

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 12 items.

  • Unlocking the full potential of Anticipatory Action : VOICE Position Paper

    Resilience-Nexus Working Group

    Tags: Resilience, Climate, Nexus, Anticipatory action

    This position paper represents the views of the members of the VOICE Resilience-Nexus Working Group, which aims to provide the humanitarian NGO perspective on the European approach to resilience, climate change and the implementation of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.
  • VOICE Out Loud 37 "Anticipatory Action: Shaping the Future of Humanitarian Response"

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Anticipatory action

    This edition of the VOICE Out Loud explores the transformative potential of Anticipatory Action in humanitarian response, showcasing innovative strategies and localised approaches that enhance community resilience and proactive disaster mitigation.
  • [FR] Interview with Maria Groenewald, VOICE Director, for Francis Charhon (Chroniques philanthropiques)

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    Maria Groenewald, VOICE Director, discusses the role of European support in international humanitarian aid, emphasising the essential collaboration with European institutions and the ongoing challenges of funding insufficiency.
  • Video recording of the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Video recording of the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector : Where do we stand? Discussing an NGO perspective with EU stakeholders (19 November 2020).
  • Power Point presentation HI - VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Power Point presentation on the Réseau Logistique Humanitaire shared by Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion at the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector (19 November 2020).
  • Power Point presentation CARE - VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    Tags: Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain

    Power Point presentation on Cost-Efficiency Analysis: Protection CM, CCE, ECA by CARE Jordan at the VOICE Webinar on the Grand Bargain and the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector (19 November 2020).
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force Position Paper - An NGO perspective on the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    This position paper sets out views expressed by members of the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force to improve the humanitarian sector and to strive for more efficiency for the 167.6 million people in need of humanitarian intervention worldwide. There is an urgent need for European actors to follow up on the commitments made, and to put the people in need first by making our collective work more efficient. With this goal in mind, this position paper proposes recommendations to improve the efficiency of the humanitarian sector.
  • COVID- 19 Webinar: Video message from VOICE Director

    Tags: EU, NGOs, ECHO, COVID-19

    WEBINAR: European response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the delivery of humanitarian aid. Unfortunately, technical issues prevented VOICE Director Kathrin Schick to participate directly in the webinar. Her video intervention has been recorded afterward. Please click here to watch it!
  • VOICE Out Loud 24: How humanitarian NGOs work with the private sector

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: NGOs, Partnership, Private Sector

    In May of this year, governments, NGOs and international agencies came together at the World Humanitarian Summit to discuss the future of humanitarian aid worldwide. Also present, and involved in the process leading up to the Summit particularly around funding, were representatives from the private sector. Humanitarian NGOs and different private sector actors have worked together for years, but increasingly donors, including the EU, identify that there may be further potential benefits of private sector partnerships in times of ever-increasing humanitarian need. Such partnerships, though largely considered necessary, do not come without a challenge, particularly when applied in conflict settings where NGOs focus first on maintaining the humanitarian principles and standards. When NGOs seek to engage they must always carefully weigh the benefits and limits of the relationship with private sector actors.

    Starting off this edition of the VOICE out loud, Handicap International and Welthungerhilfe write about the benefits and risks of working with the private sector, and explain what systems and criteria they use to choose companies to work with. Several members give examples of their successful collaborations with the private sector in the field and at home. HelpAge writes about the conditions for successfully working with cash in emergency situations with help from business partners. Mercy Corps UK showcases how partnerships can vary in different country settings, giving examples from Greece and Syria. Finally, Polish Humanitarian Action writes about working with companies to raise funds for programmes in the field.

    In the view on the EU, Civil Society Europe presents outcomes from civil society reports that show evidence of shrinking civil society space in Europe. The section continues with an interview with Isabelle Brachet from the Action Aid EU office on the experience of development NGOs working on the role of the private sector in EU development policy and practice.

    The 'field focus' is written by Plan UK about continuing displacement from the Burundi crisis, the importance of protection for young people in a forgotten crisis, and the work Plan is doing in neighbouring Tanzania to address this.

    The VOICE @ work section highlights the networks' latest activities and publications, including roundtables and high-level meetings.
  • letter from VOICE Director re reconstitution FPA Watch Group

    FPA Watch Group
  • VOICE Out Loud 18: Whose emergency is it anyway? The role of local actors

    VOICE out loud
  • VOICE Out Loud 11: The humanitarian sector: perspectives on current trends and future challenges

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Principles, NGOs, Professional

    In this issue, different contributors look at the evolution and future of the humanitarian NGO sector, and the continuing relevance of professionalism and humanitarian principles. We hear about the instrumentalisation of aid in Afghanistan and the impact of the European External Action Service on humanitarian action.