Syria Conference, Panel: Food Security and Livelihoods Humanitarian Response

This session aims at taking stock of the development of the humanitarian situation inside Syria concerning the lack of livelihoods and food security. The panellists of the session will discuss the most efficient, dignified and durable approaches for strengthening food security response and livelihoods support inside Syria, as well as to reduce aid dependency amongst the most vulnerable individuals and communities. The session will pay particular attention to the needs and inclusion of vulnerable groups such as of women, children, elderly and people with disabilities.
Chair: Mr Janez Lenarčič, EU Commissioner for crisis management
- Ms Vivi Michou, European Commission DG ECHO, Director General
- Ms Corinne FLEISCHER, World Food Programme (WFP), Regional Director
- Mr Matthew NIMS, USAID, Dep. Assistant to the Administrator of USAID bureau of Humanitarian Assistance
- Mr Mike ROBSON, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Country Director Syria
- Ms Aline Yacoubian, Oxfam Syria, Emergency Food Security and Vulnerable Livelihoods Policy Officer
- Ms Jeannie ZIELINSKI, GOAL, Country Director Syria Response
- Mr Alaa WAFAI, Syrian Association for Relief and Development (SARD), Director
- Eng. Khaled ERKSOUSSI, Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), Secretary General
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