Rule of law in Northeast and Northwest Syria A roundtable discussion on strengthened access to rights, justice, and protection for Syrians as a pathway to resiliency

World Vision International, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the North-West and Northeast Protection Clusters and the Global Protection Cluster invite you to attend a side event in the lead up to the Brussels VII Conference on Monday, 12 June at 10.00 am – 12.00 pm CET. This roundtable dialogue will be held in-person at World Vision’s office in Brussels and online via the link below, with Arabic translation available for online participants.
Access to rights in Northeast and Northwest Syria has become increasingly challenging for crisis-affected communities amidst the on-going conflict, and protection crisis, which began 12 years ago. The recent earthquakes in February have further compounded humanitarian needs while exacerbating existing protection concerns and driving new risks. Importantly, this includes growing risks linked to the loss of documentation, and the related intensification of risks related to trafficking, recruitment, evictions, and risks of statelessness for affected population groups in Northeast and Northwest Syria.
To reduce the vulnerability of Syrians residing in Northeast and Northwest Syria and strengthen their ability to enjoy basic rights, it is crucial to support strengthened rule of law, including via improved access to documentation and other legal services.
This roundtable discussion aims to support urgently needed reflection on how strengthened protection and rule of law can support pathways to resilience for crisis-affected communities in Northeast and Northwest Syria by bringing together protection and human rights partners to review the current situation and to explore new and alternative ways of working to ensure access to rights and longer term resiliency. Speakers will explore new findings from protection needs assessments and ways forward with related strategies and initiatives to strengthen protection and rights.
For in-person attendance, please RSVP by 9 June to:
For online participation, please register in advance and join via:
The Global Protection Cluster