VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force position paper 'An NGO perspective on the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector'

The new position paper of the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force on aid efficiency is out !
This paper sets out views expressed by members of the Grand Bargain Task Force to improve the humanitarian sector and to strive for more efficiency for the 167.6 million people in need of humanitarian intervention worldwide. It urges European actors to follow up on the commitments made, and to put the people in need first by making our collective work more efficient. With this goal in mind, the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force proposes recommendations to improve the efficiency of the humanitarian sector.
Find the paper here and do not hesitate to share it with relevant colleagues in your organisation !
Do not miss VOICE’s webinar on aid efficiency on Thursday 19 November that will provide an opportunity for NGO members of the Grand Bargain Task Force to present their position and exchange views with representatives of EU Member States and the European Commission.