VOICE is legally established in Belgium.
The VOICE Statutes can be viewed here
General Assembly
The VOICE General Assembly (GA) is the highest body of governance of the association. The high level of participation of its membership shows the great commitment of VOICE members in their network.
During the GA, members’ approval is requested on a number of key decisions linked to administrative, financial, organisational and strategic issues, including reviewing the Statutes when appropriate. In addition to electing the members of the Board of Directors, members vote on the approval of new members of the network.
The General Assembly is usually an opportunity to meet with the highest representatives of DG ECHO and exchange on the orientation and implementation of the European humanitarian aid.
Each VOICE General Assembly approves a Policy Resolution providing key recommendations related to the major humanitarian issues that together the network’s members wish to bring to the attention of the EU institutions and of the Member States.
VOICE usually organises an event prior to the General Assembly to discuss key humanitarian topics of interest for the network together with other major humanitarian actors in Brussels.
VOICE Strategic Plan 2019-2023
The current Strategic Plan was approved by the General Assembly in 2019. it is complemented by an annual work programme approved by the Board.
This plan has been developed through a continuous dialogue with members, consultative workshops at the General Assembly in 2018, and on the basis of the mid-term review of the previous strategic plan by the Board and the Secretariat.
The VOICE Strategy includes the following main objectives:
- Shape EU policies and practices affecting the delivery of principled humanitarian assistance worldwide, building on NGOs’ operational expertise
- Build on effective partnerships to advocate for predictable, timely and increased resourcing at EU level for quality and accountable humanitarian aid
- Promote an enabling environment in which European NGOs are able to advocate for and deliver effective humanitarian aid
- Enhance the effectiveness and recognition of VOICE as the main NGO interlocutor on EU humanitarian aid.
The above information is extracted from the full Strategic Plan. To learn more about how we work on these objectives see VOICE’s activities. Each year, the Secretariat produces an Activity Report. This report looks back on the implementation of the main objectives of the Strategic Plan, according to the Annual Work Programme. It also gives an update on the organisational developments of the network and its structure.