

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 426 to 450 of 956 items.

  • Grand Bargain Workshop Reports : A Lebanese NGOs perspective in the Grand Bargain implementation

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Report on the Grand Bargain workshops held in Lebanon in October 2018 and May 2019. The workshops touched upon the questions of sharing understanding and perspectives on the implementation of the Grand Bargain and fostering space for NGOs operating in Lebanon to bring a field perspective into the discussions.
  • VOICE highlights 2018

    Tags: EU, Grand Bargain

    The network's achievements for 2018
  • Applying a nexus approach to transcend the humanitarian-development-peace divide. How differently do we need to work to leave no one behind?

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Nexus

    Report of the nexus lab debate organised by VOICE, in collaboration with INTERSOS and EPLO, during the European Development Days in June 2019.
  • Country-based pooled funds: The NGO perspective

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding

    More than 1,000 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have worked in partnership with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) since 2014 to implement the vast majority of funding channelled through country-based pooled funds (CBPFs). This study brings together their experiences and recommendations to improve a mechanism that has become a staple of the humanitarian landscape and financing toolbox.
  • Comprendre le Grand Bargain et sa mise en oeuvre sur le terrain: Perspective et expérience des ONG en République Démocratique du Congo

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Rapport de l'atelier sur le Grand Bargain de Kinshasa, 17 et 18 avril 2019.
  • Financing the Nexus: gaps and opportunities from a field perspective

    Members' publications

    Tags: Funding, Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

    This study done by the Norwegian Refugee Council in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) documents the extent to which predictable, multi-year flexible financing is available at the programme level and aims to understand the extent to which funding matches collective outcomes or the financial requirements of interoperable humanitarian and development plans. The study draws on evidence collected from Cameroon, CAR, Chad, DRC and Ukraine. The individual country reports are also available.
  • ‘Risk sharing to reach the Grand Bargain’? workshop

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain

    Report of the workshop held in March 2019 in London on the Grand Bargain and the issue of Risk Management.
  • The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: What does it mean for multi-mandated organizations?

    Members' publications

    Tags: NGOs, Nexus

    Climate change, conflict, growing inequality and escalating humanitarian needs are galvanizing questions about the effectiveness and efficiency of current humanitarian and development programming. Accompanying this are structural shifts across the aid system, which are changing how aid is planned and financed. Under the 'Triple Nexus' this will have profound implications for what we do, how we do it and with whom we do it. As a multi-mandated organization Oxfam has a unique contribution to make in sharing learning and encouraging good practice in this space. This discussion paper puts forward some of this thinking from across our programme, policy and funding expertise and draws on case studies to highlight critical questions and recommendations for furthering the debate.
  • Grand Bargain annual independent report 2019

    Tags: Grand Bargain

  • 'Unpacking the localisation agenda: What do we mean by 'as local as possible'?'

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Report of the VOICE event on localisation held in May 2019 in Brussels.
  • VOICE Grand Bargain Task Force Statement for the annual meeting – 27th June 2019

    Tags: NGOs, Grand Bargain, Humanitarian

    Ahead of the Grand Bargain annual meeting, the VOICE GB Task Force prepared a statement that calls for: keep the Grand Bargain alive, bring it to the field and unpack the issue of
    legal constraint and risk management!
  • The Grand Bargain: A vehicle for simplification?

    VOICE event reports
    Report from the simplification work shop 'The Grand Bargain: A vehicle for simplification?' held in Paris in November 2018.
  • 100 Years Fighting for Children - Annual Report 2018

    Members' publications
    Save the Children's programmes and advocacy span five main areas of work: education, health, protection, child poverty and child rights governance, in both long-term and emergency settings. This report tells the story of Save the Children's work for, and with, children in 2018.
  • A Feminist Approach to Cash Transfer Programming (CTP)

    Members' publications
    Cash transfer programming (CTP) has been hailed by humanitarian actors as an effective and efficient method of delivering aid - a view endorsed by the World Humanitarian Summit (2016). ActionAid UK’s think piece explores whether CTP can be relied upon as a gender transformative tool and whether it has the potential to enhance women’s empowerment.
  • VOICE out loud 29- European NGOs in emergencies: values and action

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Funding, Principles, Resilience, NGOs, ECHO, Humanitarian

    The articles in this VOICE out loud present the essential role of NGOs in the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable and crisis affected people.
  • FPA Watch Group 28/03/2019 - Exchange with ECHO

    Minutes from the exchange between ECHO and the FPA Watch Group on March 28, 2019.
  • "From Standards to context-based quality in humanitarian aid" - Sphere handbook launch

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Quality, Humanitarian

    Report of the VOICE-Sphere event "From Standards to context-based quality in humanitarian aid" that took place on 27 March 2019 to launch of the 4th edition of the Sphere Handbook.
  • We bend, we do not break. Resilient communities dealing with disaster and climate change

    Members' publications

    Tags: Resilience, Climate

    In this publication, CARE aims to highlight how the implementation of an Integrated Risk Management approach leads to social transformation and more resilient communities that are well prepared to deal with a diversity of shocks and challenges. The protagonists are the people themselves, sharing how their lives and the lives of members of their communities have improved. These stories are expanded upon with examples of CARE’s work within Partners for Resilience in each country.
  • Invitation to the VOICE EDD event on the nexus 18 June at 10:00

    Tags: Development, Nexus, Humanitarian

  • VOICE Policy Resolution 2019: 'EU humanitarian aid needs your support!'

    VOICE policy resolutions

    Tags: EU, Funding, Humanitarian, General Assembly 2019

    In the policy resolution 2019, VOICE calls on the member of the European Parliament, European Commission and EU member states to support crisis-affected people!
  • VOICE President Dominic Crowley closing remarks at the ‘Risk sharing to reach the Grand Bargain’ workshop

    VOICE event reports

    Tags: Grand Bargain

    Dominic Crowley closing remarks at the workshop ‘Risk sharing to reach the Grand Bargain’held in London the 20th of March This workshop, organised in the framework of the VOICE Grand Bargain project funded by the Belgium MFA, is the last one of a series of three organised in the EU.
  • VOICE Event on Localisation, 14 May 2019

    Tags: General Assembly 2019, Grand Bargain

    Please find here the invitation to the VOICE Event - Unpacking the localisation agenda: What do we mean by ‘as local as possible’?
  • VOICE Activity Report 2018

    VOICE Activity Reports

    Tags: General Assembly 2019

  • NGO reaction to the "Brussels III" Conference on Supporting Syria and the Region, 14 March 2019

    Tags: Syrian crisis, Funding

    Following the III Brussels Syria Conference, 15 aid agencies, including many VOICE members, called for a sustained follow-up to ensure political and funding support translates into meaningful improvements for all Syrians.
  • Caritas Position Paper on Brussels III Syria Crisis Conference, March 2019

    Members' publications

    Tags: Syrian crisis

    Caritas Position Paper written for the Days of Dialogue of Brussels III conference for “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” that took place in the European Parliament on 12-13 March 2019.
    Caritas delegates from both Europe and the Middle East participated to represent the entire Caritas confederation. Committed to helping on the ground, the confederation wants to remind that Syrians are experiencing major needs, whether as displaced persons in the country or as refugees in neighboring countries.