Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
VOICE out loud 34 - Fighting against hunger: a humanitarian lens
15 December 2022VOICE out loudThe new edition of the VOICE out loud delves into the global hunger crisis which has reached a record high in recent years due to the combined factors of increasing conflicts, climate change and the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Also, VOICE members call for prompt and bold actions to fight hunger and reflect on how humanitarian efforts contribute to addressing the food crisis, at the time that they highlight some of the aspects that would help break the hunger pattern and its worsening condition.
VOICE out loud 33: Enabling principled humanitarian aid
23 June 2022VOICE out loudThis edition of VOL reflects on the existing humanitarian funding model, and the impact of IHL violations and donor sanctions regimes on the delivery of humanitarian aid. It also considers questions of how to finance new emergencies while ensuring no diversion of funding from other crises; how to promote and uphold IHL and reduce the level of risk to which humanitarian aid workers are exposed; and how to ensure that sanctions regimes do not undermine humanitarian organisations’ ability to apply the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. -
Finland and the Humanitarian- Development - Peace - Nexus
04 May 2022VOICE out loudIn this VOICE out loud article, Finn Church Aid explains why many Finnish NGOs are still facing challenges in adopting the Triple Nexus Approach. -
Working in the Triple Nexus- A Reflection from Sweden
11 April 2022VOICE out loudAccording to Lakarmissionen the operationalisation of the Triple Nexus approach needs constant learning by both implementing organisations and donors. The organisation shares in this article some key recommendations on how to operationalise this approach from a Swedish perspective. -
Co ordinated, multi- annual, flexible, and programmatic funding : A Perspective from Germany
23 February 2022VOICE out loudThe article by Malteser International explains how integrating humanitarian, transitional, and development funding is essential to building the Humanitarian- Development -Peace -Nexus approach.
The Danish Approach to Nexus
17 February 2022VOICE out loudIn this VOICE out loud article DanChurchAid and Danish Refugee Council analyse the Danish approach to the humanitarian- development-peace nexus. -
We World - Operationalisation of the Triple Nexus
11 February 2022VOICE out loudThis VOICE out loud article from our member We World describes how Italy is implementing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach.
VOICE out loud 32 - The EU Member States’ implementation of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
21 December 2021VOICE out loudThis new issue of the VOL focuses on how EU Member States are interpreting and implementing the triple nexus according to our members' perspective.
VOICE members based in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy and Sweden have been asked to share their views on how their respective governments are approaching the implementation of nexus Programmes and how these approaches are supporting their work at field level. The issue features also an interview with EPLO and an article from ACBAR, the Afghanistan NGOs Network. -
VOICE out loud 31 Special Edition: The value of NGOs humanitarian action in the era of COVID-19
09 September 2021VOICE out loudThe new VOICE out loud - Special Edition- highlights the high level of professionalism, flexibility and adaptability of NGOs in dealing with the increased needs and challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. -
VOICE out loud 30 - Humanitarian Action in the Era of Climate Change
05 August 2020VOICE out loudIn this edition of the VOICE out loud, VOICE members explore the effects of the climate crisis on humanitarian action and share how humanitarian NGOs are working to address them. -
VOICE out loud 29- European NGOs in emergencies: values and action
06 June 2019VOICE out loudThe articles in this VOICE out loud present the essential role of NGOs in the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable and crisis affected people. -
VOICE out loud 28- Adressing protection needs in humanitarian action
16 November 2018VOICE out loudIn this edition of the VOICE out loud, VOICE members reflect on different aspects of protection in their humanitarian operations. We hear also from Mr. Walter Fuelleman, ICRC representant in Brussels, on how protection work is changing and what in the EU can support or hinder this. -
VOICE out loud 27 Have we forgotten the Lake Chad Basin?
29 May 2018VOICE out loudThis edition of the VOICE out loud explores the situation in the Lake Chad Basin. We have asked our members in ACTED, Accion contra el Hambre, COOPI, DRC, Concern Worldwide to share their experiences about this complex and proctracted crisis. -
VOICE out loud 26 Exploring the humanitarian-development nexus
04 December 2017VOICE out loudIn this edition of the VOICE Out Loud we have asked our members to explore the opportunities and challenges of the humanitarian-development nexus. -
VOICE out loud n.25 Moving forward with the agenda for humanity
14 June 2017VOICE out loudThis new edition of VOICE out loud celebrates our 25th birthday focusing on moving forward and implementing the Agenda for Humanity. With reflections from the field in Nepal and in Central African Republic and contribution from our members in Sweden, Spain, UK, Belgium, this edition continues to celebrate the diversity of our network and its members's field experience and expertise. -
VOICE Out Loud 24: How humanitarian NGOs work with the private sector
02 December 2016VOICE out loudIn May of this year, governments, NGOs and international agencies came together at the World Humanitarian Summit to discuss the future of humanitarian aid worldwide. Also present, and involved in the process leading up to the Summit particularly around funding, were representatives from the private sector. Humanitarian NGOs and different private sector actors have worked together for years, but increasingly donors, including the EU, identify that there may be further potential benefits of private sector partnerships in times of ever-increasing humanitarian need. Such partnerships, though largely considered necessary, do not come without a challenge, particularly when applied in conflict settings where NGOs focus first on maintaining the humanitarian principles and standards. When NGOs seek to engage they must always carefully weigh the benefits and limits of the relationship with private sector actors.
Starting off this edition of the VOICE out loud, Handicap International and Welthungerhilfe write about the benefits and risks of working with the private sector, and explain what systems and criteria they use to choose companies to work with. Several members give examples of their successful collaborations with the private sector in the field and at home. HelpAge writes about the conditions for successfully working with cash in emergency situations with help from business partners. Mercy Corps UK showcases how partnerships can vary in different country settings, giving examples from Greece and Syria. Finally, Polish Humanitarian Action writes about working with companies to raise funds for programmes in the field.
In the view on the EU, Civil Society Europe presents outcomes from civil society reports that show evidence of shrinking civil society space in Europe. The section continues with an interview with Isabelle Brachet from the Action Aid EU office on the experience of development NGOs working on the role of the private sector in EU development policy and practice.
The 'field focus' is written by Plan UK about continuing displacement from the Burundi crisis, the importance of protection for young people in a forgotten crisis, and the work Plan is doing in neighbouring Tanzania to address this.
The VOICE @ work section highlights the networks' latest activities and publications, including roundtables and high-level meetings. -
VOICE Out Loud 23: Humanitarian NGOs and the European 'refugee crisis'
19 July 2016VOICE out loud2015 was the year that put refugees and the movement of people back on the global and European agenda. Europe saw the biggest refugee flow since World War II, many crossing over from Turkey into Greece. They flee from ongoing armed conflicts and mass killings in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and South Sudan. So long as these conflicts are not resolved there is no end in sight to the refugee flow. Following border closures throughout Europe, increasing numbers of refugees are finding themselves stuck in Greece, which is under pressure to cope. Humanitarian NGOs are trying to support the efforts of local civil society and authorities to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Greece and elsewhere, but in a difficult political environment, are concerned about the humanitarian principles and maintaining standards.
Kicking off this issue, the Danish Refugee Council describe the difficulty of upholding humanitarian standards in the midst of this humanitarian crisis. Complementing the basic needs of people in open air refugee camps in Greece is a challenge which Secours Islamique France addresses in its article on needs assessment. The Doctors of the World International Network highlights the best and worst in the European crisis facing migrants. Looking at the humanitarian principles in the context of the Europe Refugee Response, the Norwegian Refugee Council compares operations before and after the EU-Turkey Deal. SOS Childrens Villages draws lessons from the Balkan Route with an eye on children’s protection in the European migration crisis.
In a View from Turkey, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe explains how it uses partnerships to support refugee protection and assistance in South-Eastern Turkey.
The View from the EU section contains an interview with Catherine Woollard, Secretary General of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles. She shares her views on the EU’s response to the refugee crisis, the key issues with the EU-Turkey deal, and the recently adopted Communication on Forced Displacement and Development. We also hear from CARE on the additional challenge that humanitarian financing poses in this EU refugee crisis. -
VOICE Out Loud 21: European Year for Development: what's in it for humanitarian aid?
21 May 2015VOICE out loudIn this issue, VOICE members address the advantages and challenges of development and humanitarian working together, looking at DRR, Core Humanitarian Standard, displacement in urban settings. With consultations on the World Humanitarian Summit ongoing, 50 humanitarian NGOs made a statement on humanitarian principles, while civil society coalitions came together with priorities for implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reducation. We hear an update on the situation in Ukraine, and the views of the European Parliament standing rapporteur on humanitarian assistance, Mr. Guerrero-Salom MEP. -
VOICE out loud 20 - Towards the World Humanitarian Summit: an inclusive process?
04 December 2014VOICE out loud -
VOICE Out Loud 19: A closer look at EU humanitarian aid
26 September 2014VOICE out loudThis issue looks at the evolution of EU humanitarian aid, the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid's value especially in conflicts and complex crises, DRR and resilience programming, gender in humanitarian aid, and the EU's funding for humanitarian aid. The ICRC shares their views on key humanitarian challenges and we get an update on the situation in South Sudan. -
VOICE Out Loud 18: Whose emergency is it anyway? The role of local actors
29 October 2013VOICE out loud -
VOICE Out Loud 17: Humanitarian donors: policy and practice
30 May 2013VOICE out loud -
VOICE Out Loud 16: Accountability
22 October 2012VOICE out loudIn the search for quality humanitarian aid, the word ‘accountability’ is often mentioned in the same breath as ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’. But what does it really mean? Through a variety of articles from VOICE members, this newsletter aims to broaden the perspective on this important topic. -
VOICE Out Loud 15: Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) - 20th anniversary edition
25 May 2012VOICE out loudThis edition of the VOICE Out Loud focusses on Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD). Published in 2012, it also celebrates VOICE's 20th anniversary and contains a short history of VOICE on page 5.