Collectively advancing the protection of humanitarian and health workers: progresses, gaps and next steps

The side-event “Collectively advancing the protection of humanitarian and health workers: progresses, gaps and next steps”, is part of the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) 2023 that will be held from 21 to 23 June in Geneva.
This hybrid side-event will take place on June 22nd, from 1PM to 2.30PM (CEST), in Palais des Nations Room XXIII in Geneva and live-streamed.
The session is co-organised by Action Contre la Faim (ACF), Federation Handicap international – Humanity & Inclusion (HI), Médecins du Monde (MdM), together with Insecurity Insight, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO), Tamdeen Youth Foundation. In addition, we are glad to be co-sponsored by European Union; French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Permanent Mission of Finland; Permanent Mission of Norway; Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland; Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation; and Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF).
While the protection of humanitarian and health workers has been a long-standing preoccupation for the humanitarian sector, attacks against humanitarian and health workers continue to reveal worrying trends. The consortium members of the Presence, Proximity and Protection (PPP) ECHO funded project will present the main findings of a report which intends to provide an overview of the humanitarian community’s priorities to advance the protection of humanitarian and health workers, while building on existing commitments and relevant NGO and states’ led initiatives on the topic. Panelists and participants will be invited to discuss current challenges and progresses vis-à-vis the protection of humanitarian and health workers, share good practices, commit around joint priority recommendations and reflect on next operational steps.
Register by June 20th 2023:
For more information on the ECOSOC HAS 2023: click here