Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector.
Please note that members-only documents will not be visible unless you are logged in.
WHS, the Grand Bargain, Aleppo and Ukraine: what should the EU’s humanitarian priorities be in 2017? Stockholm Roundtable
15 April 2017VOICE event reports -
Donor counter-terrorism measures and principled humanitarian action: Where are we at?
09 February 2017VOICE event reportsVOICE organised this event on 30 November 2016 to raise awareness of NGOs and other stakeholders about the impact of counter-terrorism laws and policies on humanitarian action. It was attended by 104 participants from civil society and European Institutions. -
Bratislava regional roundtable - final report
21 December 2016VOICE event reportsOn 14 November 2016, VOICE and the Slovak NGO platform MVRO hosted a regional roundtable and workshops on "Working differently to end need". -
World Humanitarian Summit: outcomes and next steps for the EU
12 July 2016VOICE event reportsThis event brought together 77 participants from the humanitarian aid sector, many of which attended the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in Istanbul. In a panel discussion and subsequent discussion round, the main themes were the strength and weaknesses of the Summit, as well as emerging trends and next steps. -
WHS - the European road to and from Istanbul
18 February 2016VOICE event reportsFollowing from the Dutch Humanitarian Summit and on the occasion of the Netherlands EU presidency, this Roundtable brought together NGOs active in humanitarian aid from the Netherlands and Europe with other relevant actors to take stock and discuss priorities to feed into the continuing process of the World Humanitarian Summit. 49 people participated in the event which covered an overview of the Summit and views on what should be the European Union and Dutch priorities leading up to it. A discussion on what was at stake regarding bridging between humanitarian and development aid focussed especially on refugees, displacement, LRRD and localisation, while the discussion with a focus on funding looked at the importance of simplifying funding conditions, the Dutch government’s medium term changes, the Dutch Relief Alliance model and innovation. -
Humanitarian NGOs - actors in the European refugee flow?
11 November 2015VOICE event reports -
Conflict, the Comprehensive Approach and Humanitarian Aid: what does 'In but Out' really mean? May 2015
22 July 2015VOICE event reportsThis event, gathering 88 people, discussed how the European Commissions Department for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) is 'In but Out' of the EU Comprehensive Approach to Conflict and External Crises. -
Humanitarian Roundtable Spain on the EU aid architecture and the World Humanitarian Summit 2015
20 July 2015VOICE event reportsThis event was hosted by Caritas Espanola and organised with the support of CONGDE and IECAH. 36 people participated in the discussions with guest speakers from the European Commission DG ECHO, the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat, the Spanish Foreign Ministry and the VOICE Board. The discussions looked at the opportunities and challenges of the current EU aid architecture and the next steps towards the World Humanitarian Summit. -
VOICE - Link 2007 'Humanitarian Challenges in 2014/2015' Roundtable, Rome October 2014
19 December 2014VOICE event reportsThis Roundtable on Humanitarian Aid, held during the Italian EU Presidency brought together NGOs active in humanitarian aid from Italy and Europe, as well as academia, civil protection, ministries and European institutions. In addition to furthering debate on humanitarian topics, this
event presented a good opportunity to examine links between EU and national realities as relates to humanitarian policy and practice. As stressed by many speakers, 2014 has been the annus horribilis for the high number of crises – Syria, Iraq, CAR, South Sudan and Ebola just to mention some, and the need for political solutions to ongoing crises was raised repeatedly. Discussions also focused on the collaboration between NGOs and civil protection and military actors. A further panel highlighted strategies and challenges regarding funding, and NGOs’ experiences of using communication to increase support for their work and make humanitarian work more visible. -
VOICE-VENRO Berlin Roundtable report 2014
19 December 2014VOICE event reportsThe Roundtable took place in Berlin on 11 March 2014. It brought together 41 participants, representing the German NGO community, the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (DG ECHO) as well as the VOICE Board.
On 11 March 2014, VOICE and VENRO jointly organised a Roundtable in Berlin for German humanitarian actors under the theme of EU humanitarian aid challenges in 2014 in the German Caritas offices. Representatives from more than 20 NGOs, the VOICE Board and Secretariat, ECHO, the German Foreign ministry, the German Parliament, academia and the military participated in the discussions, helping to feed the links between German and EU humanitarian aid.
Implementation of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid and European humanitarian aid funding in 2014 dominated the morning’s discussions while the afternoon discussions focused on innovative approaches to resourcing and ensuring quality in humanitarian aid. -
World Humanitarian Summit: What’s in it for NGOs? (November 2014)
30 November 2014VOICE event reports -
The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid - an NGO perspective
24 May 2014VOICE event reportsVOICE study 'The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid - an NGO perspective' was launched at an event on Monday 19 May 2014. It aimed to give an overview of the Member States' (MS) and NGOs' engagement with the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid and how it informed MS' humanitarian policy and practice. -
Impact of donor counter-terrorism measures on principled humanitarian action: What can the EU do?
03 December 2013VOICE event reportsOn 4 November 2013, VOICE organised an event to raise awareness of NGOs and other stakeholders about the impact of counter-terrorism laws and policies on humanitarian action. The event gathered around seventy-five participants from NGOs, Red Cross Movement and the European Commission. -
Humanitarian NGOs - something to celebrate?
22 June 2012VOICE event reportsVOICE turned 20 years' old in 2012; the network’s anniversary offered a chance to reflect on the role of humanitarian NGOs in the past and future. What has been their contribution to the evolving humanitarian sector? What challenges should they expect in the years ahead, and how can they best prepare for these? VOICE asked three leading scholars and practitioners to share their expert views on the issue.
From Disaster Risk Reduction to Comprehensive Resilience – Towards a Common Understanding
17 August 2011VOICE event reportsReport of a panel discussion held in London in June 2011, jointly organised by VOICE and member Action Aid. -
Humanitarian NGOs in a changing world - how do we adapt?
12 April 2010VOICE event reportsEvent co-organised by VOICE, ALNAP and the Humanitarian Futures Programme. -
Field Security and Perception, Experiences from Crisis Situations
12 October 2007VOICE event reportsThe Round Table focused on the very actual topic of security on the ground in humanitarian crisis. The debate – organised in collaboration with GRIP (Groupe de recherche et d’information sur la paix et la sécurité), and the financial support of DG ECHO, aimed at contributing to the debate on security not being solely a technical matter, but that there are other aspects to consider, due to different actors having different perceptions of what is security. The interventions to prepare the debate were given by two researchers contributing to the Feinstein International Center’s preliminary report “Humanitarian Agenda 2015: Principles, Power, and Perceptions” and related country studies. The NGO perspective was provided by Action Contre la Faim. The fourth speaker added the security realities of the journalists to the discussion in order to broaden the discussion outside the humanitarian community. -
Round Table Copenhagen 2007 Report
12 October 2007VOICE event reportsVOICE organised a Round Table in Copenhagen in cooperation with DanChurchAid and with the financial support of DG ECHO.
The programme was organised around two main topics.
The first one focused on "Trends in EU Humanitarian Policy and Funding" and included presentations by DG ECHO, VOICE, Save the Children and DanChurchAid.
The second part of the day was dedicated to Civil military relations. The Danish Humanitarian Office (DANIDA) and COWI presented the latest developments in Denmark. -
VOICE ICRC Round Table Minutes - December 2006
01 December 2006VOICE event reports -
VOICE SEMINAR “Strategic Resourcing in Humanitarian NGOs: Towards the Coexistence of Professionalism and Voluntarism?”
01 July 2006VOICE event reportsThe objective of the seminar organised in association with People In Aid - was to raise awareness of the main issues relating to professionalism and voluntarism in humanitarian aid and to debate the role that voluntarism can play in filling the human resource gap in the humanitarian sector. -
01 June 2006VOICE event reportsThis Round Table aimed at engaging the VOICE Board (SCHA), senior management level of VOICE member organizations and other relevant humanitarian actors in a dialogue on relevant EC policy issues related to EU humanitarian aid, with a special emphasis on the Spanish NGO environment.
VOICE has organised similar events with the French NGO community (Paris, October 2005) and the UK NGO community (London, February 2006). A closed session between the VOICE Board and the Spanish VOICE member organisations was held before the open session.
This Roundtable has been organised in cooperation with Coordinadora, the Spanish platform of aid NGOs, with the financial support of EC DG Humanitarian Aid. Some 35 representatives of Spanish NGOs participated in this event.
VOICE Round Table London 2006
01 February 2006VOICE event reportsROUNDTABLE in UK London, 3 February 2006
VOICE organised a roundtable on "Civil military relations and civil protection" and on 'Conclusions from the UK Presidency of the EU and the future Peace and Security Agenda?', including contributions by DG ECHO, DFID, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and VOICE SCHA Member Rainer Lucht.
The meeting was organised with the support of Save the Children UK and took place at their premises. As with the previous round table organized in Paris in October 2005, it was a good opportunity to familiarize SCHA members with the British NGO concerns and for informal networking with our members and the wider humanitarian NGO community in the UK. This event was supported by the EC through its Humanitarian Aid department -
Table Ronde VOICE - compte rendu - Paris - 4OCT2005
01 October 2005VOICE event reports -
Round Table Tsunami 4 months - minutes - 28APR2005
01 April 2005VOICE event reports