

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 301 to 325 of 959 items.

  • Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2021

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2021 brings a comprehensive picture of the global financing landscape for humanitarian responses in a year like no other. It sets out how humanitarian needs changed in 2020, and the extent to which funding met those needs. It provides a unique analysis on the total amount of international humanitarian assistance contributed last year and key changes in the behaviour of public donors in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. It also looks at the wider financing landscape to set out the role of actors in crisis contexts beyond the humanitarian sector.
  • Dutch Relief Alliance - Working on the Grand Bargain Commitments

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    This report presents some of last year’s DRA's achievements in working towards the fulfilment of the Grand Bargain commitments.
  • Towards principled humanitarian action in conflict contexts. Understanding the role of partnerships.

    Members' publications

    Tags: Principles, Partnership, Conflict

    The research, commissioned and reviewed by Caritas Norway, DanChurchAid (DCA), Kindernothilfe (KNH), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) finds that the way partnerships are shaped influences the principled delivery of aid. It suggests a need for new and stronger models of humanitarian partnership that are more equitable, and which take collective responsibility for principled delivery of humanitarian aid.
  • VOICE Policy Resolution 2021- Grand Bargain 2.0: let’s make it a turning point in the global humanitarian aid system

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    VOICE calls on the EU and its Member States (MS) to make the GB 2.0 a real turning point in the humanitarian aid system through the adoption of the recommendations of the Policy resolution adopted by NGO members at the General Assembly 2021.
  • FPA Watch Group meeting minutes - 21.04.2021

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: Funding, ECHO

    Minutes of the FPA WG meeting on the 21/04/2021.
    Key topics: HR costs, consortium, assessments/audits, guidance notes, simplification and harmonisation
  • Knowledge Matters: Special issue on Durable Solutions in Somalia - Concern

    Members' publications

    Tags: EU Trust Funds, Consortia, Nexus

    This issue is dedicated to exploring the progress, challenges and lessons learnt from the Durable Solutions Consortia and programmes implemented in Somalia during the last 3 years by Concern and other implementing partners.
  • Ending the hunger crisis: Response, recovery and resilience - IRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: Resilience, Humanitarian

    It is estimated that 155 million people experienced acute food insecurity across 55 countries in 2020 – an increase of 20 million compared to 2019. The IRC estimates that without urgent action, progress towards the SDG target of Zero Hunger will effectively be suspended by at least 5 years. The G7 UK Presidency’s leadership of the G7 Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Crises Panel provides an opportunity for defined action. This report outlines the priority actions that the G7 and wider international community must take to prevent famine and build countries’ preparedness and resilience against future food security crises.
  • VOICE Activity Report 2020

    VOICE Activity Reports

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    VOICE Activity report 2020.  Read about the achievements and activities of the network over the last year.
  • The EU can open the classroom door for children around the word: Plan International

    Tags: NGOs

    How can the EU support access to education as a key element of human development? Plan International has prepared a list of recommendations for EU Member States to help answer exactly that.
  • Joint Agency Position on the Future of the Grand Bargain

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    Care, Oxfam, Christian Aid, Dan Church Aid, Nexus, Save The Children, NEAR, ActionAid and International Rescue Committee joint position paper on the future of the Grand Bargain.
  • Reducing the humanitarian financing gap: review of progress since the report of the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing - ODI

    Tags: Funding, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    In January 2016, the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing (HLP) published its report Too important to fail – addressing the humanitarian financing gap, which formed the basis for the Grand Bargain negotiations in early 2016. Five years on, this report seeks to identify, assess and analyse initiatives taken in the spirit of the HLP’s recommendations under its two main pillars, and to identify possible links with progress on the Grand Bargain.
  • Table rond Humanitaire : regards croisés sur l’insécurité: Agenda

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Agenda of the round-table on the impact of insecurity on humanitarian interventions. 
  • Adding to the evidence: the impact of sanctions and restrictive measures on humanitarian action

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Humanitarian

    This report captures the findings of an online survey on the impacts of sanctions and counter-terrorism (CT) restrictive measures on VOICE member NGOs, and the VOICE Webinar on EU Restrictive Measures and Humanitarian Aid: Between a principled view for exemptions and a pragmatic approach for an effective derogation process (December 2020).
  • Don't fail us now: Ireland’s vital opportunity to make a difference in North West Syria on the United Nations Security Council

    Members' publications

    Tags: Syrian crisis, NGOs, Humanitarian

    This briefing paper describes the three different modalities for delivering aid in Syria which have emerged in an attempt to provide principled humanitarian aid, and especially the cross-border mechanism on which North West, Syria relies. It explains why cross-line aid is not an option in the North West, and the devastating impacts that non-renewal of the cross-border mechanism would bring.
  • GOAL Learning on repeat multi-purpose cash assistance in North West Syria

    Members' publications

    Tags: Syrian crisis, NGOs, IHL

    In the North-West Syria response, cash assistance is mostly once-off or else for a maximum of 3 months. GOAL Syria is delivering a large-scale value voucher or food kit response to support food security needs. However, needs assessment repeatedly show that households have high non-food needs along with food needs. As a result, GOAL Syria incorporated Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) alongside its value voucher/food kit assistance to cover the cost of the Non-Food Item portion of households monthly survival needs. The MPCA is provided to household's for 6 months- something that is quite new to the North-West Syria response.
  • Questions and Answers on the New Humanitarian Partnership

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Questions and Answers on the New Humanitarian Partnership.
  • The cost of conflict for Syria's children: World Vision Report

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, Conflict

    An entire generation of children has been lost to the conflict in Syria. Today, Syria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a child. This report, produced by World Vision in partnership with Frontier Economics, uses an evidence-base to show the incredible loss of human capital in Syria as a result of a continuous cycle of grave violations against children, heavy economic costs, and shattered opportunities for future generations and highlights that Syria’s children will ultimately bear the cost of conflict in Syria.
  • Community Protection Approach as best practice on result-based protection: We World Statement

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Nexus, Humanitarian

    The statement of WE World on winning the InterAction contest on result-based protection
  • Global COVID-19 Response: DRC report

    Members' publications

    Tags: COVID-19

    This report summarizes DRC’s response in the context of its global appeal for a total of 75 million USD to address the impact of COVID-19, launched in April 2020.
  • Anywhere But Syria: How 10 Years of Conflict Left Syria’s Displaced Children Without a Sense of Home

    Members' publications

    Tags: Syrian crisis, Conflict

    To support progress towards a safe and fulfilling future for displaced children, Save the Children emphasises the importance of ensuring that displaced children experience full physical, material, legal and psychosocial safety, all of which are crucial for a child’s survival and development. The aim of this research is to explore in greater detail the elements of a displaced child’s experience that contribute to building their mental health and sense of belonging, also known as “psychosocial safety”. This lesser-explored element of safety is vital to working towards safe and meaningful participation of children in decision-making, supporting positive mental health and wellbeing, in any attempt to meaningfully reduce the vulnerabilities a child experiences as a result of their displacement.
  • Note on International NGO (INGO)’s perspectives on the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    The INGO Forum in the Democratic Republic of Congo wish to underline some of the concerns and opportunities for action to alleviate the plight of the 19,6 million people in need in the DRC.
  • Alliance2015 multi-country research: COVID-19 impacts on community resilience in the Global South

    Members' publications

    Tags: Resilience, Humanitarian, COVID-19

    The multi-sectoral research provides striking information on the direct impacts of COVID-19 on food security, WASH, health, education, income, and on the indirect ones, related to indebtedness, psychosocial status, domestic and community cohesion, thus offering a more holistic understanding of the full impacts of the pandemic that people are dealing with.
  • Environmental Migration: Analysis and Positioning Report - Secours Catholique

    Members' publications
    Through this document, drawing on the word of its international partners and national network, Secours Catholique – Caritas France sets out the context for people fleeing their living environments for environmental reasons (Part I), reasserts its assumptions about environmental conservation, international migration and the protection of vulnerable people (Part II), and defends the fundamental rights of environmental migrants along their migratory paths (Part III).
  • Aid agencies make unprecedented and united call for Biden administration to revoke Ansar Allah terrorist designation

    Members' publications

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Access, Humanitarian

    Twenty-two aid organisations working in Yemen remain extremely concerned about the humanitarian consequences of the designation of Ansar Allah as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) which came into effect on 19 January. This designation comes at a time when famine is a very real threat to a country devastated by six years of conflict, and it must be revoked immediately. Any disruption to lifesaving aid operations and commercial imports of food, fuel, medicine and other essential goods will put millions of lives at risk.
  • ECA Special Report 02/2021: EU humanitarian aid for education: helps children in need, but should be longer-term and reach more girls

    As the Commission increased aid for education in emergencies and protracted crises to 10 % of its total humanitarian aid in 2019, the European Court of Auditors has assessed how the Commission managed this new level of support.