
Building an enabling environment for local actors in humanitarian response: the crucial role of donors – EU CORD on the VOL 35

The pledge to provide at least 25% of humanitarian funding to local and national responders by 2020 is still unmet by its signatories in 2023. However, increased funding to local and national actors is not the only issue towards a localised humanitarian approach.

Localisation requires an ideological rethink that provides local actors with more control and resources. So, what can humanitarian donors do to strengthen the humanitarian community in general, and local actors in particular?

Direct funding from donors to local actors does not only optimise their interventions, but also legitimises the organisations’ work. In the same way, donors can raise the profile of local actors by recognising their work and highlighting their actions through traditional and social media channels.

In this article, EU CORD delves into the donor’s role in enabling local actors in humanitarian response, which will eventually benefit the whole humanitarian system and, ultimately, people in need.


Click here to read the article by EU CORD

Click here to read the whole VOICE out loud issue: “Localisation: exploring a multifaceted agenda”