    The International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) new report calls for renewed European commitments to support Afghans at risk and an urgent expansion of pathways to safety in the EU.
  • Déclaration : les réflexions du réseau VOICE après le Forum humanitaire européen 2023 - Défis Humanitaires (FR)

    Tags: European Humanitarian Forum

    This publication by Défis Humanitaires features the VOICE Reflections after the European Humanitarian Forum 2023, highlighting 3 priority areas.
  • Looking Beyond Food: Child survival in the hunger crisis - Save the Children

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian, Hunger

    In this report, Save the Children presents three recommendations to ensure children survive the hunger crisis: scaling up early detection and treatment for acute malnutrition; protecting, promoting, and supporting infant and young child feeding; and investing in community and primary healthcare.
  • No Matter Who’s Fighting, Hunger Always Wins - Action Against Hunger

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian, Conflict, Hunger

    This report aims to support greater understanding of how conflict and hunger intersect and exactly why conflict fuels heightened, sometimes catastrophic, food insecurity.
  • Joint statement urging global donors to fully fund the humanitarian response in the Horn of Africa

    Tags: Funding, NGOs, Humanitarian

    Several NGOs, among which are several VOICE members, urge global donors to address the impact of the climate injustice taking place in the Horn of Africa by making the financial pledges required to fully fund the humanitarian response and help address immediate and long-term needs across the region.
  • Evidence report: Impact of climate change - International Medical Corps

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate, Humanitarian

    This document outlines the key impacts that climate change is likely to have on the four areas of the humanitarian response of International Medical Corps: water and sanitation; health; nutrition and food security; and livelihoods.
  • Review of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) - The case for increased funding for external action

    Tags: Funding, MFF

    This paper, drafted by civil society organisations (CSOs) and networks from various sectors of development cooperation, climate and environmental protection and humanitarian aid, calls on the EU institutions to increase resources for external action (under Heading 6) as part of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) review process.
  • Dóchas Guide to Ethical Communications 2023

    Tags: NGOs

    The Dóchas Guide to Ethical Communications is a resource for international humanitarian and development non-governmental organisations (NGOs) when designing and implementing their communications.
  • Statement by members of the NGO Working Group on the Protection of Civilians

    Tags: Nexus, Conflict, Hunger

    Joint statement signed by several of our members calling for better protection of civilians, the recognition of the impact of conflict and hunger on civilians, and the implementation of the Nexus, among other issues.
  • Making Cash for Shelter work in Ukraine - ZOA

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Cash, Humanitarian

    This best practice paper highlights ZOA's unique Cash-for-Shelter approach and its implementation in Ukraine, allowing others to learn from it.
  • Humanitarian topics explained: forgotten crises - CHA

    Tags: Humanitarian

    This paper introduces the topic of "forgotten crises". It highlights definitions of and criteria for forgotten crises and related funding procedures of various organisations, compares four recent lists of forgotten crises and closes with a reflection on the discussion around the term.