EU’s humanitarian budget : More support to people in need

The EU is one of the world's biggest humanitarian aid donors, and its role is more important than ever in the current context of skyrocketing needs and stagnating funds.
VOICE urged the EU to increase this year's humanitarian budget, so that quality humanitarian aid could reach more people in need worldwide.
On 15 November, the European Parliament (EP) and the Council agreed on increasing the humanitarian budget line 2023 by €150 million, as suggested in the revised draft budget published by the European Commission in early October. The humanitarian budget for 2023 therefore comes close to €1.8 billion, a figure that was officially approved by the Council and the EP on 22 and 23 November.
This year, VOICE will continue advocating for increased EU humanitarian funding for the year 2023 as well as at the occasion of two concurrent EU budgetary procedures: the mid-term review of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) and the EU budget 2024 procedure. We will also continue advocating for resources from the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) to remain additional to the current humanitarian aid budget line and to be mobilised for humanitarian crises outside the EU throughout the whole financial year.