

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 676 to 700 of 979 items.

  • Conflict, the Comprehensive Approach and Humanitarian Aid: what does 'In but Out' really mean? May 2015

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, Security, Consensus, Principles

    This event, gathering 88 people, discussed how the European Commissions Department for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) is 'In but Out' of the EU Comprehensive Approach to Conflict and External Crises.
  • Humanitarian Roundtable Spain on the EU aid architecture and the World Humanitarian Summit 2015

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, WHS

    This event was hosted by Caritas Espanola and organised with the support of CONGDE and IECAH. 36 people participated in the discussions with guest speakers from the European Commission DG ECHO, the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat, the Spanish Foreign Ministry and the VOICE Board. The discussions looked at the opportunities and challenges of the current EU aid architecture and the next steps towards the World Humanitarian Summit.
  • CARE - WHS - A Gender Transformative Agenda

    Members' publications

    Tags: WHS, Gender


  • Joint CSO statement on DRR for FFD

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: DRR, LRRD, Development

    VOICE together with Civil society networks jointly made recommendations ahead of the Finance For Development Agreement; since it presents an opportunity for disaster risk reduction (DRR) funding to be institutionalised. We call on developed countries to commit to:
    1) Incorporate resilience building as a condition for providing OverseasDevelopment Assistance (ODA) to ensure that all new investments are risk informed, reduce risk, and are acceptable for those people who bear any new risk. e.g. through the introduction of resilience markers in funding applications.
    2) Allocate 5% of ODA as funding for DRR specific activities
    3) Provide a percentage (50%) of national DRR budgets directly to local governments for community-led DRR projects.
  • Irish Humanitarian Summit Document

  • WHS contribution_German Coordination Committee for Hum Asst


    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Funding, DRR

    The Finance for Development Agreement presents an opportunity for disaster risk reduction (DRR) funding to be institutionalised. As negotiations for the Agreement continue, the members of civil society in this statement call on developed countries to commit to:

    1) Incorporate resilience building as a condition for providing Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to ensure that all new investments are risk informed, reduce risk, and are acceptable for those people who bear any new risk. e.g. through the introduction of resilience markers in funding applications.
    2) Allocate 5% of ODA as funding for DRR specific activities.
    3) Provide a percentage (50%) of national DRR budgets directly to local governments for community-led DRR projects.
  • GA resolution EU humanitarian aid in the new institutional setting: recommendations

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: General Assembly 2015

  • VOICE Out Loud 21: European Year for Development: what's in it for humanitarian aid?

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Refugees, WHS, Principles, DRR, Resilience, LRRD, NGOs, Quality, Development

    In this issue, VOICE members address the advantages and challenges of development and humanitarian working together, looking at DRR, Core Humanitarian Standard, displacement in urban settings. With consultations on the World Humanitarian Summit ongoing, 50 humanitarian NGOs made a statement on humanitarian principles, while civil society coalitions came together with priorities for implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reducation. We hear an update on the situation in Ukraine, and the views of the European Parliament standing rapporteur on humanitarian assistance, Mr. Guerrero-Salom MEP.
  • VOICE Activity Report 2014

    VOICE Activity Reports

    Tags: General Assembly 2015

  • 20150319 FPA WG Exchange with ECHO

    FPA Watch Group
  • 20150319 Statistics ECHO contracts 2014

  • HelpAge WHS Policy Statement

  • German consultation EOG-WHS 03.12.14.

  • Taking forward the EU's Comprehensive Approach to external conflict and crises - Action Plan 2015

    Tags: EU, Security, Crisis Management

    The Action Plan 2015 of the EU Comprehensive approach
  • Achieving Impact Where It Matters - A joint statement by the civil society coalitions on the implementation of the post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: DRR, NGOs

    The Hyogo Framework for Action on Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA) has provided critical guidance to reduce disaster risk. Its implementation has, however, highlighted gaps in addressing the underlying risk factors and effectively safeguarding communities. In order to build on the successes of the HFA and address its shortcomings, the Post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Framework must work to address reality at the local level. The new framework calls for actors to identify their roles in implementation. This Joint Statement outlines the commitments that governments should make and that civil society organizations (CSOs) will make to ensure that policies are translated into meaningful solutions at the local level.
  • Open Letter To Commissioner GEORGIEVA and Commissioner STYLIANIDES on the Post-2015 DRR Framework Agreement

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: EU, DRR, NGOs, Development

    VOICE calls on the European Union to strengthen support for international cooperation and the role of civil society in disaster risk management.
  • FPA WG 19 March 2015 Agenda

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: EU, NGOs, Partnership

  • INGO recommendations West Africa Ebola from Emergency to Recovery

  • Sierra Leone Ebola Joint INGO briefing Emergency to Recovery

  • World Vision WHS

    Members' publications
  • 20150205 ACF and HI statement WHS

  • VOICE Recommendations to Member States in view of WHS Europe and Others consultation

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: EU, WHS, Consensus

    VOICE expects the EU institutions and the Member States to play a crucial role throughout the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) process, using the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid to guide their input, and seeking to ensure that the agenda and outcomes are driven by the humanitarian principles and the needs of the beneficiaries. VOICE also expects the EU Member States and institutions to continue to emphasize the essential role of NGOs and to make sure that NGOs’ views are taken into consideration throughout the WHS process and for them to be appropriately included in the outcomes of the Summit.
  • EP resolution on the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Iraq, in particular in the IS context - February 2015

    Tags: Syrian crisis, EU, Crisis Management