

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 526 to 550 of 998 items.

  • InterAction-Disinformation Toolkit

    Tags: Security, NGOs, Professional

    There is growing concern that international NGOs and civil society are vulnerable to online attacks and campaigns that spread false information. These attacks are designed to intentionally sow division and confusion, disparage targeted organizations and their leaders, and promote inaccurate views about the communities they support. In response to this growing and complex problem, InterAction has created this resource to help international organizations initiate a conversation on how disinformation might impact them. This report draws on desk research and interviews with civil society organizations and international aid organizations providing direct development and humanitarian assistance around the world.
  • Joint NGO statement on attack in Hodeidah on 2 August

    Members' publications

    Tags: IHL

    Joint statement condemns the major attacks that hit a fish market and the entrance to Yemen's largest hospital, Al Thawra, in Hodeidah on 2 August, which reportedly killed over 40 civilians, including children.
  • NGO Statement to the Somalia Partnership Forum in Brussels

    Members' publications

    Tags: DRR, LRRD, Grand Bargain

  • NGOs Statement - Comprehensive Response to Drought in Afghanistan

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, DRR, LRRD, NGOs, Nexus

  • Forging a common path: A European approach to the integration of refugees and asylum-seekers

    Members' publications

    Tags: Refugees

    International Rescue Committee newest report on refugee integration in Europe
  • VOICE Statement on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the 2019 EU budget

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Funding, Principles, Resilience, LRRD, MFF, Nexus

    On May 2, the European Commission(EC) released its Proposal for a Regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 and Communication ‘A Modern Budget for a Union that Protects, Empowers and Defends’ with its annex, followed on June 14 by a set of proposed regulations for external instruments. On May 23, the EC also presented its proposal for the EU budget 2019. In reaction to these proposals, the VOICE network shares the following remarks and recommendations with the EU Member States and the European Parliament.
  • FPA Watch Group Work plan - July 2018

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: NGOs

    This FPA Watch Group work plan 2018-2019 is a working document that will be regularly updated.
  • Conflict Sensitivity and Do No Harm: two sides of the same coin?

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Principles, Resilience, NGOs, Partnership, Crisis Management, Nexus

    On 23 May, VOICE hosted an event entitled “Do no harm and conflict sensitivity: two sides of the same coin?”. The event brought together VOICE members, leading practitioners from the humanitarian community as well as peacebuilding NGOs, academics and EU institutions’ representatives. The four panelists were Paul Murphy, Executive Director of Saferworld, Martina Zapf, Head of Programme Support at Interpeace, Peter van Sluijs, Senior Strategist at CORDAID and Michael Kühn, Senior Policy Advisor from Welthungerhilfe. The discussion was facilitated by Birte Hald, Brussels Representative of Danish Refugee Council.
  • Main findings of the Watch Group’s survey: Evaluation of the FPA 2014

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, FPA Task Force

    With this survey, the FPA Watch Group wishes to evaluate the current FPA (2014-2020), to provide input in the upcoming consultations on the next FPA and shape the future work of the Watch Group.
  • Not what she bargained for? Gender and the Grand Bargain

    Members' publications

    Tags: Grand Bargain, Gender

    This paper outlines recommendations to promote women’s leadership and participation across the humanitarian reform agenda, focusing on the three Grand Bargain workstreams:localisation, participation and cash.
  • Joint NGO networks letter to European Council June 2018 - External action in the next MFF

    Tags: Funding, NGOs, MFF

    Joint letter of the networks VOICE, HRDN (human rights and democracy), EPLO (peacebuilding) and CONCORD addressed to the EU Heads of States and Governments ahead of the European Council meeting of the 28 and 29 June which will discussed the next Multiannual Financial Framework and external affairs.
    The letter includes key common recommendations of the four networks.
  • 3rd Humanitarian innovation lunch: How to implement innovative operations?

    Tags: Innovation, NGOs

    The agenda of the lunch-event dedicated to innovation in humanitarian aid.
  • Framework paper: Towards a new FPA: State of play and ways forward

    FPA Watch Group

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, Partnership, FPA Task Force

    The present document 'Towards a new FPA: State of play and ways forward' is a base document developed by the FPA Watch Group on behalf of all ECHO NGO partners ahead of the elaboration of the 6th FPA.
    Building on the experience of ECHO FPA partners reflected throughout the previous years in the FPA Watch Group work plan and main discussions points, the present document has been developed as a joint paper gathering the FPA Watch Group main recommendations towards the next FPA.
  • 'Ensuring people's needs are at the heart of the nexus approach: an NGO perspective' - VOICE Policy Resolution 2018

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: Principles, Resilience, NGOs, General Assembly 2018, Nexus

    "Ensuring people's needs are at the heart of the nexus approach: an NGO perspective" this is the title of the Policy resolution adopted by VOICE network, during the General Assembly 2018
  • Exploring and fostering space for NGOs to add value in large scale operational models for humanitarian cash transfer programmes

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Cash, Grand Bargain

    This report is a summary of the key messages and main outcomes of the same workshop, organised by VOICE in the framework of its Grand Bargain project funded by the Belgian MFA. The event offered space for practitioners (including NGOs, the UN, the Red Cross, EU Member States, private sector officials, academics, and EU representatives) to exchange on best practices and share experiences. Participants explored the role and added value of NGOs in large scale cash transfer programmes all along the program cycle from needs-assessment to monitoring but also in relation to coordination.
  • VOICE out loud 27 Have we forgotten the Lake Chad Basin?

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Principles, DRR, Resilience, NGOs, Access, Development

    This edition of the VOICE out loud explores the situation in the Lake Chad Basin. We have asked our members in ACTED, Accion contra el Hambre, COOPI, DRC, Concern Worldwide to share their experiences about this complex and proctracted crisis.
  • Missing Millions: how older people with disabilities are excluded from humanitarian assistance

    Members' publications
  • FPA WG meeting exchange with ECHO - 15 March 2018

    FPA Watch Group
  • VOICE Event: Do no harm and conflict sensitivity: two sides of the same coin?

    Tags: Principles, Civ-Mil, General Assembly 2018

    Please find here the invitation to the event and the link to register.
  • VOICE Activity report 2017

    VOICE Activity Reports

    Tags: General Assembly 2017

    VOICE Activity Report 2017
  • NGO Collected Feedback and Recommendations for ODI’s annual report on the Grand Bargain

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Funding, NGOs, Partnership, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    This paper is designed to summarize the key feedback and recommendations identified through the group discussion between VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force & ICVA Humanitarian Financing Working Group, for ODI to consider as it prepares the final report.
  • Humanitarian NGOs call for immediate cessation of hostilities, protection of civilians and humanitarian access in Kachin and northern Shan, Myanmar

    Tags: Principles, NGOs, Access

  • 2nd Humanitarian innovation lunch on Financial innovation

    Tags: Funding, Innovation, Private Sector

    Download the full agenda of the event.
  • CARE report: Women and girls in emergencies

    Members' publications

    Tags: Gender

    A new report from CARE Danmark shows that women and girls in emergencies are extremely vulnerable. However, not enough funds are set aside to both prevent the problem and provide necessary support for the afflicted women.
  • VOICE President letter to Commissioners - Post 2020 MFF - March 2018

    Tags: Funding, Consensus, Principles, Partnership, MFF

    Ahead of the European Commission's proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework, the President of VOICE addresses the network's recommendations with regards to humanitarian aid financing.