Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
VOICE DRR paper 5 - funding for DRR
17 June 2013VOICE series on Disaster Risk ReductionVOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction highlight the importance of DRR in development policies. These papers will explore what is meant by Disaster Risk Reduction, especially as it relates to development, and why it deserves more attention both at local and international level, how DRR can be supported by a focus on real risk factors, better funding, coordination with other sectors, innovative partnerships, and via international frameworks. VOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction is available in English and French. -
VOICE 2013 General Assembly resolution on humanitarian aid and EU comprehensive approach
05 June 2013VOICE policy resolutions -
VOICE Out Loud 17: Humanitarian donors: policy and practice
30 May 2013VOICE out loud -
Preparation for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2013
15 May 2013An overview of events and messages from members of the VOICE DRR Working Group to be presented at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in May 2013. For further information, please use contact details provided under each organisation. -
VOICE DRR paper 4 - DRR and Development post-2015
13 May 2013VOICE series on Disaster Risk ReductionVOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction highlight the importance of DRR in development policies. These papers will explore what is meant by Disaster Risk Reduction, especially as it relates to development, and why it deserves more attention both at local and international level, how DRR can be supported by a focus on real risk factors, better funding, coordination with other sectors, innovative partnerships, and via international frameworks. VOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction is available in English and French. -
VOICE DRR paper 3 - Joining the dots
08 May 2013VOICE series on Disaster Risk ReductionVOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction highlight the importance of DRR in development policies. These papers will explore what is meant by Disaster Risk Reduction, especially as it relates to development, and why it deserves more attention both at local and international level, how DRR can be supported by a focus on real risk factors, better funding, coordination with other sectors, innovative partnerships, and via international frameworks. VOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction is available in English and French. -
VOICE DRR paper 2 - Understanding Risk
17 April 2013VOICE series on Disaster Risk ReductionVOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction highlight the importance of DRR in development policies. These papers will explore what is meant by Disaster Risk Reduction, especially as it relates to development, and why it deserves more attention both at local and international level, how DRR can be supported by a focus on real risk factors, better funding, coordination with other sectors, innovative partnerships, and via international frameworks. VOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction is available in English and French. -
VOICE DRR paper 1 - What and why?
10 April 2013VOICE series on Disaster Risk ReductionVOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction highlight the importance of DRR in development policies. These papers will explore what is meant by Disaster Risk Reduction, especially as it relates to development, and why it deserves more attention both at local and international level, how DRR can be supported by a focus on real risk factors, better funding, coordination with other sectors, innovative partnerships, and via international frameworks. VOICE series on Disaster Risk Reduction is available in English and French. -
Joint EU CSO demands for breakdown of heading 4 MFF
02 April 2013VOICE position papersJoint position of VOICE, CONCORD, HRDN, ENOP and the Fair Trade office regarding the 'EU as Global Player' chapter of the EU's Multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2013-2020 -
VOICE consolidated reply to ECHO questionnaire EU humanitarian aid fit for purpose March 2013
18 March 2013 -
11 March 2013VOICE position papersThree global NGO consortia InterAction, ICVA and VOICE are dismayed at the Security Councils decision for all UN functions in Somalia to be integrated under one UN umbrella. The NGO consortia believe this decision will jeopardize the delivery of impartial humanitarian assistance in the country. -
JSI response to Open letter from VOICE, ICVA and InterAction
19 February 2013 -
Open letter to Joint Standards Initiative from VOICE ICVA InterAction Jan 2013
05 February 2013VOICE position papers -
VOICE Statement on 2013 EU budget for humanitarian aid
31 October 2012VOICE position papers -
EP Report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy
31 October 2012