

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 1 to 25 of 118 items.

  • VOICE Briefing - Partners in humanitarian action: Halfway through the EU Humanitarian Partnership 2021-2027

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: Humanitarian Partnership

    The VOICE Briefing 'Partners in humanitarian action: Halfway through the EU Humanitarian Partnership 2021-2027' takes stock of the DG ECHO-NGO partnership’s evolution under the HP 2021–2027, examining both the institutional transformations and practical experiences of NGOs within this framework.
  • VOICE Key highlights: The Mediterranean Sea: a Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, Humanitarian

    The key highlights report from VOICE's event "The Mediterranean Sea: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis?" calls for urgent international action, recognition of the humanitarian nature of the crisis, support for Search and Rescue NGOs, and stronger collaboration to address the escalating death toll in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • VOICE Statement - Revision of the EU’s long-term budget: a step backwards for EU humanitarian funding

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Funding, MFF

    This statement reacts to the outcome of the revision of the EU's multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, which came to an end in February 2024.
  • Artificial Intelligence: disruption or opportunity for humanitarian aid? - VOICE Key highlights

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Humanitarian

    The VOICE event ‘Artificial Intelligence: Disruption or Opportunity for Humanitarian Aid?’ brought together experts to delve into the transformative potential of AI in humanitarian action.
  • VOICE - La Coordinadora roundtable in Madrid "Neglected crises: from commitments to actions" - VOICE key highlights

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: EU, NGOs, Humanitarian

    This document summarises the main ideas discussed during the round table in Madrid, jointly organised with La Coordinadora, which aimed at triggering reflections on several humanitarian issues from the perspective of donors and NGOs.
  • Fighting hunger: a women-led response - VOICE key highlights

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Gender, Hunger

    This report gathers the main highlights and conclusions from the event "Fighting hunger: a women-led response" held by VOICE to shed light on the power of women in the fight against hunger.
  • VOICE Reflections after the European Humanitarian Forum 2023

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: Funding, Principles, NGOs, ECHO, Humanitarian, Sanctions

    VOICE reflections after the European Humanitarian Forum 2023, regarding:
    1. Addressing the funding gap: from recognition to action.
    2. Breaking the silos: Humanitarian aid alone cannot be the solution.
    3. Preserving humanitarian space: the humanitarian principles must be championed and the impacts of sanctions regimes
    on humanitarian aid mitigated.
  • VOICE Key Highlights: Humanitarian principles under threat? The Brussels launch of the SOHS ALNAP report

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Principles, NGOs, Humanitarian

    The document summarises the key takeaways of the event "Principles under threat?" the Brussels launch of the State of the Humanitarian System report by ALNAP on November 2022.
  • Funding Imbalances: How uneven prioritisation and insufficient funding affect humanitarian aid

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Funding, Humanitarian

    This paper summarises the main ideas discussed during the event 'Funding Imbalances: How uneven prioritisation and insufficient funding affect humanitarian aid', hosted by VOICE on 21 June 2022.
  • VOICE key highlights: VOICE - FoRS roundtable in Prague “New humanitarian trends and challenges in delivering humanitarian aid in light of the conflict in Ukraine

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Humanitarian

    This document is a summary of the main ideas discussed during the round table in Prague which aimed at triggering reflections on the global and regional humanitarian context from the perspective of donors and NGOs.
  • VOICE Position Paper: The humanitarian NGOs’ perspective on climate resilience

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: Resilience, Climate, Humanitarian, R-N WG - minutes - agendas - docs

    Climate change and environmental degradation are primary root causes of humanitarian crises around the world. In this Position Paper VOICE asks EU and Members States to scale up climate finance.

  • Adding to the evidence: the impact of sanctions and restrictive measures on humanitarian action

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Counter-terrorism, NGOs, Humanitarian

    This report captures the findings of an online survey on the impacts of sanctions and counter-terrorism (CT) restrictive measures on VOICE member NGOs, and the VOICE Webinar on EU Restrictive Measures and Humanitarian Aid: Between a principled view for exemptions and a pragmatic approach for an effective derogation process (December 2020).
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force Position Paper - An NGO perspective on the drive for efficiency in the humanitarian sector

    VOICE position papers

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain Task Force, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    This position paper sets out views expressed by members of the VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force to improve the humanitarian sector and to strive for more efficiency for the 167.6 million people in need of humanitarian intervention worldwide. There is an urgent need for European actors to follow up on the commitments made, and to put the people in need first by making our collective work more efficient. With this goal in mind, this position paper proposes recommendations to improve the efficiency of the humanitarian sector.
  • VOICE workshop Report: The impact of EU sanctions and restrictive measures on humanitarian action

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Principles, Counter-terrorism, NGOs, IHL

    The report from the workshop organised by VOICE gathering NGOs, external experts, European Member States and EU institutions’ representatives to discuss the evolving approach in the EU to sanctions and restrictive measures, their impact on the delivery of humanitarian aid and how to mitigate them.
  • EU humanitarian aid matters more than ever

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: EU, Principles, NGOs, Partnership

    A briefing outlining the importance of EU humanitarian aid implemented by NGOs that are in a unique position to respond to the most vulnerable.
  • VOICE FPA Briefing. Partners in Humanitarian Aid: The development of the ECHO-NGO relationship as governed by the Framework Partnership Agreement

    VOICE studies and briefing papers
    VOICE has produced this briefing to take stock of the evolving NGO-ECHO partnership – enshrined with the signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) – serving as an update of a previous VOICE publication on the topic from 2004. The briefing is based upon a desk review and a series of semi-structured interviews with former and current members of the FPA Watch Group, ECHO officials, and staff from the VOICE Secretariat. The interviews were carried out either in 2004 (for the initial version) or in 2017 and 2018 (for the updated version). Interviewees were selected so as to ensure a broad range of backgrounds and experiences (different geographic regions, areas of involvement and areas of expertise) in terms of the FPA process, ECHO-NGO relations, and the Watch Group and Task Force.
  • Case Studies - NGOs Perspectives on the EU's Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    These case studies were gathered from the membership of the VOICE DRR-Resilience Working Group to showcase how NGOs have implemented (or are implementing) a nexus approach. The case studies informed the broader report. The full case studies have been compiled by the VOICE Secretariat as a resource for those with a specific interest in nexus programming.
  • VOICE Report - NGO Perspectives on the EU's Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

    VOICE studies and briefing papers

    Tags: EU, Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    With this report, VOICE has sought to identify the current challenges and opportunities of working in a nexus approach from the humanitarian NGO perspective and to support NGOs to engage with the EU on the nexus approach.
  • Towards a more inclusive and contextualized implementation of the Grand Bargain

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain

    From December 2017 to May 2019, the VOICE network implemented a project funded by the Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which aimed to contribute to a more inclusive and possibly a more contextualized implementation of the Grand Bargain (GB), by fostering NGOs' and frontline responders' engagement in the Grand Bargain. In the framework of this project, several workshops and events were organised at EU and at field level. The report summarises the main findings and recommendations of these events.
  • Grand Bargain Workshop Reports : A Lebanese NGOs perspective in the Grand Bargain implementation

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Report on the Grand Bargain workshops held in Lebanon in October 2018 and May 2019. The workshops touched upon the questions of sharing understanding and perspectives on the implementation of the Grand Bargain and fostering space for NGOs operating in Lebanon to bring a field perspective into the discussions.
  • Applying a nexus approach to transcend the humanitarian-development-peace divide. How differently do we need to work to leave no one behind?

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Nexus

    Report of the nexus lab debate organised by VOICE, in collaboration with INTERSOS and EPLO, during the European Development Days in June 2019.
  • Comprendre le Grand Bargain et sa mise en oeuvre sur le terrain: Perspective et expérience des ONG en République Démocratique du Congo

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Rapport de l'atelier sur le Grand Bargain de Kinshasa, 17 et 18 avril 2019.
  • ‘Risk sharing to reach the Grand Bargain’? workshop

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain

    Report of the workshop held in March 2019 in London on the Grand Bargain and the issue of Risk Management.
  • 'Unpacking the localisation agenda: What do we mean by 'as local as possible'?'

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Report of the VOICE event on localisation held in May 2019 in Brussels.
  • The Grand Bargain: A vehicle for simplification?

    VOICE event reports
    Report from the simplification work shop 'The Grand Bargain: A vehicle for simplification?' held in Paris in November 2018.