

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 376 to 400 of 959 items.


    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    The report from Welthungerhilfe stresses the need to invest more in the fight against hunger and have a Rescue Package for the poorest.
  • Governments must not turn their back on the Sahel

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    In reaction to the postponement of the Sahel donor conference, which was due to take place on 18 June, Oxfam together with Action Against Hunger, CARE International, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and Save the Children, warned of a "hunger pandemic" in the Sahel on top of multiple crises, particularly as a result of COVID-19, conflict and the onset of the lean season. 24 million people (included children) are already in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.
  • Learning Report: DCA and partners’ experiences working in the COVID-19 response

    Members' publications

    Tags: COVID-19

    This report compiles key learning from DCA’s and local partners’ response to the COVID-19 crisis from DCA’s operational areas. The learning was gathered at a virtual learning seminar in May 2020 on the COVID-19 response, in which five thematic areas were addressed: 1) the role of faith actors; 2) the humanitarian programming and learning from a food crisis; 3) livelihoods and value chains; 4) GBV mainstreaming response; and 5) conflict and access challenges.
  • The world’s most neglected displacement crises in 2019

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian

    Each year, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) publishes the list of the ten most neglected displacement crises in the world, to shine a spotlight on these forgotten emergencies. This is the list for 2019.
  • Joint letter from NGO networks to European Council June 2020 - Heading VI in the next MFF and Recovery Fund

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, MFF

    A joint letter co-signed by VOICE, CAN Europe, CONCORD, Cooperatives Europe, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, Eurodad, ENoP, EPLO and HRDN sent to EU Head of States in advance of the European Council on 19 June 2020 to present recommendations on Heading VI of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and the Recovery Fund 'Next Generation EU'.
  • The Response of CARE to the High Level Pledging Conference on Yemen

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    CARE says that Yemen receives an unsatisfactory 1.35 billion USD in pledges – water, sanitation and hygiene are the highest priorities amidst COVID-19 crisis.
  • VOICE workshop Report: The impact of EU sanctions and restrictive measures on humanitarian action

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Principles, Counter-terrorism, NGOs, IHL

    The report from the workshop organised by VOICE gathering NGOs, external experts, European Member States and EU institutions’ representatives to discuss the evolving approach in the EU to sanctions and restrictive measures, their impact on the delivery of humanitarian aid and how to mitigate them.
  • Reframing Education in COVID19 era

    Members' publications

    Tags: COVID-19

    A publication by WeWorld-GVC on Reframing Education in the COVID-19 era.
  • New resources to save lives and to reduce suffering of people affected by the Venezuelan Crisis

    Members' publications
    A reaction by INGO's to the Venezuela Pledging Conference held on 26 May 2020. Signatories are CARE, NRC, IPPF/RHO, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, and World Vision International.
  • 'Post COVID-19: EU humanitarian aid in the next Multiannual Financial Framework' - VOICE Policy Resolution 2020

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: MFF, Humanitarian, General Assembly 2020, COVID-19

    In the policy resolution 2020, VOICE calls on the EU to timely adopt a new MFF that goes well beyond being a COVID-19 response and that effectively supports people affected by humanitarian crises around the world.
  • Risk-informed approaches to humanitarian funding: Using risk finance tools to strengthen resilience

    Tags: DRR

    ECHO commissioned this study to explore the role that pre-arranged financing can plan in reducing or mitigating disaster impacts by supporting anticipatory action and response. The study terms of reference state the objective is: “to assist DG ECHO in developing approaches to mainstreaming risk-based financing and specific risk financing tools for reducing the impact of disasters, decreasing overall ex-post humanitarian funding and enhancing preparedness”.
  • VOICE Activity Report 2019

    VOICE Activity Reports

    Tags: General Assembly 2020

  • COVID- 19 Webinar: Video message from VOICE Director

    Tags: EU, NGOs, ECHO, COVID-19

    WEBINAR: European response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the delivery of humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, technical issues prevented VOICE Director Kathrin Schick to participate directly in the webinar. Her video intervention has been recorded afterward. Please click here to watch it!
  • World Vision Report - COVID-19 Aftershocks: Secondary Impacts Threaten more Children's Lives than Disease Itself

    Members' publications
    Too many children, especially those living in fragile contexts, already face unacceptable threats to their wellbeing and futures. World Vision’s experience in Ebola has shown us that beyond COVID-19 itself, children will inevitably face heightened food insecurity; increased risk of violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation; and the interruption or total breakdown of essential services including formal and informal education. While
    children may not suffer the worst symptoms of COVID-19, millions of young lives will be put at risk as weak health systems become overwhelmed by the pandemic and precious resources are diverted.
  • COVID-19 and humanitarian action: VOICE key messages

    Tags: Funding, NGOs, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    Key messages developed by VOICE regarding the humanitarian aid challenges brought by the current pandemic addressed to donors and governments.
  • Action Against Hunger: Letter on the EU's Response to COVID-19

    Members' publications
    A letter from Action Against Hunger to the EU and its response to COVID-19
  • COVID-19 and the Grand Bargain: Effective and efficient humanitarian response needed more than ever

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    A 1-pager providing an overview of adaptations of the humanitarian response, and further steps needed to enable a more efficient and effective response to COVID-19 and existing humanitarian crises.
  • DanChurchAid position paper for COVID-19 crisis and response

    Members' publications
    Position Paper of DanChurchAid for the response of the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Welthungerhilfe: COVID-19: The Current Health Crisis Could Trigger a Food Crisis

    Members' publications
    Publication by Welthungerhilfe on COVID-19: The Current Health Crisis could trigger a Food Crisis.
  • FPA Watch Group 05/03/2020 - Exchange with ECHO

    FPA Watch Group
    Minutes from the exchange between ECHO and the FPA Watch Group on March 5, 2020.
  • Community-led action critical for locust livelihood response in the greater Horn of Africa

    Members' publications
    A statement from the Regional Desert Locust Alliance.

    While the attention of the global community is drawn to COVID-19, the unprecedented desert locust invasion across the Greater Horn of Africa remains an added threat to food security and livelihoods in ten countries. It is critical that activities to control locusts and address their impact on livelihoods continue, with local communities placed at the forefront.
  • NRC’s Practical Guide for Project Cycle Management and Counterterrorism Risks

    Members' publications

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Crisis Management

    This practical guide outlines the origin and impact of counterterrorism measures and proposes actions for humanitarian organizations to consider throughout the project management cycle to help manage and mitigate counterterrorism-related risks.
  • EU humanitarian aid matters more than ever

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: EU, Principles, NGOs, Partnership

    A briefing outlining the importance of EU humanitarian aid implemented by NGOs that are in a unique position to respond to the most vulnerable.
  • Multi-year humanitarian funding: Global baselines and trends - Development Initiatives

    Tags: Funding, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    A comprehensive breakdown of multi-year humanitarian funding, looking at long-term trends in donors, recipients and earmarking. Are Grand Bargain recommendations being met?
  • Charter for Change 2019 Annual Meeting

    From 10-11 December 2019, 31 national NGOs from crisis-affected contexts and 25 international NGOs met for the Charter4Change 2019 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen to take stock on progress and share good practices amongst the Charter4Change signatories and endorsers in promoting localisation efforts.

    The C4C annual meeting was co-hosted by DanChurchAid, CARE Denmark, Caritas and Oxfam IBIS.