Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
VOICE Statement - Humanitarian Action at a Crossroads: Why the EU Must Boost Funding in the Next MFF
13 February 2025VOICE position papersIn this statement, VOICE shares recommendations for the post-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. VOICE urges the European Union (EU) and Members States to preserve the humanitarian aid budget line separate from other instruments, to allocate a minimum of €2.6 billion per year to humanitarian action, preserve the Emergency Aid REserve and finally to increase the EU Member State's national contribution to the EU revenue. -
Open letter to EC President : Reject the Merger of External Financing Instruments
11 February 2025Open letter to the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen stressing the importance of preserving the distinct purposes of external action instruments and rejecting the proposed merger that could jeopardize the EU's credibility and long-term impact as a global partner. -
The Missing Link: The Centrality of Protection in Early Recovery in Syria
06 February 2025Members' publicationsIn this paper, produced in collaboration with the Danish Refugee Council and Oxfam, INTERSOS explains why it is vital to invest in early recovery programmes that put protection at the forefront of programming. It also includes a series of recommendations to key stakeholders to commit to a more effective and sustainable humanitarian response in Syria. -
NRC: Here are five crises you should know about in 2025
23 January 2025As the world rings in a new year, the need to address ongoing and long-lasting humanitarian crises remains urgent. In 2025, several regions will face challenges that will demand global attention. -
The frontline of the climate crisis in Honduras: 'We live in fear here when it starts raining'
23 January 2025Journalist Hannah McCarthy meets the residents of parts of Honduras suffering the extreme effects of climate change and visits a Trocaire-led ECHO-funded project in Latin America (Honduras and Guatemala). -
CARE Crisis Report: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2024
23 January 2025Members' publicationsHumanitarian crises are challenges affecting millions of people. They are diverse and global – be they natural disasters, famine crises, conflicts or wars. However, the attention of the global public is usually focused on a few, particularly prominent crises. With this Crisis Report, which is being published for the ninth year in a row, CARE puts ten underreported crises and the people affected into focus. -
Vacancy: Junior Communication Assistant Part Time
20 January 2025VOICE is seeking a motivated Junior Communication Assistant to support the work of its Brussels Secretariat part-time.
Global Humanitarian Overview 2025
14 January 2025The Global Humanitarian Overview is an annual assessment of global humanitarian needs and how to respond to them. This document provides an analysis of the drivers of needs and an overview of the resources required to support people targeted for assistance. -
VOICE Out Loud 38 "Upholding Humanity - The role and future of International Humanitarian Law
17 December 2024VOICE out loudThe VOICE Out Loud 38 "Upholding Humanity - The role and future of International Humanitarian Law", takes a critical look at the growing threats to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) amidst the world’s escalating crises. This issue features insights from our members, including DanChurchAid, Action Against Hunger France, Terre des Hommes Italy, Oxfam, and Diakonia/Act Alliance with an interview to the former EU Commissioner for crisis management Janez Lenarčič. -
VOICE Briefing - Partners in humanitarian action: Halfway through the EU Humanitarian Partnership 2021-2027
09 December 2024VOICE studies and briefing papersThe VOICE Briefing 'Partners in humanitarian action: Halfway through the EU Humanitarian Partnership 2021-2027' takes stock of the DG ECHO-NGO partnership’s evolution under the HP 2021–2027, examining both the institutional transformations and practical experiences of NGOs within this framework. -
Stop the War on Children: Pathways to peace
21 November 2024Members' publicationsThis report identifies concerning trends for the safety and wellbeing of children living in areas impacted by conflict. The last three decades have seen a staggering rise in the number of children living under the shadow of war, as well as an increase in heinous attacks committed against children. There is an urgent need for action to end what is too often a war on children. -
Grand Bargain 3.0: the story of the Dutch Relief Alliance
31 October 2024Members' publicationsReleased by DRA in the run-up to the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting in Geneva (17 October), the report "Grand Bargain 3.0: the story of the Dutch Relief Alliance" has a strong focus on locally led humanitarian action. -
Lessons learned from the risk sharing pilot in humanitarian programming
31 October 2024Members' publicationsReleased by DRA in the run-up to the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting in Geneva (17 October), the report "Lessons learned from the risk sharing pilot in humanitarian programming" summarizes the experiences of the risk-sharing pilots the DRA has undertaken in 3 countries.
Food Wars: Conflict, Hunger, and Globalization, 2023
17 October 2024Members' publicationsMost wars of the late 20th and early 21st centuries have been “food wars”: food and hunger were used as weapons, food and food-related water and energy infrastructure were damaged intentionally or incidentally, and food insecurity persisted as a legacy of conflict destructiveness. Frequently, food insecurity, in turn, is a trigger or underlying cause of conflict. -
2024 Global Hunger Index
15 October 2024Members' publicationsThis is the nineteenth annual publication of the Global Hunger Index (GHI), a report jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe. -
VOICE Key highlights: The Mediterranean Sea: a Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?
15 October 2024VOICE event reportsThe key highlights report from VOICE's event "The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?" calls for urgent international action, recognition of the humanitarian nature of the crisis, support for Search and Rescue NGOs, and stronger collaboration to address the escalating death toll in the Mediterranean Sea. -
Lebanon crisis: escalation of hostilities - WeWorld Flash update
14 October 2024Members' publicationsFor the second consecutive week, Israeli airstrikes have continued to target densely populated areas across Lebanon, driving waves of displacement and further exacerbating the needs of affected and displaced populations. -
Why not local? INGO statement on the urgent need to accelerate progress and accountability towards local leadership of humanitarian action - Joint Statement
09 October 2024Members' publicationsThis joint statement calls on the international community – notably donor governments, INGOs and UN agencies – to urgently accelerate efforts to promote and demonstrate equitable partnership with diverse local civil society organizations in humanitarian action. -
Shifting Power in Aid: How Christian Aid is contributing to locally led development
03 October 2024Members' publicationsThis report highlights key actions and achievements by Christian Aid in 2023/24 in shifting power to their partners. -
VOICE Statement - Gaza one year on, the loss of life must end
03 October 2024In this statement, VOICE urgently calls on the European Union (EU) and its Member States to take decisive diplomatic actions to protect civilians and humanitarian workers, guarantee unimpeded humanitarian access, and ensure adherence to IHL in the Gaza conflict. -
DG ECHO Organigramme - Updated 01/08/2024
18 September 2024Access here the new DG ECHO Organigramme as of 01/08/2024. -
Joint press release: Israel’s siege now blocks 83% of food aid reaching Gaza, new data reveals
17 September 2024Members' publicationsJoint press release co-signed by several VOICE members: 15 aid organisations demand international pressure for an immediate ceasefire, arms embargo, and end to Israel’s systematic aid obstruction -
Open letter: Ensuring a vibrant civic space in the European Union – civil society’s expectations for the next five years
16 September 2024The open letter “Ensuring a vibrant civic space in the European Union” is an initiative by Civil Society Europe (CSE) that calls on the EU institutions to prioritise actions that foster a vibrant civic space, uphold democracy, and safeguard fundamental rights over the next five years. -
Policy Brief: Hungry for Justice - 20 Years of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Food Overshadowed by Increasing Hunger Crises - WHH
05 September 2024Members' publicationsJust six years before the SDG target date, governments must once again make the Right to Food a top priority and act decisively to achieve SDG2 after all. -
Habitat for Humanity, EU Manifesto 2024-2029- Strategies for Affordable Housing and Thriving Communities
03 September 2024Habitat for Humanity Manifesto on priorities of the European Union, ‘Strategies for Affordable Housing and Thriving Communities’.