

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 876 to 900 of 998 items.

  • General Policy Resolution 2008

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: Consensus, Principles, DRR, NGOs, General Assembly 2011-older

  • VOICE Activity Report 2007

    VOICE Activity Reports
  • VOICE Activity Report 2006 - French

    VOICE Activity Reports
  • VOICE Out Loud 7: Humanitarian Aid and Water

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: DRR, NGOs

    Many VOICE members are active in water programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. While prioritising the vital question of safe and reliable access to water, their perspectives and responses are varied. Humanitarian assistance also links with water with peacebuilding and conflict transformation as well as effective water management, community empowerment and better disaster preparedness.
  • CivMil Seminar Report - Dec. 07

  • VOICE recommendations for the EU budget review

  • ECHO FPA concept paper June 2007

    FPA Watch Group
  • European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid

    Tags: EU, Consensus

  • European Commission Communication Towards a European Consensus on HA

  • VOICE Out Loud 6 - Focus on: Advocacy in the humanitarian field

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Security, DRR, Civ-Mil

    In this issue, members share their experiences doing advocacy on a variety of issues and ways, including reproductive health in crises, DRR, protection, with private security companies, civil military relations, Islamic relief and poverty reduction. The VOICE secretariat shares its perspective on the 'EU reform treaty' and we learn about the role of ICT in disaster prevention and response.
  • Round Table Copenhagen 2007 Report

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, Funding, Consensus, NGOs, Civ-Mil

    VOICE organised a Round Table in Copenhagen in cooperation with DanChurchAid and with the financial support of DG ECHO.

    The programme was organised around two main topics.

    The first one focused on "Trends in EU Humanitarian Policy and Funding" and included presentations by DG ECHO, VOICE, Save the Children and DanChurchAid.
    The second part of the day was dedicated to Civil military relations. The Danish Humanitarian Office (DANIDA) and COWI presented the latest developments in Denmark.
  • Round Table Berlin 2007 Report

    VOICE event reports
  • Field Security and Perception, Experiences from Crisis Situations

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Security

    The Round Table focused on the very actual topic of security on the ground in humanitarian crisis. The debate – organised in collaboration with GRIP (Groupe de recherche et d’information sur la paix et la sécurité), and the financial support of DG ECHO, aimed at contributing to the debate on security not being solely a technical matter, but that there are other aspects to consider, due to different actors having different perceptions of what is security. The interventions to prepare the debate were given by two researchers contributing to the Feinstein International Center’s preliminary report “Humanitarian Agenda 2015: Principles, Power, and Perceptions” and related country studies. The NGO perspective was provided by Action Contre la Faim. The fourth speaker added the security realities of the journalists to the discussion in order to broaden the discussion outside the humanitarian community.
  • VOICE recommendations to the EC communication towards a Humanitarian Consensus

    Tags: EU, Consensus, NGOs

  • General Policy Statement 2007

    VOICE policy resolutions
  • VOICE Policy Recommendations on Disaster Risk Reduction in EU Humanitarian and Development Aid Policy - July 2007

  • VOICE Activity Report 2006

    VOICE Activity Reports

  • Round Table in Paris (France) - 4 October 2005

  • FPA WG Meeting Minutes - 23 January 2006

    FPA Watch Group
  • VOICE Out Loud 5 - Focus on: Vulnerability in Humanitarian Crisis

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Refugees, Professional, Crisis Management

    This issue looks at vulnerability in humanitarian crises from a few angles, including assistance to IDPs, gender based violence in conflict, disability in emergencies and the needs of persons with trauma and psycho-social disabilities, indigenous persons' needs. IN the view on the EU, World Vision asks if the EU's evolving crisis capabilities are good news for those in crisis, and Mission East gives the picture from Afghanistan.
  • FPA Watch Group member List - March 2007

    FPA Watch Group
  • FPA Watch Group Meeting - 16 March 2007

    FPA Watch Group
  • VOICE Statement on the Humanitarian Aid Policy of the European Union - March 2007

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: EU, Principles, NGOs

  • VOICE Out Loud 4 - Focus on: LRRD

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Security, Funding, DRR, LRRD, Development

    This issue looks at linking relief rehabilitation and development from different and angles, including education, food aid, complex emergencies, communities, and disaster risk reduction. CARE asks if there is enough funding for humanitarian emergencies, and Premiere Urgence gives the field perspective from Iraq.