

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 251 to 275 of 991 items.

  • Oxfam: 189 million people per year affected by extreme weather in developing countries as rich countries stall on paying climate impact costs

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate, Humanitarian

    "An average of 189 million people per year have been affected by extreme weather-related events in developing countries since 1991 – the year that a mechanism was first proposed to address the costs of climate impacts on low-income countries - according to a new report published today."
  • Global Hunger Index 2022

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    The Global Hunger Index is a peer-reviewed annual report, jointly published by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe, designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and country levels. The aim of the GHI is to trigger action to reduce hunger around the world.
  • VOICE key highlights: VOICE - FoRS roundtable in Prague “New humanitarian trends and challenges in delivering humanitarian aid in light of the conflict in Ukraine

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    This document is a summary of the main ideas discussed during the round table in Prague which aimed at triggering reflections on the global and regional humanitarian context from the perspective of donors and NGOs.
  • War Child: Children Paying the Highest Price of Increase in Violence in Syria

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    The article discusses how the increased violence in northern Syria is affecting thousands of children. The international community is urged not to forget the plight of families across the country with the shrinking aid options.
  • 44 national and international NGOs call for renewal and expansion of truce in Yemen

    Tags: Humanitarian

    Humanitarian organizations urge all sides to the conflict that the future of the people of Yemen is in their hands as the present peace agreement is slated to end on October 2, 2022.
  • Tracking cash and voucher assistance - A report by Development Initiatives

    This report tracks cash and voucher assistance during humanitarian crises, which provides a comprehensive and unique assessment of the state of tracking cash and voucher assistance (CVA) used during humanitarian crises.
  • VOICE at Work 2 - Spotlight on EU Humanitarian Aid

    VOICE at work

    Tags: EU, NGOs, Humanitarian

    VOICE at Work 2

    Table of Contents:

    Increase the humanitarian aid budget line : our advocacy at the EU level continues
    Moving forward the localisation agenda of EU humanitarian aid.
    New humanitarian trends and challenges in delivering humanitarian aid in light of the conflict in Ukraine: Round table in Prague
    VOICE Event on Funding Imbalances in Humanitarian aid
    VOICE General Assembly 2022: Highlights
    An Urgent Call to Protect Principled Humanitarian Aid: VOICE Policy Resolution 2022
    VOICE Out Loud 33: Enabling principled humanitarian aid
    #ItTakesAVillage to support people in crises
    Meet VOICE's new members
    Humming Word: A humanitarian term explained
    VOICE Members' publications
    Other relevant Humanitarian Aid publications
    Events and webinars
  • The State of the Humanitarian System(SOHS)2022 Edition

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The latest State of the Humanitarian System report 2022 was released this September. The report is an independent study by ALNAP, assessing the size, shape and performance of the humanitarian system from 2018 - 2021. The report is based on evidence from on-the-ground practitioners, crisis-affected populations, academics, policy-makers and donors. The report shares striking statistics on the huge challenges the humanitarian sector faces.
  • Joint NGO Press Release - Open Letter Global Food Crisis

    As world leaders gather for the United Nations General Assembly, 238 civil society organisations demand urgent action to save lives now.
  • Time to Act not React- Report by IRC

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    The report sheds light on IRC’s recommendations for halting famine in Somalia and mitigating risk globally.
  • Ripping off the band-aid. Putting people at the centre of the humanitarian system. Christian Aid Brief

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian, Localisation

    This brief will set out how the failure to build resilience is resulting in a food crisis in East Africa, particularly in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan. Christian Aid recommends governments and others to invest in structural changes to improve the resilience of people, governments, policies and systems.
  • Unfreeze Afghan assets or more hungry children may die: INTERSOS Op-Ed

    Members' publications

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs

    Following decades of conflict, people in Afghanistan are now grappling with another deadly issue as almost universal poverty grips the nation: soaring hunger.
  • A children's crisis - A Report by World Vision

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Afghanistan is a country defined by the resilience and tenacity of its citizens – of its communities, its families, its children. Despite years of conflict, political changes, economic instability, and natural disasters, hard won development gains were realised, beginning to open doors for new opportunities and brighter futures for Afghanistan’s girls and boys.
  • Warm Welcomes, Lurking Tensions: World Vision Report

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees, NGOs

    In the initial phases of any refugee crisis, host communities are usually welcoming, yet tensions can and inevitably do arise and relations often deteriorate. Ukrainian too are at risk from anti-refugees tensions says World Vision in this report.
  • Vulnerable children in Somalia could die waiting for help: World Vision op-ed

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Millions of children in southern Somalia are facing starvation. More than 7 million people are experiencing severe food insecurity, 213,000 people are one step away from famine-like conditions. Read the op-ed from World Vision.
  • Beyond Panic: Exploring Climate Mobilities in Senegal, Guatemala, Cambodia and Kenya - Case Study Report by WeWorld

    Members' publications

    Tags: Climate

    Case study research in four countries to explore the link between the environmental crisis and migration within the #ClimateOfChange campaign led by WeWorld and funded by the European Union in the framework of the DEAR Programme.
    Who is a climate migrant? And how can we discuss the complex nexus between the climate crisis and migration in a manner that is productive and beneficial to those whose lives and livelihoods are most at risk from the climate crisis? These are some of the questions that this report grapples with and that have been the focus of much discussion throughout the #ClimateOfChange project. In seeking to answer them, the University of Bologna draws upon empirical research from four case study countries: Cambodia, Guatemala, Kenya and Senegal. Research was conducted by an interdisciplinary research team combining sociological, agricultural and food systems, human-geographical, and legal perspectives, together with partner Organisations in the field.
  • VOICE Statutes FR 2022

    Tags: General Assembly 2023

    VOICE Statutes 2022 in French
  • VOICE Statutes EN 2022

    Tags: General Assembly 2023

    VOICE statutes 2022 in English.
  • Development Initiatives -the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2022

    Tags: Humanitarian

    This report provides a critical overview of the crisis financing landscape. Development Initiatives finds that total funding has plateaued despite historically high demand.
  • Secondary Impacts of the Conflict in Ukraine- MERCY CORPS

    Tags: Humanitarian, Conflict

    This report compiles case studies in the Middle East as it continues to experience ongoing conflict, political instability, economic turmoil, the consequences of climate change and mismanagement of natural resources, along with significant humanitarian needs.
  • Dorcas Report on Older People in Conflicts 2022

    Tags: Resilience, Humanitarian

    This report presents how older people experience increased vulnerability in times of conflict, and how policymakers and the humanitarian aid sector as a whole do not yet pay sufficient attention to the specific needs of older people. Through this report, Dorcas aims to stimulate the debate on the rights of older people worldwide and to involve policymakers in the protection of their rights. 
  • VOICE Policy Resolution 2022 -An urgent call to protect principled humanitarian aid

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: NGOs, IHL, Humanitarian

    VOICE calls on the EU and its Member States (MS) to consistently uphold principled humanitarian aid worldwide through the adoption of the following set of recommendations:
    -Principled humanitarian aid
    -Funding share and allocation
    -International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
  • VOICE out loud 33: Enabling principled humanitarian aid

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Funding, Counter-terrorism, IHL, Access

    This edition of VOL reflects on the existing humanitarian funding model, and the impact of IHL violations and donor sanctions regimes on the delivery of humanitarian aid. It also considers questions of how to finance new emergencies while ensuring no diversion of funding from other crises; how to promote and uphold IHL and reduce the level of risk to which humanitarian aid workers are exposed; and how to ensure that sanctions regimes do not undermine humanitarian organisations’ ability to apply the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence.
  • La hausse du prix des céréales survient alors que le financement de l’aide humanitaire est déficitaire

    Pierre Micheletti, president of Action contre la faim France, alerts on the rising food prices affecting the most vulnerable countries.
  • [Concept Note] VOICE Event on Funding Imbalances: how uneven prioritisation and insufficient funding affect humanitarian aid