High-level Conference on Education in Emergencies (EiE)

DG ECHO and UNICEF invite you to the upcoming High-level Conference on Education in Emergencies (EiE), organised on the margins of the 2023 European Humanitarian Forum.
It is scheduled on Wednesday, 22 March 2023, in Brussels at The EGG Conference Centre, with a possibility of online participation.
The Conference comes at a time when the complexity and duration of crises increases, with growing levels of displacement which severely impact children and youth, attacks on education, global learning losses, and a structural underinvestment of the education sector. The event intends to follow up on the outcomes of the UN Transforming Education Summit and translate its commitments into concrete actions, stepping up engagement on education in humanitarian response by the EU and its Member States.
Through high-level panel discussions and testimonies from the people affected, youth and teachers, this High-level Conference will make the case for EiE, call for increased and coordinated investment in a nexus approach, strengthening whole-child approach in education, enhancing quality for stronger learning outcomes, and protecting the right to education.
More information on the programme and the registration will be shared soon!