

Throughout the year, VOICE produces and disseminates key documents reflecting on humanitarian aid issues at the EU level and from an NGO perspective. They are addressed to decision-makers within the European institutions, at the National level, to NGO networks and other stakeholders of the humanitarian community, as well as to the VOICE members. Some documents are produced by the VOICE Secretariat with the support of VOICE members while others are publications from members and other key stakeholders in the humanitarian sector. 

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Showing 51 to 64 of 64 items.

  • VOICE Out Loud 14: Partnerships for humanitarian aid

    VOICE out loud
  • VOICE Out Loud 13: Is independent humanitarian action a myth?

    VOICE out loud
  • VOICE Out Loud 12: Haiti: The NGO Perspective

    VOICE out loud
  • VOICE Out Loud 11: The humanitarian sector: perspectives on current trends and future challenges

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Principles, NGOs, Professional

    In this issue, different contributors look at the evolution and future of the humanitarian NGO sector, and the continuing relevance of professionalism and humanitarian principles. We hear about the instrumentalisation of aid in Afghanistan and the impact of the European External Action Service on humanitarian action.
  • VOICE Out Loud 10: Humanitarian Aid and Security

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Security, Principles, NGOs, Access, Civ-Mil

    This edition looks at challenges of providing aid in insecure environments, including the perception of INGOs, the importance of security policies, working with the military and the space for INGOs, information management in insecure environments, and adherence to principles to enable assistance in Somalia.
  • VOICE Out Loud 9: Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Refugees, DRR, Climate

    In this issue our members explore the links between disaster risk reduction, climate change and displacement. We hear about the new European landscape for humanitarian aid and Pakistan's displacement crisis.
  • VOICE Out Loud 8: Humanitarian NGOs and EU diversity

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Funding, NGOs, Partnership

    This issue of VOICE Out Loud examines NGOs' perspectives on their national governments' policies and practices. Humanitarian aid professionsals from VOICE members in Spain, France, Ireland, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark discuss the impacts of their governments policies on their operational work as well as on their advocacy efforts.
  • VOICE Out Loud 7: Humanitarian Aid and Water

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: DRR, NGOs

    Many VOICE members are active in water programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. While prioritising the vital question of safe and reliable access to water, their perspectives and responses are varied. Humanitarian assistance also links with water with peacebuilding and conflict transformation as well as effective water management, community empowerment and better disaster preparedness.
  • VOICE Out Loud 6 - Focus on: Advocacy in the humanitarian field

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: EU, Security, DRR, Civ-Mil

    In this issue, members share their experiences doing advocacy on a variety of issues and ways, including reproductive health in crises, DRR, protection, with private security companies, civil military relations, Islamic relief and poverty reduction. The VOICE secretariat shares its perspective on the 'EU reform treaty' and we learn about the role of ICT in disaster prevention and response.
  • VOICE Out Loud 5 - Focus on: Vulnerability in Humanitarian Crisis

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Refugees, Professional, Crisis Management

    This issue looks at vulnerability in humanitarian crises from a few angles, including assistance to IDPs, gender based violence in conflict, disability in emergencies and the needs of persons with trauma and psycho-social disabilities, indigenous persons' needs. IN the view on the EU, World Vision asks if the EU's evolving crisis capabilities are good news for those in crisis, and Mission East gives the picture from Afghanistan.
  • VOICE Out Loud 4 - Focus on: LRRD

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Security, Funding, DRR, LRRD, Development

    This issue looks at linking relief rehabilitation and development from different and angles, including education, food aid, complex emergencies, communities, and disaster risk reduction. CARE asks if there is enough funding for humanitarian emergencies, and Premiere Urgence gives the field perspective from Iraq.
  • VOICE Out Loud 3 - Focus on: Humanitarian NGOs in a changing world

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: NGOs, Principles, Access, Civ-Mil

    This edition looks at a variety of challenges for humanitarian NGOs in a changing world, and includes the view from Congo and Occupied Palestinian Territories:
    - complex crises and preserving a particular NGO identify
    - public perceptions of NGOs 'when you represent the enemy'
    - instrumentalisation of NGO identity
    - legitimacy and cooperation with the military
    - UN humanitarian reform
    - legislation affecting NGOs
  • VOICE Out Loud 2 - Focus on: Transparency and accountability of humanitarian NGOs

    VOICE out loud

    Tags: Funding, NGOs, Quality, Voluntary

    In this edition, different aspects of transparency and accountability are examined. Looking at how NGOs deal with funds from the public, to how they work in consortia for more transparency, to the importance of talking with beneficiaries, different quality standards under development, assessing the Tsunami intervention and the European humanitarian voluntary corps. We also hear from our members in Chechnya.
  • VOICE Out Loud 1 - Focus on: HIV/AIDS in Emergencies

    VOICE out loud