

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 326 to 350 of 959 items.

  • The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2020 - CARE

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The analysis is based on online media coverage in five languages throughout the year. CARE sees a concerning trend of crises being neglected year after year. Six out of the ten crises are located on the African continent. This report gives an overview of neglected crises and their impacts, but also offers solutions and best practices in journalism
  • Inclusive practices for disaster risk management

    Members' publications

    Tags: DRR, NGOs

    The document gathers 12 experiences of Inclusive Disaster Risk Management Practices identified from social actors and government entities in 6 countries of the Latin American region. For each practice identified, the context, the description of the practice, its impact, its potential for replication and sustainability as well as the challenges for the future were documented.
  • Programme for the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the European Union

    Programme for the Portuguese presidency of the EU Council. See the section dedicated to Humanitarian Aid at page 34.
  • Learning from an emergency: the Intersos model of territorial response in Rome

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    In Rome, in particular, since March 2020 the INTERSOS24 project has focused on the implementation of anti-COVID-19 measures aimed at the homeless population or in conditions of social exclusion. in order to guarantee the protection of their health and support the Lazio Regional Health System. Here the report of the project
  • Approaches to survivor and community response Local2Global Protection

    Members' publications
    Presentation of the workshop on approaches for supporting survivor and community-led response. The link to the recording can be found in this presentation. Organised by ACT Alliance EU and VOICE.
  • COVID-19 and refugees' economic opportunities, financial services and digital inclusion

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees, COVID-19

    This research report by IRC - based on findings in refugee contexts in Jordan, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia - finds that digital services such as mobile money can in theory be more accessible for refugees than standard bank accounts, in practice refugees continue to face barriers. These services are often new and underdeveloped and therefore untested, or refugees are only permitted a restricted form of access. Even though digital services are likely to become more important given the ‘new normal’ and continued need for socially distanced services, this transition is only starting, and refugees need to be included in mainstream and fully developed financial services.
  • Global Humanitarian Overview 2021

    Tags: Funding, UN, Humanitarian

    In 2021, 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. This number has risen to 1 in 33 people worldwide - a significant increase from 1 in 45 at the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, which was already the highest figure in decades. The UN and partner organizations aim to assist 160 million people most in need across 56 countries and will require a total of $35 billion to do so.
  • EU restrictive measures impact on humanitarian aid: Between a principled view for exemptions and a pragmatic approach for an effective derogation process.

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Access

    VOICE webinar Save the Date and registration link. Join VOICE and a panel of experts on the 11th of December for a webinar focusing on the push to introduce humanitarian exemptions to EU sanctions regimes, and the discussion on an EU-wide derogation process.
  • Video recording of the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Video recording of the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders (19 November 2020).
  • Power Point presentation HI - VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Power Point presentation on the Réseau Logistique Humanitaire shared by Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion at the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector (19 November 2020).
  • Power Point presentation CARE - VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Power Point presentation on Cost-Efficiency Analysis: Protection CM, CCE, ECA by CARE Jordan at the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector (19 November 2020).
  • GVC WeWorld Index 2020 : Dynamic Dashboard

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Gender, Humanitarian

    First published in 2015, the WeWorld Index measures countries' progress through economic and social indicators by analyzing life conditions of those who are more at risk of social exclusion, i.e. children, adolescents and women. In the frame set by the 2030 Agenda, inclusion is a multidimensional concept not only linked to economic development, but to all social dimensions (health, education, culture, politics, access to information, security, environment, etc...)

    The WeWorld Index is a synthetic index made of 34 indicators that can be grouped in 17 dimensions, which refer to the Four Building Blocks, crucial for the implementation of women's and children's rights: health, education, economy and society, plus de environmental and cultural context, which in turn influences (and it is influenced by) the possibilities of women's and children's rights implementation.

    In the 2020 WeWorld Index, the consequences of the pandemic have been taken into account by adding 3 indicators to the 34 that the WeWorld Index has proposed since the very first edition.

    In the final ranking of the WeWorld Index 2020 in times of Covid-19 (updated in June 2020) 172 countries are included.
  • GVC WeWorld Index 2020 : Women and children in times of Covid-19

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Gender, Humanitarian

    In 110 out of 172 countries women and children are experiencing forms of exclusion (in 49 countries serious or very serious forms of exclusion, 1 country out of 3). The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a limitation of fundamental rights for women and children in the world with a very strong negative impact on the access to generalised education in all countries. These are the main results of the 2020 edition of the WeWorld Index, the annual report that measures the level of inclusion of women and children in 172 countries worldwide through 34 indicators, conducted by WeWorld – a non-governmental organisation that has been working for more than 50 years to guarantee the rights of women and children in 27 countries, including Italy. The report includes an in-depth analysis of the impact of Covid on the education of children and adolescents.
  • Update on the development of the next ECHO Partnership Certificate

    FPA Watch Group
    The development of the next ECHO Partnership Certificate
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force Position Paper - An NGO perspective on the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    This position paper sets out views expressed by members of the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force to improve the humanitarian sector and to strive for more efficiency for the 167.6 million people in need of humanitarian intervention worldwide. There is an urgent need for European actors to follow up on the commitments made, and to put the people in need first by making our collective work more efficient. With this goal in mind, this position paper proposes recommendations to improve the efficiency of the humanitarian sector.
  • ECHO answers to the FPA Watch Group questions on the MGA

    FPA Watch Group
  • VOICE FPA Update October 2020

    VOICE Power Point presentation on the update of the FPA (October 2020).
  • Launch of the WeWorld index 2020 Women and Children in times of Covid-19

    Members' publications

    Tags: Development, Gender, COVID-19

    On the 17th of November, WeWorld – GVC will launch the 6th Edition of the WeWorld Index. The WeWorld Index measures countries’ progress through economic and social indicators by analyzing life conditions of those who are more at risk of social exclusion, i.e. children, adolescents and women.
  • A learning exchange_ Approaches for supporting survivor and community-led response

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Join the workshop to hear from Local to Global Protection (L2GP) facilitators and practitioners on supporting survivor and community-led responses and from Oxfam community-based protection initiatives on approaches to community-based protection.
  • FPA Watch Group 01/10/2020 - Exchange with ECHO

    FPA Watch Group
    Minutes from the exchange between the Watch Group and DG ECHO from October 2020 (ex-ante assessment, Certificate and MGA).
  • FPA Watch Group questions for DG ECHO on the Model Grant Agreement

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: ECHO

    Questions shared by the FPA Watch Group during the meeting with DG ECHO on the MGA (1 October 2020).
  • 2020 Global Hunger Index. One Decade to Zero Hunger - Linking Health and Sustainable Food Systems

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    The 2020 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that although hunger worldwide has gradually declined since 2000, in many places progress is too slow and hunger remains severe. These areas are highly
    vulnerable to a worsening of food and nutrition insecurity exacerbated by the health, economic, and environmental crises of 2020.
  • CSO networks joint statement on NDICI and humanitarian aid in the next MFF

    Tags: Funding, MFF, Humanitarian

    Global crises demand strengthened cooperation and solidarity. VOICE and other CSO networks call on EU leaders to reverse cuts to the NDICI and reinforce humanitarian aid in the next multiannual financial framework.
  • Cameroon: International NGOs call for immediate scale-up of the humanitarian response amid soaring needs in the Far North Region

    Members' publications

    Tags: Access, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    Relentless attacks on civilians, large scale floods and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic are exacerbating an already critical humanitarian crisis in Cameroon’s Far North. International NGOs active in the region are calling for a drastic scaleup of the humanitarian response to address the needs of the most vulnerable. Lifesaving activities must be facilitated through unrestricted access to population in need and resources must be diligently mobilized to address the needs of the most vulnerable ones.
  • Halting lives : The impact of COVID-19 on girls and young women

    Members' publications

    Tags: COVID-19

    COVID-19 is having an impact on all sectors of society across the world. But its impact does not fall equally: the virus seems to discriminate between rich and poor, young and old, male and female but is in fact taking advantage of pre-existing inequalities. These intersectional and intergenerational vulnerabilities paint a complex web of inter-connections which impact on various groups dependent on factors like sex, gender, age, race, disability status and income status, to name a few. With this in mind Plan International, in line with its continuing focus on gender equality and girls’ rights, commissioned research to look specifically at the impact of the current pandemic on girls and young women, collecting data from over 7,000 girls across 14 countries.