Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
Oxfam report. Beyond ‘Fortress Europe’: principles for a humane EU migration policy
12 October 2017Members' publicationsThis report outlines Oxfam’s proposal for a new and balanced approach to managing migration – one that protects people and promotes the benefits associated with migration for European host countries, people on the move and their countries of origin. -
VOICE Policy recommendations - Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU external action
06 October 2017VOICE studies and briefing papersThe Council will adopt conclusions on resilience: the VOICE secretariat has prepared recommendations, based on consultations with members, including in the workshop organised in cooperation with the Commission in February 2017.
In the paper, the importance of a community-based approach to resilience and the need for a context-specific approach are stressed again. The need for clear mandates to be defined for the different stakeholders involved in building resilience was also underlined.
AGENDA Event 11 October 2017: 10 years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid
04 October 2017Agenda of the event to celebrate the EU Consensus for Humanitarian Aid. -
Countering Violent Extremism and Humanitarian Action
17 August 2017Members' publicationsBased on an analysis of the countering violent extremism landscape and the intersection between Counter Violence Extremisme approaches and principled humanitarian action, this position paper outlines NRC’s stance towards CVE and associated programs and funding opportunities. NRCs position on CVE is guided by a firm respect for the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. -
OXFAM report : ‘You aren’t human any more’
09 August 2017Members' publicationsThe Oxfam report highlights the "living hell" that Refugees are facing everyday in Lybia, from torture and rape to slavery and the impact of European policies on this situation. -
Cash lessons from Zimbabwe
27 July 2017Members' publicationsA summary of the learnings and recommendations from an internal and external evaluation of the Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe project which was carried out from August 2015 to May 2017.This programme is the first time that cash transfers have been used as a large-scale alternative to food aid in Zimbabwe and the first large-scale provision of cash transfers through mobile money. -
Handicap International Policy Paper: Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
24 July 2017Members' publicationsSince 2001, Handicap International has been supporting strategies that empower communities and local institutions to prepare for, reduce the impact of, and respond to disasters and, in the long-term, increase their resilience. Their objective and added-value is also to ensure that these strategies are inclusive, enabling the most at-risk groups, and especially people with disabilities, to become actors in risk reduction and to benefit from protection. -
FPA WG meeting exchange with ECHO - 29 June 2017
24 July 2017FPA Watch Group -
Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Final Evaluation Report
26 June 2017Members' publicationsThis report describes the final evaluation of the project ‘Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and Practice in the Humanitarian System’. The project, supported by the ECHO Enhanced Response Capacity fund and Oxfam, was implemented by Oxfam in Pakistan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and the Dominican Republic between September 2015 and March 2017. -
"Data collection and social media: Innovation or challenge for humanitarian aid."
22 June 2017VOICE event reportsThis event was very topical and demonstrated that data, social media, and new technologies undoubtedly present many opportunities for data collection and innovation in the humanitarian sector. However, the event also highlighted the many challenges and questions presented by the rise of new technologies that need to be addressed. -
EDD17- Grand Bargain event summary note- 8 June 2017
21 June 2017VOICE event reportsThe Grand Bargain Task Force organised the event "The Grand Bargain: implementing a humanitarian deal to leave no one behind" at the European Development Days 2017 on 8 June 2017. Here is the summary note of the session. -
EU Member States’ policies and practice: Disaster Risk Reduction in humanitarian assistance and development cooperation
21 June 2017VOICE studies and briefing papersThis study highlights DRR policies and programming of a selection of EU Member States and presents recommendations for the further elaboration of their policy work on Disaster Risk Reduction. -
EDD 2017- Grand Bargain event power point - 8 June 2017
20 June 2017The Grand Bargain Task Force organised an event at the European Development Days 2017 on 8 June 2017. Here is the full power point of the session. -
VOICE out loud n.25 Moving forward with the agenda for humanity
14 June 2017VOICE out loudThis new edition of VOICE out loud celebrates our 25th birthday focusing on moving forward and implementing the Agenda for Humanity. With reflections from the field in Nepal and in Central African Republic and contribution from our members in Sweden, Spain, UK, Belgium, this edition continues to celebrate the diversity of our network and its members's field experience and expertise. -
2017 Global Report on Internal Displacement
24 May 2017Members' publicationsThe 2017 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID 2017) presents the latest data and trends of internal displacement by conflict and disasters worldwide. In 2016, one person per second was forced to flee.
This year’s report also looks at the connections between internal and cross-border displacement, the factors that force internally displaced people (IDPs) across borders, and the issue of refugees being returned home, only to become internally displaced again. The report highlights, that despite the fact that IDPs outnumber refugees by two to one, internal displacement is still neglected as an issue of global concern. -
VOICE 2017 policy resolution on partnership between NGOs, EU institutions and member states
19 May 2017VOICE policy resolutionsAt the 2017 VOICE General Assembly the network focused on the importance in humanitarian assistance of a people-centred approach, quality operations and accountability to affected populations.
In order to achieve this goal, the partnership between NGOs, EU institutions and Member States is essential and we strongly support it.
Summary main findings FPA WG Survey April 2017
09 May 2017FPA Watch GroupThe FPA Watch group launched a new liquidation survey as a follow up of the one made in 2015. The survey covers four FPA related issues: final reporting, liquidation process, visibility and audit. -
VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force recommendations to GPPI - April 2017
28 April 2017VOICE position papersThis paper highlights the opportunities and challenges NGOs perceive from the Grand Bargain implementation -
WHS, the Grand Bargain, Aleppo and Ukraine: what should the EU’s humanitarian priorities be in 2017? Stockholm Roundtable
15 April 2017VOICE event reports -
Joint NGO briefing on the Brussels Syria Conference
22 March 2017Members' publicationsSeveral NGOs and fora, including 29 VOICE members, call on all members of the international community, in particular permanent members of the UN Security Council and the EU and EU member states who are discussing post-agreement planning, to insist on the full implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions on Syria that relate to respect for IHL and IHRL, as well as implementation of the Geneva Communiqué of 2012.
The Brussels conference should also set the foundation for inclusive and meaningful participation of Syrian NGOs and civil society, including youth and women’s groups, as key partners in ensuring effective post-agreement planning that captures the needs and desires of the people of Syria and supports local community rebuilding and resilience. -
Training Manual: Gender leadership in humanitarian action
16 March 2017Members' publicationsGender interacts with multiple factors including but not limited to age, ethnicity, disability, caste, class, religion and environment, to determine an individual’s ability to be aware of, lay claim to, and access their rights and entitlements. In times of crisis – whether slow or sudden onset, climate or conflict driven – there are shifts in how these factors interact that present opportunities and risks for women, girls, men and boys in accessing their rights, in the short, medium and longer term. Humanitarian (and development) actors need to be sensitive to these risks and opportunities.
The purpose of this training manual is to support the institutionalization of gender equality and women’s rights in all humanitarian action. It was developed by Oxfam to support the implementation of the project Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and Practice in the Humanitarian System, supported by the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) during 2015 to 2017. The aim of this initial training is to develop a critical mass of committed gender leaders – some might call these ‘change agents’ or ‘change-makers’ – who can together influence changes in policy and practice at different levels across the humanitarian system.