

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 401 to 425 of 959 items.

  • Navigating the nexus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - World Vision

    Members' publications

    Tags: Nexus

    Based on extensive experience in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and specifically in Rutshuru in the east, World Vision has accumulated lessons learned and recommendations around how agencies can sustainably programme across the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus in an integrated way in fragile contexts. The aim of this work is to enable communities to survive, adapt to challenging situations, and thrive, while at the same time ensuring World Vision and others respond quickly and safely in environments that are inherently volatile.
  • Suffering in Silence - The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2019- Care International

    Members' publications
    Through the analysis of global online media coverage, CARE identified the top 10 crises that received little to no media attention in 2019. The African continent hosts nine out of ten underreported crises, which are : Madagascar, Central African Republic, Zambia, Burundi, Eritrea, DPR Korea, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Lake Chad Basin. With this report, CARE aims at challenging aid organizations and policymakers to make conscious choices about their priorities. For most of the underreported crises in this Top 10 list, the humanitarian response is also chronically underfunded.
  • VOICE FPA Briefing. Partners in Humanitarian Aid: The development of the ECHO-NGO relationship as governed by the Framework Partnership Agreement

    VOICE studies and briefing papers
    VOICE has produced this briefing to take stock of the evolving NGO-ECHO partnership – enshrined with the signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) – serving as an update of a previous VOICE publication on the topic from 2004. The briefing is based upon a desk review and a series of semi-structured interviews with former and current members of the FPA Watch Group, ECHO officials, and staff from the VOICE Secretariat. The interviews were carried out either in 2004 (for the initial version) or in 2017 and 2018 (for the updated version). Interviewees were selected so as to ensure a broad range of backgrounds and experiences (different geographic regions, areas of involvement and areas of expertise) in terms of the FPA process, ECHO-NGO relations, and the Watch Group and Task Force.
  • IRC Emergency Watchlist 2020

    Members' publications

    Tags: Humanitarian

    Watchlist 2020 highlights the countries where the IRC assesses there to be the greatest risk of a major deterioration in the humanitarian situation in the coming year.
    The countries on Watchlist 2020 have changed little since last year, underscoring both the protracted nature of many of these crises and collec-tive failure of the international community to resolve their root causes. In many cases, constraints on humanitarian access contribute to the already precarious conditions of Watchlist 2020 countries.
  • WeWorld-GVC Nexus Collection

    Members' publications

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    WeWorld-GVC did a colleciton of four publications on the nexus:
    Nexus Collection Vol.1 – From Humanitarian to Development. Ensure protection in complex crisis
    Nexus Collection Vol.2 – Ensuring Humanitarian Development Connectedness: Collective Outcomes, What Does It Mean?
    Nexus Collection Vol.3 – The Humanitarian-Development Nexus. A Collective Responsibility
    Nexus Collection Vol.4 – Operationalizing the Humanitarian-Development Nexus in the oPt. Lesson from the Ground
  • Partners' Conference 2019 - Speech of VOICE President - Dominic Crowley

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Access, ECHO, Humanitarian

    The speech of VOICE President Dominic Crowley at the ECHO Partners Conference 2019
  • Joint letter from NGO networks to the European Heads of States - next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) - Heading VI

    Tags: MFF

    A joint letter co-signed by VOICE, CAN, CONCORD, Eurodad, ENoP, EPLO and HRDN sent to EU Head of States in advance of the European Council on 12-13 December 2019 to present recommendations on Heading VI of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027.
  • Country-based pooled funds: The NGO perspective

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian, NGOs, Grand Bargain

    More than 1,000 non-governmental organisations have worked in partnership with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs to implement the vast majority of funding channelled through country-based pooled funds. This study brings together their experiences and recommendations to improve a mechanism that has become a staple of the humanitarian landscape and financing toolbox.
  • Field perspectives on multi-year humanitarian funding and planning: How theory has translated into practice in Jordan and Lebanon

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    This research contributes important evidence on the reality of predictable and flexible funding in the field and identifies recommendations for the global Grand Bargain workstream on enhanced quality of funding. Jordan and Lebanon were selected as two sample contexts, given their protracted and relatively stable crisis contexts with a degree of comparability.
  • Global Humanitarian Overview 2020

    Tags: Humanitarian, UN, Climate

    In 2019, many more people needed humanitarian assistance than we had forecast, largely because of conflicts and extreme climate events. Climate change is increasing people’s vulnerability to humanitarian crises. The world’s eight worst food crises are all linked to both conflict and climate shocks. In 2020, nearly 168 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection.
    The GHO is the most comprehensive, authoritative and evidence-based assessment of world humanitarian needs. It presents the global trends and challenges for humanitarian aid, the needs and requirements. It also provides the regional and countries overviews and illustrates how we are getting better at delivering aid.
  • VOICE IATI Training Agenda

    Agenda training on IATI Publishing essentials at 10/11 December 2019.
  • Case Studies - NGOs Perspectives on the EU's Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    These case studies were gathered from the membership of the VOICE DRR-Resilience Working Group to showcase how NGOs have implemented (or are implementing) a nexus approach. The case studies informed the broader report. The full case studies have been compiled by the VOICE Secretariat as a resource for those with a specific interest in nexus programming.
  • VOICE Report - NGO Perspectives on the EU's Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: EU, Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    With this report, VOICE has sought to identify the current challenges and opportunities of working in a nexus approach from the humanitarian NGO perspective and to support NGOs to engage with the EU on the nexus approach.
  • 2019 Global Hunger Index: The challenge of Hunger and Climate Change

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate

    The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that while the world has made gradual progress in reducing hunger on a global scale since 2000, this progress has been uneven. Hunger persists in many countries, and in some instances progress is even being reversed. The GHI highlights where more action is most needed.
  • High Level Conference to celebrate 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Members' publications
    This year marks the 60th anniversary of UN General Assembly Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). As the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history, the CRC has helped to ensure better protection for the rights of children across the globe. The European Parliament will organise a High Level Conference to be held on 20 November 2019 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the UNCRC, acknowledge the progress made over three decades and reflect on the challenges ahead in a global and digital world.
  • The Triple Nexus and Local Faith Actors in South Sudan: Findings from Primary Research

    Members' publications

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    This report presents findings from field research conducted in South Sudan on the intersection of operationalizing the triple nexus (humanitarian-development-peace nexus), localization and, the particular role of local faith actors (LFAs). The report is based on twenty-one interviews with NGO staff. The organizations included DanChurchAid, five local faith actors, and three local non-faith actors. Two focus group discussions were also carried out with beneficiaries in Kapoeta. The first FGD was composed of nine respondents while the second included twelve respondents. The interviews and FGDs were conducted in March 2019 in South Sudan. This report is the second of two reports.
  • The Triple Nexus, Localization, and Local Faith Actors: The intersections between faith, humanitarian response, development, and peace

    Members' publications

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    A Review of the Literature

    This report provides an overview of the key themes and existing knowledge on the topics of the Triple Nexus, localization, and local faith actors. The intersection of these topics is particularly important to contemporary aid work because of global commitments to shift power and financing from external to national and local actors, and to commit to a new way of working that overcomes humanitarian and development silos. This is essential to streamline operations across humanitarian, development, and peace work
  • A Joint NGO Statement - Ensuring solidarity with displaced Venezuelans: supporting countries and communities hosting and protecting them

    Members' publications

    Tags: Principles, NGOs, Humanitarian

    Ensuring solidarity with displaced Venezuelans: supporting countries and
    communities hosting and protecting them – A Joint NGO Statement at the Venezuela Solidarity Conference on 28 October 2019.
  • Statement - 15 aid agencies warn of humanitarian crisis in northeast Syria

    Tags: Syrian crisis, Humanitarian

    Civilians in northeast Syria are at risk and humanitarian aid could be cut off following the launch of a new military operation in the area, leading aid agencies are warning.
  • Verbatim report: Hearing of Janez Lenarčič

    Verbatim report of the hearing of commissioner-designate Janez Lenarčič, Crisis Management portfolio, that took place on 2 October 2019.
  • Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2019

    The 2019 report contains detailed analysis of the international financing at work in crisis-affected contexts. Navigating the increasingly complex and changing financing landscape, the report includes a new analysis of the wide range of resources going to recurrent and protracted crisis response countries.
  • CARE's SDG impact

    Members' publications

    Tags: Development

    CARE and Partners’ Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Joint NGO Statement on Yemen – 74th UN General Assembly

    Members' publications

    Tags: Principles, Humanitarian

    NGOs call for immediate ceasefire in Yemen and end to violations of IHL. Civilians and civilian infrastructure including hospitals, schools, water facilities, food transport, farms and market places, continue to be hit by all parties with impunity.
  • Counter-Terrorism Frameworks and Safeguarding Humanitarian Space: Humanitarian Recommendations ahead of the UNGA High Level Side Event

    Members' publications

    Tags: Counter-terrorism

    Ahead of the UNGA meeting, Action Against Hunger, CARE, Concern Worldwide, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam and Save the Children made the following recommendations to participating UN Member States and UN entities.
  • Strength in numbers: towards a more efficient humanitarian aid: pooling logistics resources

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    Humanitarian needs are increasing at an alarming rate and international funding is not keeping up. Aware of the need to complement existing studies, the Réseau Logistique
    Humanitaire (Humanitarian Logistics Network - RLH) – which brings together around a dozen international humanitarian organisations, represented by their respective directors and logistics managers – proposes specific areas of work orientated towards collaborative practices.