Humanitarian NGOs call for a better EU response to refugees and migrants: VOICE 2016 Policy Resolution

We are pleased to share with you the 2016 VOICE policy resolution, Humanitarian NGOs call for a better EU response to refugees and migrants, as adopted by the General Assembly of VOICE members.
The resolution calls for the EU and its Member States to:
- show leadership to find political solutions to conflict, as the key root cause of displacement, and step up its role in conflict prevention.
- show greater commitment to respect and to promote respect for international law, international humanitarian law and refugee law.
- ensure that the EUs humanitarian assistance is not instrumentalised for political purposes in response to this crisis. It should go to the areas with the greatest need and not be linked to strategic decisions aimed at preventing migration to the EU.
- ensure effective search and rescue, independent of objectives of deterrence or border control.
- create credible and sufficient safe, legal and accessible mechanisms for those forced to flee, to prevent more lives being put at risk.
- further rely on their humanitarian NGO partners and their principled professional approach.
- ensure that protection is a priority in the current humanitarian funding on the refugee routes and in Greece.
- assess the added-value of new funding instruments with regard to flexibility, as well as timely and predictable delivery, and regarding programming and financial disbursements.
Click here to read the full policy resolution