

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 526 to 550 of 956 items.

  • Partners' Conference 2017 - Speech of VOICE President - Nicolas Borsinger

    Speech delivered by Nicolas Borsinger, President of VOICE, on the 1st of December 2017 at the occasion of the Annual Partners' Conference organised by ECHO.
    Check against delivery.
  • 10 years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid: 10 Achievements From An NGO Perspective

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Consensus, NGOs

    To celebrate this important statement for Humanitarian aid, we have highlighted the 10 main achievements of the Consensus implementation from an NGO perspective. 
  • CARE Report: Left behind: How the world is failing women and girls on refugee family reunion

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees, Gender

    This report, based on new research from Greece and elsewhere, highlights how the failure to provide safe and legal routes for refugees, in particular for family reunion, has gendered impacts on women and girls left stranded in countries of transit.
  • VOICE out loud 26 Exploring the humanitarian-development nexus

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Consensus, NGOs, Cash, Development, Nexus

    In this edition of the VOICE Out Loud we have asked our members to explore the opportunities and challenges of the humanitarian-development nexus.
  • FPA WG meeting exchange with ECHO - 19 October 2017

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, FPA Task Force

  • Education in Emergencies: ECHO operational guidance for HIP 2018

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs

    ECHO operational guidance for HIP 2018 on the implementation of Education in Emergencies activities
  • Current challenges in humanitarian action

    Members' publications

    Tags: Principles, NGOs, Access

    The conference aims to bring together different perspectives on current issues facing humanitarian aid worldwide. Through providing an academic forum for international and local entities engaged in humanitarian action, the conference enables the dynamic exchange between institutional, legal and practical perspectives of responding to challenges.
  • Oxfam/ONE/Save the Children/PLAN Joint Letter on EU budget 2018

    Members' publications
    As development aid is significantly affected by the cuts proposed to Heading IV of the 2018 Eu budget, Oxfam/ONE/Save the Children/PLAN wrote the following letter addressed to the Ministers of Finance of EU Member States. Members may wish to co-sign the letter.
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force paper on the Localisation Workstream

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: EU, NGOs, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    The Localisation workstream in the Grand Bargain (GB) generates high expectations and enthusiasm and is expected to contribute significantly to the vision to “Leave No One Behind” as set in the Agenda for Humanity. Through this paper the Grand Bargain Task Force wishes to initiate a conversation with ECHO on localisation and to explore optimal approaches to achieving the 6 commitments of Workstream.
  • INGO Joint statement on closure of Yemen’s air, sea and land ports

    Members' publications

    Tags: Security, Principles, Access

  • Building climate change resilience for WASH services with efficient Disaster risk Reduction strategies

    Tags: DRR, Climate

    This event, organised by the working group " Emergency, Reconstruction, Development" of the French Water Partnership, will remind that, in a cotext of climate change, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services are strongly impacted by natural disasters. This event will provide a state of play on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and present DRR practices implemented by humanitarian actors in the field of WASH.
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force paper on Multiyear Planning and Funding

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    The purpose of this paper is to highlight through current practices and examples the interest for both ECHO and its partners in implementing a multiyear planning and funding approach and to demonstrate which current challenges could be overcome by doing so.
  • Background elements to VOICE answers - OPC ECHO Evaluation 2012-2016

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: WHS, Consensus, Principles, NGOs, Access, Quality, Partnership, Grand Bargain, ECHO Evaluation 2017, Consortia

    Background elements to VOICE answers
    This document represents a compilation of the VOICE network’s positions during the period covered by the evaluation (2012-2016), to complement the collective answers provided in the Open Public Consultation questionnaire.
  • Principled humanitarian assistance of ECHO partners in Iraq

    Members' publications

    Tags: EU, Principles, Partnership

    Commissioned by NRC with the support of ECHO, this review takes an in-depth look at the extent to which humanitarian organisations that receive ECHO funding have incorporated the humanitarian principles in their strategy, decision-making, and practice in Iraq.
  • 2017 Global Hunger Index. The inequality of hunger

    Members' publications
    The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger globally and by country and region. Calculated each year by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the GHI highlights successes and failures in hunger reduction and provides insights into the drivers of hunger. By raising awareness and understanding of regional and country differences in hunger, the GHI aims to trigger actions to reduce hunger.
  • 2017 Global Hunger Index: Report Synopses

    Members' publications
  • 2017 Global Hunger Index: Sierra Leone Case Study

    Members' publications
  • 2017 Global Hunger Index: Pakistan Case Study

  • Ten years of the Consensus for humanitarian aid : Joint messages of the Event

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Consensus

    The document with the joint messages to celebrate the 10 years of the Consensus on the occasion of the event the 11 of October 2017.
  • Oxfam report. Beyond ‘Fortress Europe’: principles for a humane EU migration policy

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees, Principles

    This report outlines Oxfam’s proposal for a new and balanced approach to managing migration – one that protects people and promotes the benefits associated with migration for European host countries, people on the move and their countries of origin.
  • VOICE Policy recommendations - Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU external action

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: Principles, Resilience, Development

    The Council will adopt conclusions on resilience: the VOICE secretariat has prepared recommendations, based on consultations with members, including in the workshop organised in cooperation with the Commission in February 2017.
    In the paper, the importance of a community-based approach to resilience and the need for a context-specific approach are stressed again. The need for clear mandates to be defined for the different stakeholders involved in building resilience was also underlined.
  • AGENDA Event 11 October 2017: 10 years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid

    Tags: Consensus

    Agenda of the event to celebrate the EU Consensus for Humanitarian Aid.
  • Countering Violent Extremism and Humanitarian Action

    Members' publications

    Tags: Security, Principles, Counter-terrorism, NGOs

    Based on an analysis of the countering violent extremism landscape and the intersection between Counter Violence Extremisme approaches and principled humanitarian action, this position paper outlines NRC’s stance towards CVE and associated programs and funding opportunities. NRCs position on CVE is guided by a firm respect for the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
  • OXFAM report : ‘You aren’t human any more’

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees, NGOs

    The Oxfam report highlights the "living hell" that Refugees are facing everyday in Lybia, from torture and rape to slavery and the impact of European policies on this situation.
  • Cash lessons from Zimbabwe

    Members' publications

    Tags: Cash

    A summary of the learnings and recommendations from an internal and external evaluation of the Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe project which was carried out from August 2015 to May 2017.This programme is the first time that cash transfers have been used as a large-scale alternative to food aid in Zimbabwe and the first large-scale provision of cash transfers through mobile money.