DanChurchAid : Calling for climate change action – now

DanChurchAid (DCA) recently adopted a climate policy that brings staff, partners, donors, and suppliers together on a joint agenda for change.
The risks of climate change can no longer be underestimated or neglected. In the countries where DCA works, dramatic climate change risks reversing development gains, entrenching poverty and inequalities, and halting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2019, DCA adopted an internal policy to address climate change in its programmes, engagement work in Denmark, and advocacy work and internal practices as an NGO. The policy refers to emissions related to DCA activities in Denmark and internationally, covering emissions from transport, energy use, and general office management, as well as how DCA capital is invested and how programs are designed.
The long-term aim is to eliminate all emissions and contribute to more resilient and sustainable development. A central element of the policy is to contribute to further dialogue about climate change internally among staff, as well as with partners, donors, and suppliers.
Click here to read the full article on page 10 of the VOICE out loud